You Are My Gravity

Chapter 715

She drank water and said, "as much as you should charge, you'll get a lot of money."

"Well, I can calculate that today, it's almost 200000 yuan only. In particular, a rune drawn with Jingyuan's blood has been discarded. However, how much do you plan to charge for the practice?"

Zhou Ping made a mental calculation and said, "add 600000 yuan to all. After all I'm still a child. It's not too big. I'll take less. "

Qin se nodded, 600000, it is really not much, compared with the Huo family that charge, this is too conscience!

"Well, Ma, go and have a rest. I'll take care of the rest."

When Xiang Qiuchi heard this, he shook his head. One day 600000. It's a damn discount. It's not too much for a child. If it's an adult, then How much do you charge?


This world of all evils!

Why there is such an industry? It's really enviable!

Xiang Qiuchi thinks that it's better to hold this thigh tightly in the future, so it's better to be an assistant.

Make money!

In the past, the charge for doing tasks to Qiuchi was very high.

But, it's all money for life.

Moreover, those tasks can not be completed in a day or two. Some difficult tasks take a long time to complete and cost a lot of money.

Where can I make such a comfortable profit!

And it's only one day, just one day

Zhou Ping tells Qin se to tell he Zhaowen that she must call them as soon as possible.

Then he went to rest.

Qin se sighed to Gu Jingyuan: "that son of a bitch, I think even the death sentence is cheap for him, not to mention Now the law doesn't impose death penalty on people like him. I feel hateful when I think about it... "

Gu Jingyuan rubbed Qin SE's hair. "This is not necessarily. The case has just been filed. The police are still investigating. Who knows what he has done in these years? However, even if he can't be sentenced to death, he won't be able to get out of prison alive in his life... "

Since Gu Jingyuan has already done it, he won't let it go. At last, he picks it up and puts it down.

This kind of person is something he despises.

This kind of thing is really a waste of food and air.

Of course, as a good law-abiding citizen, Gu Jingyuan would not really kill Mr. Li.

It's just that he will do something to make Mr. Li's accusation more serious.

It's too serious to put it down!

Xiang Qiuchi came over with an apple and asked Qin se, "what's your charge Standard? "

Qin se shook his head: "standard? This In my mother's words, it's the standard... "

Xiang Qiuchi

This is really It makes people more and more jealous.

In his heart, jealousy makes people ugly, calm, calm

To autumn pool heart secretly sigh, way: "that you this income is really considerable, one day 600000."

Qin se tilted his head to look at Qiuchi, as if looking at a guy who didn't know.

She said: "what is this? It's only 600000..."

Xiang Qiuchi: I wipe, only 600000, only Just Just

The word "Cai" has never been so evil to Xiang Qiuchi.

Qin se said, "do you know how much money my mother collected last time?"

"How much?" Out of curiosity, he asked Qiuchi this question!

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