You Are My Gravity

Chapter 712

The police's words made the whole class in an uproar. Except for the girls who had been raped by him, no student could think that the crimes mentioned by the police would be like a beast in human skin with their usually kind and humorous English teacher.

Would do something so terrible.

Two policemen came forward with handcuffs, and Mr. Li stepped back.

As soon as Mr. Li saw the battle, he didn't understand anything in his heart. His dirty things were exposed, and his future was over. Last week, the headmaster told him that if he was asked to be an excellent teacher in a few days, his salary would be higher, and his position in the school would go up to a higher level.

Now, if this matter is exposed, everything is over for him.

Mr. Li has been engaged in teaching for nearly 10 years. In these years, he has started with many young children, and many of them have succeeded.

Every girl he chooses is cowardly and introverted, or has other reasons that he can control.

He has a way to ensure that they will not talk nonsense, dare not talk nonsense.

Minor children, the heart is better to control.

He used all kinds of threats to control the girls, so that they did not dare to say, let them wither in fear.

Then he went to choose a new target, so many years, he never failed, which made him very proud.

Li did not expect that one day, in this way, he would be exposed for many years. In front of all his students, the police would take him away.

Li teacher has been back, the mouth also refuted refused to admit: "you must be wrong, absolutely not me, not me, not me..."

"I advise you not to try to arrest, otherwise, when sentencing, the punishment will be heavier," the policeman said

But Mr. Li still refused to be arrested. He kept retreating. There was only one idea in his mind that he could not be arrested. If he was arrested, everything would be over.

Forced by the police, there was no way out. Mr. Li suddenly pushed open the window and did nothing. He turned over the window and jumped down.

The students in the class suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

The police responded quickly. They ran to the window, and the others were afraid that he would run away. If they ran away, they could take off their hats.

Fortunately, senior three (four) class is on the third floor, not high or low, after jumping, people can not die.

But Miss Li fell on her leg and lay on the ground, screaming hysterically in pain.

His right leg twisted into a strange angle, as if it was no longer part of his body.

The police rushed down, handcuffed the man and carried him away.

The police came to the school to arrest people, which can not be small in any case.

When taking people away, almost all the teachers didn't even go to class. They ran out to see what was going on, and the students didn't go to class. They all ran out to watch the excitement.

After all, it never happened in their school.

In addition to the senior three (4) class students, heard the words of the police, other people do not know anything, one after another in this round of normal reputation is very good, the treatment of people is also very good, teacher Li in the end committed what, ah, so many police, directly went to the school to catch people.

It's so curious!

Their last impression of Mr. Li was the scream of pain when he was carried away , the fastest update of the webnovel!