You Are My Gravity

Chapter 529

After the first meal, I still want to have a second meal. After that, I'll eat more. Slowly, won't I support my family?

Xu Mu felt that this idea could not be too good. Why didn't he think of it before.

He suddenly felt that the films he had made before and the skills he had learned might be for today.

It's not easy to get a wife. You must be versatile!

Xu Mu's understatement, but Zhou Ping was surprised.

Because, she didn't expect Xu Mu Hui to spend half a year studying cooking for a role, just for two hours on the screen.

She suddenly understood why Xu Mu was successful and why so many domestic actors were not inferior to Xu mu in appearance and acting skills.

Maybe Because Xu Mu is so serious, he can be more successful than others.

In today's flashy world, few people are willing to spend such a long time learning.

What's more, for such a long time as Xu mu, it's enough for others to make two plays, receive a lot of announcements and make a lot of advertisements A lot of money.

Although in the heart surprised, but Zhou Ping did not show, she pick eyebrows: "first taste your craft."

Xu Mu said with a smile: "don't worry, you can't stop after a bite..."

Zhou Ping looks at Xu Mu's skillful cooking, which is really cool

Xu Mu asked Zhou Ping, "can you take a picture for me. "

" ah? "

"Tweet later."

Zhou Ping laughed: "good."

She picked up her mobile phone and took two pictures for Xu Mu and recorded a short video.

Hot and sour shredded potatoes fried well, Xu Mu said: "OK, you can call Qin Se and the two of them down for dinner."

Smelling the fragrance, Zhou Ping couldn't control her saliva. In order to prevent her humiliation, she quickly said, "I'll call them. "

Xu Mu took out the cold cucumber and fried shredded potato, and then put out the fire. There was a good porridge in the casserole and a fried egg cake on the side plate.

Breakfast is all set. Xu Mu takes out his mobile phone and takes a picture. Then he sends the two pictures Zhou Ping took for her, together with the finished products.

#When I was cooking, my handsome figure had already fascinated your sister-in-law. Let's see how good she made me look! #

after waiting for more than an hour on Weibo, the fans finally got the results of Xu Mu's cooking.

One after another exclaimed, old Xu, don't be proud, steady, must let Mu Sao see more, your virtuous.

Usually in front of the shepherd's sister-in-law, work hard and hurry up. Don't miss any chance of performance!

Xu Mu's mouth is curled. What do you say?


It wasn't long before they went downstairs.

Seeing the food on the table, Qin se exclaimed in disbelief: "wow Wow Is Uncle Xu doing all this? "

Xu Mu was very modest and said, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I simply made it. If you think it's OK to eat, I'll give you a good meal when you come back after noon."

Qin se quickly picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of shredded potatoes.

After chewing twice, she screamed: "Uncle Xu, you are so powerful. I admire you so much. It's better than my mother's cooking!"

Zhou Ping heard: "hum It's better than my cooking. Then you can let him cook it for you later. "

Xu Mu smile, very good, just waiting for this sentence.

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