You Are My Gravity

Chapter 728

Qin se was suddenly a little moved. He was able to let a young man find his way in life. Really A little bit of accomplishment.

Qin se is more and more determined in her heart and wants to study hard with Zhou Ping.

Whether it's for yourself or for the people around you.

Qin se said to he Zhaowen seriously, "well You refuel, you can find the direction of life, I am really happy, I believe, you will succeed, do the police is very good, can help more people

Before leaving, Qin se gave he Zhaowen a chicken soup.

She said that she thought of a foreign film she had seen before. The line in it was: the truth is like the sun. It may be hidden for a while, but it will always be there, everywhere

Those who do evil can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime.

After that, he Zhaowen went to be the one who revealed the darkness.

After saying goodbye to he Zhaowen and getting on the bus, Qin se asked Bailu, "did you cheat him just now?"

"Do you mean that girl is the first child?"

Qin se nodded: "Well!"

Bailu sighed: "if you don't cheat him, do you have the heart to tell him that the girl is gone?"

Qin se shook his head. I can't bear it.

That girl is a pitiful one. He Zhaowen hopes that she can be reincarnated. As a result After all, the reality is cruel.

Bailu sighed: "so, it's better to keep it a secret. It's better to let him have some hope. Otherwise, children of this age will not be able to walk out for a long time because they are too stimulated."

Qin SE's reply to Bailu was really surprised: "ah, I didn't expect that you still have such a kind side."

Bailu said with a smile: "little girl, don't tell me how evil I am, OK? I'm not a bad person at all. I never wanted to kill people. "

Bailu used to be a poor person. She couldn't stand being discriminated against and looked down upon by others, so she chose to use that kind of extreme method to make herself beautiful and no longer be ridiculed.

But in these years, although she had slept with many men, she never killed anyone.

Qin se sighed: "yes, there's no way. People always have to look forward when they live. It's a good thing that he Zhaowen can choose to be a policeman. For him, not knowing this is the best ending."

Bailu nodded.

Both of them have some regrets in their hearts, but in life, how many things are perfect.

More are regrets, regrets.

This is the official end of the affair of he Zhaowen.

Although Huo Tianen has been dissuading him, he still did not discuss with his family and went back to senior three.

At this time, senior high school has begun, and he Zhaowen, who returns to senior high school, is not the same as before. He no longer muddles around. He studies hard every day, gets up early and returns late, and studies hard.

The track of his life, here, turn a bay!

Perhaps, the future road will not be easy, he will still encounter a lot of difficulties and setbacks.

But, he knows his future direction!

Know what kind of road you are going to take!

So, no longer afraid of the future, no longer confused!


After Qin se went back, he told Zhou Ping about he Zhaowen.

"Mom, you are so powerful. After this, the whole person's feeling has changed. I feel that you have saved a young man who failed. Mom, you have great merits." , the fastest update of the webnovel!