You Are My Gravity

Chapter 714

He Zhaowen couldn't help asking: "master Zhou, can Can't ask one more question, her resentment dispersed, that Is that possible? "

Zhou Ping said: "maybe..."

"You keep the umbrella first and save it for me. I'll take it in two days. If it's damaged or lost, you can't afford to pay even if you take the money."

He Zhaowen nodded quickly: "I will put it, I will put it..."

Gu Jingyuan opens the door and asks Qin Se and Zhou Ping to go up first.

Watching their car leave, Huo Tianen sighed: "this is really unexpected. Who would have thought it would be this result? However, today's incident also tells me one thing. Damn, the world is too dangerous. In any word, I may die one day. In the future, I really need to speak less and do more good deeds... "

He Zhaowen nodded. Yes, the world is terrible.

They have always thought that this is a three-dimensional society, maybe there are four dimensions, or higher dimensions, but they are all based on science.

But I never thought that there would be ghosts in this world.

Today is really a long experience.

Huo Tianen said: "I don't know how many years this son of a bitch can be sentenced."

He Zhaowen gritted his teeth and said, "if this kind of dog is not sentenced to death, it must be sentenced to life imprisonment. If he comes out, it's not harmful to society Moreover, the social impact of this incident is so bad that the judge should always consider the public opinion... "

Huo Tianen quickly picked up his mobile phone, opened his microblog and forwarded it. He hoped that this incident would attract the attention of the whole people.

The sun in the sky is still very big. He Zhaowen can't feel Wang Xiaowen. He doesn't know if she has left.

After hesitation, he Zhaowen asked, "you I see I don't know. You Are you still there? I don't know. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? "

He Zhaowen didn't feel it, and he couldn't hear anything.

He Zhaowen sighs, Zhou Ping is not here, he can't feel Wang Xiaowen at all.

Huo Tianen said to he Zhaowen, "let's go. Everyone has been arrested."

He Zhaowen hesitated: "but..."

"Let's go. She has seen everything she wants to see. I think She won't do anything more to you. "

He Zhaowen sighs. He doesn't think that Wang Xiaowen will do anything to herself. He thinks that Is this the end of the matter?

She Didn't you leave a word?

He Zhaowen looked at the school gate, sighed, and left with Huo Tianen.

Of course, in the afternoon, the police issued a notice. Although the number of words is not many, it has confirmed the charge of Mr. Li and told the public that the case is still under investigation. There are more victims in this case. The police will inform the public of the progress of the case.

This makes netizens more excited.

Countless people went to the official blog of the police to leave a message, hoping to deal with the matter seriously and kill the animal.

Public opinion has reached its peak. The rest is waiting for the police to find out the case, and then hand it over to the judicial authorities after the case is closed.

However, the process is a bit long.


Back home, Qin se poured a glass of water for Zhou Ping and said, "Mom, how much are you going to charge that boy?"

Today, Zhou Ping suffered from a bite. Now her head hurts a little, and her chest feels like a needle prick. It's very uncomfortable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!