You Are My Gravity

Chapter 719

Who knows if they will be cut off by those unscrupulous media and make up rumors.

In the entertainment industry, you can't tell the truth too much.

Qin Zheng finished, just that consulting Qin Zheng lack brother-in-law boy immediately very exaggerated issued a scream.

Today's atmosphere is very good, no training, no stage, the task of the program group today is to let the players eat and drink well!

The videos of Zhou Ping and Qin se become the biggest laughs of the whole collection.

After yesterday's broadcast, we immediately boarded the hot search.

The girls who like Qin Zheng are all crazy, shouting "Granny Zhou Ping".

#Passerby fan'er, after watching several programs, I found that Qin Zheng is really a treasure boy. His whole family is a treasure #Please don't worry, mother-in-law. When Qin Zheng didi comes of age, I promise to marry him. With all my wealth, I won't let you worry about it.

? It's too much upstairs. It's clearly my mother-in-law. Can you yell? #

? Mother in law, elder sister, take it easy. I will make a million yuan a year, do housework, cook delicious food, and grow well. I can definitely take care of my younger brother in the future #Mother in law, I will be filial to you in the future #

open the microblog and search the screen full of grandma.

What's more, sister Qin Zheng likes Chen Mo, the most distracted mosaic, treasure mother-in-law, and Zhen bao'er's tears are coming out with her tablet computer in her arms.

"No, no, Qin Zheng is so pathetic Oh, I can't... "

After watching it, Zhen bao'er rushed to vote for Qin Zheng, and on her micro blog, she sent a Qin Zheng expression pack made by netizens, which said: my real name loves me, Didi, ha ha ha When I saw the interview video of my mother and sister yesterday, I didn't know how much I felt. Ha ha ha

Zhen bao'er just click publish, suddenly she sank, scared her to scream: "ah..."

Looking around, it was Gu Zhixin. His face was black, as if others owed him millions.

Zhen bao'er pushed him on the shoulder: "you don't want to die. You forgot what the doctor said today?"

Today, the doctor is still saying, let Gu Zhixin not move these two days.

If it's hurt again, it's not easy to recover.

Gu Zhixin sneered: "forget..."

He grabbed Zhen bao'er's tablet, just saw her micro blog, gritted his teeth and said: "I love other men!"

Zhen bao'er's mouth twitched: "that's Qin Zheng. It's Qin SE's younger brother. I watched him grow up. What's other man? Gu Zhixin, don't be so jealous, OK?"

Gu Zhixin's mouth turned, yin and Yang strange way: "ha ha, you are also watching your brother grow up, why don't you love him, he should need you to love now?"

Zhen bao'er clears her throat. Can she say that she is chasing stars?

"That's different," she said, "if Jinbao can be as good as Qin Zheng, I will let him be like this. Now Jinbao needs to be tempered. Otherwise, should I watch him abandon? Gu Zhixin, you start, I tell you, the doctor said today, you It's you. Pay attention This is a public place. What do you mean when you hug me? "

Gu Zhixin disdained: "cut What do you care if I hold my own woman? "

Zhen bao'er , the fastest update of the webnovel!