You Are My Gravity

Chapter 720

I wipe, hooligan, can say so righteously!

It's like she's not his woman. No, Pooh, she's not his woman.

Zhen bao'er struggles twice, but Gu Zhixin's arm is really strong and hugs Zhen bao'er's waist tightly.

Their bodies are close to each other. Gu Zhixin keeps turning over Zhen bao'er's microblog with a tablet. He finds that almost all of the microblogs in recent years have something to do with Qin Zheng. She seems to have become a fan of Qin Zheng.

In addition, there are more hot expressions in front, such as: I love Didi, sister didi loves you Didi, the loveliest zither in the world, my sister takes you to the road, Chongya!

Like, love

Seeing Zhen bao'er use these words, Gu Zhixin's heart is as sour as swallowing a whole lemon

Up to now, this woman has not used such warm words to express her love. As a result, she even said love to a young man.

Bah Love your sister.

Even if Qin Zheng is his sister-in-law's brother, Gu Zhixin can't accept it.

Next time, if Qin Zheng comes home, Gu Zhixin thinks he can clean him up.

Let him not be a young man and go out and hook up with other women.

Not to mention, the key is

Zhen bao'er has not even pulled him out of the blacklist.

Not yet - not yet - yes!!!

Gu Zhixin holds Zhen bao'er's arm and grits her teeth angrily. This damned woman is How long has it been? In order to make a list for Qin Zheng, she can post several microblogs in an hour, but she refuses to pull him out of the blacklist.

Gu Zhixin gritted his teeth and said, "Zhen bao'er."

Zhen bao'er snorted: "why?"

Gu Zhixin said angrily: "you haven't paid attention to me up to now..."

He thought, I'll give you another chance. If you just forget, I'll I'll forgive you one more time.

So, he didn't say directly that you haven't pulled me out of the blacklist.

As a result, Zhen bao'er gave him a white look: "what is this? You are still on my blacklist."

Zhen bao'er thinks that he is really brave. He is not afraid of this guy at all!

"You..." Gu Zhixin's breath is heavy.

"Zhen, Bao and ER, I find you are not so brave OK, ok You're good... "

Zhen bao'er turned over her white teeth: "cut..."

"If I don't teach you a lesson, you really don't know who is your husband..."

"Who's your husband? I'm Single Zhen bao'er is not afraid to die.

Zhen bao'er is very upset. Today, I'll teach you a lesson to let you know that I'm not very hot

But She still underestimates Gu Zhixin's hooliganism.

Suddenly, Gu Zhixin's hand quickly unbuttoned Zhen bao'er's jeans

Zhen bao'er's body was tight, and he quickly called out: "you let go Rascal Ah... "

Zhen bao'er gasped: "Gu Zhixin, you let me go, you let me go quickly, you hooligan, you have forgotten everything the doctor said..."

Gu Zhixin lowered his head and bit the soft meat on Zhen bao'er's neck: "that's right. I forget all about it. My own women all like other little men. If I don't work harder, you won't fly away..."

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