You Are My Gravity

Chapter 527

Chen Mo twists twice and pushes Qin Zheng away.

"I just want to think about it now, but at that time, if both of us are in the debut list in the final, what will we do then? I think it will be very troublesome. As soon as the headquarters can form a group, just leave the group "

Chen Mo whispered:" and Now there are some players who secretly say that you have backstage and that Mr. Xu Mu is very kind to you. He is so bad. He is the first. There must be something inside. He said Maybe it's the producers who are controlling the number of votes. You haven't found out. Recently, have you been isolated? "

Qin Zheng opened his hand: "it's not one day or two that I've been isolated. The back door is true. Xu mu Oh, he dares not to give me a try now, but It's the audience who likes it. It's not fake. If they have the ability, let them be fans and hold them up. "

A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face: "you're right Have the ability to let the audience like to go! "

Qin Zheng talked to silence for a while, got up and continued to practice,.

While jumping, he said, "when will this kind of day come to an end I want to go home... "


It's very early in summer.

Before 6 o'clock, Xu Mu came.

At this time, Zhou Ping has not yet got up.

Wake up, down to open the door, see Xu Mu a face of displeasure: "you come so early to do what?"

Xu Mu said with a smile, "today I'm not going to the Huo family. I'll come to see if there's anything I can do for you."

"You are very interested in your friend. They say that birds of a feather flock together. Your friend is not a good thing, so you..." Zhou Ping looked Xu Mu up and down.

Xu Mu immediately said, "I'm a good thing!"

He raised his hand: "I swear, I've never done anything immoral to harm people's interests..."

Zhou Ping couldn't help laughing. She could see if Xu Mu had done anything wrong. She just asked casually. She didn't expect him to be so serious.

"Then you and him How did it get together? "

Xu Mu's face showed some grievances: "can you stop using the word" get together "? It sounds strange. I've known him for eight years, but we've all been in the same circle and cooperated in several films, so it's hard to avoid getting familiar with him, and Director Huo, he He said that when he makes friends, he must have equal status with him, so sometimes he will come to me. He is familiar with me, but he is not familiar with me. "

Xu Mu is telling the truth. There are too many acquaintances in the entertainment circle, but few of them are intimate.

He has long known where the entertainment industry is, so he seldom tells the truth to the people in the industry.

Zhou Ping yawned: "come in Can you cook? "

Xu Mu nodded immediately: "yes, I'm good at it."

"Breakfast's up to you. I'll go and get some sleep."

Xu Mu was stunned

A moment later, a happy face said: "OK, you can rest assured to sleep!"

Xu Mu happily ran to the kitchen, washed his hands and began to cook.

It's a good opportunity for him to perform and he can't let it go.

Before the performance, first send a micro blog.

So early in the morning, many fans were awakened by Xu Mu's microblog while they were still asleep.

Xu Mu wrote -

Mrs. Mu: can you cook?

I (nodding): I must!

Mrs. Mu: make breakfast!

Me: OK!

Look, your sister-in-law can't even eat without me now. I feel that my position is becoming more and more stable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!