You Are My Gravity

Chapter 562

Director Zheng thinks that with Zhou Ping's words, when it's broadcast, it's sure to ignite Qin Zheng's fans and help him circle a lot of fans.

The family's laughter is just enough.

The interview is finally over.

Qin se asked the director: "that director, you must remember, later must give us mosaic Make sure you type... "

The director nodded, "OK, OK, don't worry."

"Be sure to be distracted."

"Understand, understand..."

After the interview, Zhou Ping cut two watermelons for everyone, and the program team finished eating before leaving.

Before leaving, director Zheng asked: "Mr. Xu, don't you go together?"

Xu Mu shook his head: "you go first Goodbye. "

Of course he won't go. He will stay.

The director was suspicious again and felt that there must be something fishy in it.


The van of the program team, when it starts.

The staff then you a word I a language exchange.

"God, I didn't expect Qin Zheng's family to be so rich."

"Not only rich, but also the whole family is so beautiful. Qin Zheng's mother has a good temperament, and his sister is also good-looking And his brother-in-law. He's so handsome. God doesn't have eyes. All the good-looking people have gone together. "

"Well, don't you think Mr. Xu is very strange? Even if Qin Zheng and his company, even if he is going to take Qin Zheng, but I'm not so familiar with Qin Zheng family. It's just like my own family. "

"Yes, didn't you find that after the interview, Mr. Xu helped Qin Zheng's mother arrange her hair, so close."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "I know what's going on. Look, this is a picture taken by Mr. Xu before. Do you think this picture looks like Qin Zheng family..."

"My God, it's really I have a very bold guess... "

"This Qin Zheng mother, should not be Mrs. shepherd? "


At the moment, Mr. Xu is continuing the unfinished apology with Mrs. mu.

Before the interview, he tweeted that he was "thrown" out of the house by secretly kissing Zhou Ping.

Under his microblog, a group of people are laughing at him

Xu Mu's fans are now on one side, all of them are in Zhou Ping's camp.

#Old Xu is so bold now that he dares to kiss our sister-in-law without reporting #

﹥ Mrs. Mu is powerful. You are too obscene today ﹥

﹥ Mr. Xu, don't die. Go to apologize to Mrs. Mu and be more eager to survive ﹥ now, Mr. Xu, who is eager to survive, sits opposite Zhou Ping and says seriously: "I'm wrong. I'll tell you in advance before next kiss..."

Zhou Ping glared at him: "next time? And you told me, "next time?"

"No, no, I mean I mean I mean... " Xu Mu took a deep breath: "give me a chance."

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth: "go away! You say you come here all day long, you are not busy? You're not the most valuable movie king. There are hundreds of scripts waiting for you to choose. There are countless advertisements waiting for you to shoot? Can't you get down to business? "

Xu Mu said seriously: "you are my business!"


Zhou Ping's face is a little red.

Xu Mu got up and sat down in front of Zhou Ping. He reached out and tried to grab her hand: "my business now is only you. When I think of you, I think those jobs are boring." , the fastest update of the webnovel!