You Are My Gravity

Chapter 467

Qin se has already told Zhou Ping about Zhen bao'er's instructions.

In this case, Zhou Ping will naturally cooperate fully.

If you can change it, maybe Zhen Jinbao can be saved. After all, he is still young. But if you can't change his life, maybe there will be no chance to correct it.

Zhou Ping and the Zhen family have known each other for a long time. They have seen the Zhen family's baby pimple for a long time.

Before, Tian Jinzhi pulled Zhou Ping all day to let her show her son.

But before Zhou Ping could speak, Tian Jinzhi was there. He said that our family's treasure, you see how good you are. You are a blessed one. In the future, you will surely be able to make a great success.

Every time Tian Jinzhi said this, Zhou Ping would smile awkwardly and politely, and would not speak.


She was afraid of opening her mouth, so she said that Tian Jinzhi wanted to cut her with a knife.

Because, she really didn't see that Zhen Jinbao had any fortune.

On the contrary, Zhou Ping thinks that even if she doesn't look good, Tian Jinzhi will not have a good end for her son in the future.

After all, no matter how smart a child is, he will be disabled.

Tian Jinzhi is ready for the next words, but Zhou Ping resolutely refuses. She takes a puff from the corner of her mouth.

"you What are you talking about? "

Zhou Ping carefully repeated: "I said, thank you, no need."

Tian Jinzhi is flustered. What's the matter with Zhou Ping? Shouldn't it be the enthusiasm that makes them hurry?

"You How can we not visit you when we are in Kyoto, let alone I've heard from bao'er that you and Qin se have been taking care of her these days. How can I thank you very much? "

With a sarcastic smile, Zhou Ping said: "Shanshan and bao'er are good friends in our family. We can't talk about who takes care of whom, let alone bao'er I don't live here any more. Is it You don't know? "

Zhen bao'er really doesn't live here now. Zhou Ping doesn't lie. Who let her live in the hospital every day now.

"I Of course I know, but that girl, she She was very sorry. She specially asked me to go to see you after I came. You see, I've come here. How inappropriate it is not to see you. "

Tian Jinzhi worried, simply lying is Zhen Baoer let her come.

But Zhou Ping still does not eat this set: "nothing inappropriate, do not bother, goodbye."

Tian Jinzhi said: "wait a minute, Zhou Ping, do you look down on us villagers now that you have become rich? I didn't think you were such a poor man. "

Tian Jinzhi originally thought that no one would like to be said to dislike the poor and love the rich.

However, Zhou Ping said casually, "Oh You don't know until now. "

Tian Jinzhi said angrily: "you You Zhou Ping, you've gone too far. If you treat your old neighbors like this, aren't you afraid of being stabbed in the back when you go back to your hometown? "

Zhou Ping was not polite at all. She said, "who said that I'm going back? My son-in-law has covered Kyoto for half a day. I'm being treated like the Empress Dowager here, unless I'm stupid and I go back to my hometown to suffer."

When Tian Jinzhi heard Zhou Ping say that she was the empress dowager, she was even more jealous.

"Hum Be careful. The higher you climb, the worse you fall. "

Zhou Ping couldn't help glancing at her mouth: "I can't go up without coming down. I'm here to enjoy my happiness. Who let me have a good son-in-law? If you have the ability, let your precious son be the Empress Dowager!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!