You Are My Gravity

Chapter 563

Zhou Ping blushed and pulled out his hand: "you When I was 18 years old, would I still listen to your sweet words? Shut up... "

Zhou Pingzhen thinks that Xu Mu is becoming more and more shameless. At least he is a movie king.

Before meeting Xu mu, Zhou Ping, from the fragmentary reports, said that Xu Mu was elegant, polite, gentle and clean. She had never had an affair with any female star, and she had the professional ethics of an actor.

Is a regardless of character, or acting are very good male star.


After getting to know Xu mu, Zhou Ping's good impressions of Xu Mu have been gradually broken, and now they have been completely overturned.

This is clearly a super shameless old man.

Xu Mu immediately shut up.

After a while, he said, "I've been busy all day, recording the program all the time. After recording the program, I came with the director and they didn't rest for a while..."

Xu Mu looks at Zhou Ping wrongly.

He is really not willing to work now, so he wants to go to Zhou Ping!

However, teacher Zhou Ping didn't like to see him, which made Xu Mu a little worried!

Zhou Ping glanced at Xu mu.

The clothes he was wearing were really serious.

She seems to have makeup on her face. It looks like she just came back from the program.

Looking at Xu Mu's slightly aggrieved eyes, Zhou Ping felt more or less soft.

"What are you doing here if you don't go home?" she said

Xu Mu took a furtive look at Zhou Ping and whispered, "aren't you here?"

Zhou Ping

She suddenly wanted to stick Xu Mu's mouth with adhesive tape.

This guy, how can he do this Ah

Is it that all the lines used to be used to deal with her when I played affectionate male number one.

If she's a little girl, she's supposed to be seduced by him.


She is the mother of two children, who will listen to his unreliable sweet words.

She's not the kind of girl who loves more than anything.

Zhou pingchong and Xu Mu show a fake smile.

Xu Mu sighed and failed again. It's useless in all!

It seems that it's useless to follow the routine of romance.


It's better to be grounded.

Xu Mu said, "I'll make you what you want to eat tonight."

"It's like I'm a terrible cook."

Xu Mu quickly explained: "it's not that your cooking is bad. It's that I want to cook for you. I don't want you to work so hard. Just give it to me."

Zhou Ping was amused by his words

Although Xu Mu now subverts her previous understanding, but Now he is more like a living, living, sometimes boring, sometimes It also makes people feel like some kind friends.

Very grounded, there is no distance, is no longer a distant movie king.

It's just a The most common man!

Zhou Ping squinted at him: "OK, since you are like this, you can make dinner."

Xu Mu immediately cheered up: "OK!"

Xu Mu was happy to stay today. He ran to the kitchen to see what was in the refrigerator.

As soon as he left, Qin se came out and said with emotion: "Mom You see, Uncle Xu is so virtuous. If you look at Gu Jingyuan again, nothing will happen except money. "

Zhou Ping raised her eyebrows, "so you want to call dad?"

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