You Are My Gravity

Chapter 564

Qin se leaned on Zhou Ping: "Hey, hey Mom, you're really good at seeing through What do you think of China? Uncle Xu cooks delicious food and is virtuous. The key is that he never messes up outside What a nice man... "

Zhou Ping poked her in the head: "if you dare to speak for him in front of me again, believe it or not, I won't let him in the future..."

Qin se quickly waved his hand: "no, mom, I won't say it. Can I? Please don't We have something to say! "

If you annoy their empress dowager, Uncle Xu will not be able to enter the door.

Qin se felt that he had really done evil.

However, Qin se looked at her mother, who was as quick as the Buddha, and felt even more distressed.

Her father has been gone for so many years.

Zhou Ping has lived through her youth until now. She has tried her best to bring her and Qin Zheng up.

In these years, Qin se seldom meets Zhou Ping. What's so happy about her.

Zhou Ping did not have too much to do with other men, she was alone, supporting a home.

After so many years, Qin se didn't want Zhou Ping to be alone again.

Qin se hopes to have someone who can accompany her well. Her mother can accompany her all the time

The appearance of Xu Mu made Qin se happy.

Because Xu Mu is really a very hard to find man, all aspects of the conditions are particularly excellent, and, not married.

The key is to like her mother very much.

So Qin se hopes that Zhou Ping and Xu mu can get together slowly.

I hope my mother, who has been lonely for so many years, can have a person to accompany her, knowing the warmth and coldness, and caring.

Qin se stretched out a finger: "Mom, I'll say the last sentence, just one more..."

"Mom, it's time for you to think about yourself. In fact, you are still very young. Today, the director said that we are sisters. You are not old at all, so there is still a long way to go in the future."

Zhou Ping smiles. She looks very gentle.

She touched Qin SE's face when she thought her mother was being talked about.

Zhou Ping said with a smile, "go and tell Xu Mu to stop cooking and go home."


Qin se waved: "Mom, mom Calm down. Uncle Xu, don't blame him. He doesn't know anything. I'm talkative. I don't dare to talk nonsense any more I I'm going to go up and reflect on myself... "

Before Qin se finished his words, he left.

She ran upstairs to catch her breath.

Dear mother, hello It's so scary.

Gu Jingyuan is sitting on the bed with a computer processing some of the company's affairs, Qin se ran in, he did not even blink an eyelid.

Qin se patted her chest and saw that Gu Jingyuan didn't even look at her. She leaned over and said, "don't you ask me what happened?"

Gu Jingyuan's ten fingers are flying on the keyboard, and his face doesn't change

Qin se sighed: "my mother and Uncle Xu are very anxious to watch..."

Gu Jingyuan stopped and took a look at Qin.

"Urgent? You haven't solved your own problems yet. Do you still have time to worry about others? "

What's the matter with me

Gu Jingyuan, ha ha

PA, close the computer, also ignore Qin se turn to lie down.

After about three or four minutes.

Gu Jingyuan felt a little itchy at his waist, and his restless little paws got in from the hem of his coat! , the fastest update of the webnovel!