You Are My Gravity

Chapter 722

Gu Zhixin has no sense of shame, "I don't Anyway, she saw it. What's the point of me leaving at this time? Besides, I'm a sick man. How can you let me go... "

"Yes, if you don't go away, I'll go away!"

Gu Zhixin hugged Zhen bao'er, his face was close to her neck, and he suddenly called out: "bao'er..."

Zhen bao'er felt that the whole person was numb.

She really can't resist Gu Zhixin's coquetry, which makes people itch and can't say the taste.

Especially when his face is close to her sensitive neck, he seems to be kissing her when he talks. Her hot breath makes her feel that her temperature is rising.

Gu Zhixin added: "bao'er, apart from being younger than me, where else can Qin Zheng compare with me?"

"Besides, I'm not very old. I'm only 24 years old. In my prime, I look better than him, don't I?"

These two points can not be refuted by Zhen bao'er.

It's really young and energetic. The performance in bed is fierce and lasting.

Moreover, few people can match that evil face. Although Qin Zheng is also very good-looking, he's still young. He's green and tender. He hasn't fully grown up. Compared with Gu Zhixin, it's really It's a little bit inferior.

Gu Zhixin continued: "besides, I'm rich. I'm rich, but I'm much richer than him With me, I can give you everything you want... "

Gu Zhixin almost didn't say just now that Qin Zheng is still an artist of his company. He is the boss of Qin Zheng.

Zhen bao'er nods. Yes, it's not wrong. Qin Zheng is not rich.


Does this contradict his love of Qin Zheng?

Zhen bao'er asked, "so, what's the use of telling me this?"

Do you have a relationship with the man you like?

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Most of the girls who like Qin Zheng have boyfriends. Some of them have husbands and sons. They don't like it all the same.

At the last public performance, some girls went directly with their boyfriends because Qin Zheng said that if you have time to chase me, you might as well think about how to get rid of the single.

So the girls took their boyfriends over and let Qin Zheng have a look. My mother has successfully taken off the list and someone wants it. So don't make excuses for me not to chase you.

Gu Zhixin gritted his teeth: "you..."

He said so much, and she just said it lightly. What's the use?

Is what he said not clear enough?

It's OK to have his husband. Why do you like others again?

Gu Zhixin bit Zhen bao'er's neck: "in the future, you can only like me. You can't like that boy any more."

The strength of his bite is not big, and it doesn't hurt. Zhen bao'er stares at him: "I really despise you. Is Qin Zheng the same as you two? I just want to catch up with a star. Don't make me want to be a star. "

Gu Zhixin was very angry, but when he heard this, he suddenly felt better.

Red apricot out of the wall!

Well Her ability to say so shows that her heart has confirmed that he is his man, and she is still riding on his wall.

Gu Zhixin kisses Zhen Baoer's face: "then you pull me out of the blacklist first!"

Zhen bao'er doesn't move: "is that no longer in your hands? Do it yourself... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!