You Are My Gravity

Chapter 528

After Xu MUFA went up, he quickly replied to himself as follows: in order to make my sister-in-law feel that I am a very capable person, she ate a meal I cooked and wanted to eat a second meal, so What should I do better?

Soon, even in the morning, the fans who were woken up by him saw that Xu Mu's microblog exploded.

This time, most of them praised him.

After all, Lao Xu is going to make breakfast for Mrs. mu.

We, Lao Xu, are finally going to be men living at home.

In this regard, fans said that there is nothing more satisfying than this.

So they began to give Xu Mu advice.

#As the saying goes, if you want to catch a woman's heart, you must first tie her stomach. Lao Xu, come on, let your sister-in-law have a look at your craft. Don't give us shame! #

# Lao Xu, it's still early now. You have a lot of time to prepare. I've made a list for you. It's in the figure below. You can refer to #

# can't you do it upstairs? Can you believe Lao Xu's skill? Let me say, Lao Xu would like to make something simple and delicious. Don't be too complicated. Otherwise, it's bad to make it, and then piss off his sister-in-law. That's to say, if my sister-in-law and sister eat it, bah, it's too bad, and such an immoral man can't take it, what should we do then? Xu Mu just looked at the fans who loved him and cried out one by one To protect the stomach of my sister-in-law and sister-in-law, I couldn't help taking a puff from the corner of my mouth. These fans, who want to change with each passing day!

Xu Mu simply dropped his cell phone and stopped looking.

I opened the refrigerator and swept the ingredients inside.

He knows that both Zhou Ping and Qin se are used to eating Chinese breakfast, but they can't make it too complicated. If they mess up, Zhou Ping says, what can we do without such a useless man as him?

Xu Mu was influenced by his fans.

He first used a casserole to cook porridge, then took out a piece of raw meat, cut it into small pieces and set it aside, waiting to make lean porridge.

Then hurry to do something else.


Zhou Ping didn't have to make breakfast today, so she slept a little longer. She woke up at nearly 7 o'clock and went downstairs.

As soon as I went downstairs, I smelled a smell of rice.

Zhou Ping was not very hungry, but when she smelled the delicious food, her stomach immediately gave a cry.

Zhou Ping went to the kitchen door and saw that Xu Mu was still busy.

Wearing the plaid apron with ruffles that she usually wears when she cooks, the small fire on the fire is making porridge, and the smoke is mixed with the aroma of rice. He is busy standing in the lampblack, but Zhou Ping feels that Xu Mu is much more handsome than on the big screen at this moment.

Zhou Ping looked at it for a while, but her eyes were a little hot.

She always cooks for others, which is really For the first time, a man cooked for her.

Zhou Ping took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that you actually made it."

Xu Mu was startled. He looked back at Zhou Ping and said with a smile, "you wake up. It's getting better here. It hasn't been done for a long time, but it's still done."

When Zhou Ping saw the potato field cut nearby, she was surprised and said, "you Good knife work. "

Xu Mu smiles: "I made a special cooking movie three or four years ago. I wanted to play a kitchen god, but I couldn't do anything at that time, so I went to learn cooking half a year in advance. I learned almost the same about knife work and spoon bumping In the future, if you want to eat, I can often make it for you. "

Xu Mu praised himself in his heart. It's really wonderful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!