You Are My Gravity

Chapter 713

Outside the school gate, Huo Tianen saw the police come out and said quickly: "come out, come out Everybody's good. It's the son of a bitch. Bah I'm also a teacher. I'm a scum, a beast, a scum, a pervert... "

"You see, this bastard has been engaged in the teaching industry for nearly 10 years. I don't know how many innocent girls have stretched out their claws. So many poor girls have been ruined by him Now, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and this dog is finally caught This kind of animal will live and die a hundred times without getting rid of his hatred... "

Huo Tianen has many fans on his microblog because he is the director's own son.

Although he has not entered the entertainment industry, everyone thinks that he will enter sooner or later. He occasionally does live broadcast on microblog, and there are still a lot of onlookers.

But before the live broadcast, it's really not nutritious.

It's the first time for a meaningful panic like today.

What's more, news like this that can cause public opinion explosion is very eye-catching, and more and more people come into the room.

Some people are dubious, some people have begun to abuse, who has no children in his family, even if he has no children, there should always be relatives and friends around him, who is not angry when they hear such things?

The police carried people out and got directly into the police car.

On the microblog, Gu Jingyuan has informed some media about Mr. Li. While the police arrested Mr. Li, they have quickly written a manuscript and published it on the Internet.

At the urging of Huo Tianen, director Huo and his wife both forwarded the news, and said that they hope this incident can get everyone's attention, so that the guilty people can get serious punishment, and also hope to better protect the minor children in the future.

The police's exact information has not been sent out, the Internet has been noisy.

Some people butchered Mr. Li, and some anonymous revelations came out.

Most of the anonymous revelations were made by girls who had been molested by Miss Li. One girl said that after seeing the news, she could no longer help crying out. The beast was finally caught. The nightmare she had hidden in her heart for many years was that she had the courage to say it at this moment.

The police car left.

Gu Jingyuan put his arm around Qin SE's shoulder: "next, the matter will be handed over to the police. The public opinion has given so much pressure. The whole people are paying attention to this matter. The relevant departments will handle it carefully. Let's go. Let's go home."

Qin se nodded: "I hope those girls can be well protected."

Next, the police will check how many victims there are, and they will search for the victims one by one.

It's a painful process for those girls.

If there is an accident in that link, it will be a secondary injury to those little girls.

Gu Jingyuan comforted Qin se: "don't worry, the police will protect the privacy of those victims, they won't leak the information of those people..."

It's just that we need to worry about the unscrupulous media.

Those media in order to attract attention, for gimmicks, will eat the victims of human blood steamed bread!

Zhou Ping took a look at he Zhaowen and said, "boy, we're leaving. I'll send the fee back to your mobile phone, and you can settle it for me once, without credit."

Huo Tianen quickly turned off the live broadcast and said: "I'm sorry You're leaving now. Is this over? No No more... "

Zhou Ping nodded: "when the matter is solved, her resentment will be relieved, and he will be OK"

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