You Are My Gravity

Chapter 727

Bailu said to one side, "yes, if you are reincarnated, you should leave the world where she shouldn't exist and go to the place where she should go. You don't need to worry too much."

Bailu knows about he Zhaowen.

He Zhaowen had a smile on his face: "that I'm relieved... "

Bailu sighed in her heart.

The girl's soul is gone.

She is a fierce ghost. After her death, she wanders around the world and refuses to leave. She is full of resentment. During this period, it should be harmful to people's lives. Otherwise, the resentment will not grow so much in a short time.

Although, in the end, her anger seemed to disappear, but In the past few years, the bitterness and her soul have become one and integrated with each other.

Therefore, after she has dissipated her resentment, the ghost form will not exist for long.

The most important point is that if she is really involved in human life, then You can't be reincarnated.

Bailu didn't have the heart to tell he Zhaowen.

It is estimated that he will not accept this for a long time in the future.

In the end is a child, although the reality is cruel, but still give him some hope.

Qin se took a look at Bailu. "Your business is over, and your life is back to normal. What's your plan next?"

He Zhaowen smile, some not very funny, he scratched his head, said: "I intend to go back to senior three."

He Zhaowen has gone to university. Like Huo Tianen, they are both college students now.

It's just

Both of them are not very good at study, and they go to university carelessly. They usually have money at home and spend all day muddling around, so they don't go to class very much.

He Zhaowen surprised Qin Se and Huo Tianen.


Huo Tianen pushed he Zhaowen: "no, mosquito, what do you say? You You're going back to senior three. Are you crazy? Is it Wang Xiaowen's business that leaves you with any sequelae, which makes your brain unclear? "

He Zhaowen shook his head: "I'm not crazy. I really want to go back to senior three. I want to study hard for a year and apply for the police examination next year."

Qin SE's eyes almost came out, "eh?"

Isn't it true that they can exorcise evil spirits and make the prodigal son turn around, turn evil into good and wake up?

Qin se asked, "are you sure?"

He Zhaowen nodded: "I'm sure I've been thinking about it these two days. I want to help people like Wang Xiaowen. Although my ability may be insignificant, it's better than doing nothing. I don't want to be like this. I want to do something meaningful."

He Zhaowen recalled the past 19 years. He had a very relaxed life, although he had some psychological problems.

However, they have not suffered any hardship, and they have no pursuit of life. Everyday life is pale without any color.

It's like living day by day, waiting to die.

After Wang Xiaowen's incident, he Zhaowen suddenly seems to wake up. He doesn't want to continue to be confused.

He wanted to be a good man, at least not for nothing.

Huo Tianen looked at he Zhaowen in shock. "You haven't said a word these two days. It turns out All thinking about it? "

He Zhaowen nodded: "yes! I don't want my life to be wasted... "

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