You Are My Gravity

Chapter 721

"I warn you, Zhen bao'er, I'm not dead yet. If you dare to say you like other men again, I won't let you get out of bed for a month..."

Gu Zhixin's vicious threat.

Zhen bao'er blushed: "the door is unlocked. The nurse will come in at any time. Please let me go Gu Zhixin... " Zhen bao'er's voice trembled, soft and charming.

On the contrary, Gu Zhixin was more energetic: "it's really nice to hear. Let's call again..."

"Son of a bitch..."

Under a thin quilt, Zhen bao'er's jeans have been pulled back to her ankles. Her face is flushed, her eyes are moist, and her body trembles in Gu Zhixin's arms, shy and afraid.

Sure enough, the more you fear, the more you fear.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and the nurse came to inspect the room.

"28 bed Gu..."

As soon as the nurse looked up, she saw Zhen bao'er and Gu Zhixin lying on the same bed in an ambiguous and strange posture. Zhen bao'er's face was red as if she could smoke, and her eyes were full of beauty. Her teeth were biting her red lips, and she dared not lift her head.

The nurse is not a little girl who is unconscious. She knows what's going on at a glance. She is embarrassed.

It's not to look, it's not to look.

If I knew earlier, I would come back later. Oh, I can't do it. What if the injury gets worse after the intense exercise?

The little nurse coughed twice: "cough Well, pay attention to it in the hospital. For the patient in bed 28, your injury is still very serious. Don't do it for the time being No, strenuous exercise... "

"Well You, you It's better to sleep in separate beds... "

Gu Zhixin's face is black. Zhen bao'er is so ashamed that she wants to get her head under the ground.

Now she hates Gu Zhixin, a son of a bitch who is jealous of everything.

As I said just now, the door is not locked. The nurse will come in at any time.

Zhen bao'er feels that he has never been so humiliated in his life.

The nurse is also very humiliating and embarrassed. After all, she is not a middle-aged woman who is married and has a baby. She gives a couple of advice before she leaves.

But still not at ease, go out, or to remind a: "remember to sleep in separate beds ah."

Out of the door, the nurse was still thinking, no, after doctor fan arrived tomorrow, I'd better tell him to remind the couple.

In the hospital, and injured, or don't feel the fire, too bad?

After the nurse left, Zhen bao'er grabbed Gu Zhixin's arm and bit it down.

"It's all you. I told you that the door is unlocked. The nurse will come in at any time. You still have to move Now that I'm seen, how can I go out and meet people in the future? "

Gu Zhixin didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he held Zhen Baoer in his arms.

"See? We are a normal couple, lying in the same bed. Isn't that normal? "

If it wasn't for Gu Zhixin's injury, Zhen Baoer would have kicked him down.

"Normal a fart, you don't forget, you are a patient, does the patient know?"

Gu Zhixin didn't feel shy at all. Instead, he said, "you are such a beautiful wife in front of me. If I don't mind, it's not right. Do you know?"

Zhen bao'er twisted on his arm: "go away, don't lie in the same bed with me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!