You Are My Gravity

Chapter 711

They drove to the high school where Mr. Li was teaching. At this time, the school was still in class and the police had not arrived.

Mr. Li didn't know that he would be stopped soon.

, Mr. Li, who transferred from Yu De high school to a key high school two years ago, also served as a head teacher in senior three. It can be said that he has been promoted, and has also been commended as a prestigious teacher in today's school.

But in the eyes of outsiders, such a prestigious teacher is the scum of his own face and heart.

Xiang Qiuchi stopped and said, "here we are."

High school campuses are closed, especially during classes, vehicles are not allowed to enter.

Xiang Qiuchi said, "we can't get in. We have to be at the school gate."

Zhou Ping nodded, pushed the door open and got out of the car.

At this time, the sun is just right, under the hot sun, the temperature can roast people.


At this time, no one cares too much about this, everyone is waiting for the police car to arrive,

sure enough, soon, the police car came, several of them came.

Huo Tianen quickly took out his mobile phone and opened a live software: "I want to do a live broadcast, I want to let everyone know the real face of this son of a bitch..."

"Oh, by the way, I'm going to go to my father, let him help spread it, create public opinion, let everyone pay attention to this matter, the police station and the court bring some pressure, let them deal with this scum more seriously..."

They didn't stop Zhou Ping because every school didn't want to have a scandal like this.

It's too bad for the reputation of the school and the enrollment in the future.

It's not that similar things have never happened before. Some teachers with bad morals and the school want to cover up the truth in order to maintain the reputation of the school.

So sometimes, it is inevitable to use the knife of public opinion.

The police on the bus got off one after another. The guard quickly opened the school gate and let them in

He Zhaowen stood at the door, holding a broken umbrella and looking at the policemen. He said in his heart: you can watch. Soon, he will be arrested. Soon He will be disgraced and notorious, and he will not come to a good end

After the police went in, Gu Jingyuan arrived within five minutes.

Qin se was absorbed in looking at the school gate when she was suddenly held by her hand. She turned her head to see Gu Jingyuan. A bright smile immediately appeared on her face: "Why are you here?"

Gu Jingyuan smile: "don't trust you, come and have a look."

He looked at Zhou Ping and called, "Mom."

Zhou Ping nodded: "today's business, thanks to you."

Gu Jingyuan said: "it's all right. We are a family. Besides, scum like this should be found out earlier."

In the school, the police have come directly to the door of class 4 in senior three.

The appearance of the police made the class silent for a moment.

The policeman's face was expressionless: "is it Li Guoqiang?"

"It's me, comrade police. What can I do for you?"

The police took out an arrest warrant and said coldly, "you are suspected of indecent assault and rape. Now you are formally arrested. I hope you will cooperate."

Li also made a very shocked face, "what? Are you kidding me? You must have made a mistake. It must be a duplicate name. How can I? What evidence do you have? "

The policeman's voice was cold and harsh: "those things in your house are hard evidence. You can't sophistry. Take them away!"


it's over today. Good night

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