You Are My Gravity

Chapter 468

When Zhou Ping talks about who she wants to fight against, she will not give her face at all. She will fight her opponent's life.

Tian Jinzhi once again asked his assistant not to say, but was satirized by Zhou Ping. She was not a person with a lot of temper and brains. She could not resist the stimulation. She immediately said angrily, "my son will prosper sooner or later. You wait. You look down on us today. Sooner or later..."

Tian Jinzhi paused and gasped: "sooner or later, your son will be trampled under his feet."

After listening to him, Zhou Ping said, "I think it's good to have ideas, but first of all, you have to distinguish the difference between dreams and daydreaming."

Tian Jinzhi was breathless.

Zhou Ping continued: "didn't you let me show your son's face all day before? Well, I'll tell you today that your son is one of those. He has plenty of food and clothing in his early years and bad luck in his middle age. His late life is miserable. No, I can't say that his late life is miserable. After all, whether he can live to his late life is the same thing. "

Anyway, when Zhou Ping looks at Zhen Jinbao now, he doesn't look like a long-lived person. At least he doesn't look like some people. You can see from a glance that this person has a long life. It's hard to say how long he can live, but you just want to be old.

But Zhen Jinbao is the kind Maybe 40 or 50 years old, will die of that kind.

In fact, when he was very young, Zhen Jinbao's orientation was very good.

But It's bad for his mother to keep food like this.

As soon as Tian Jinzhi heard this, he was just like eating dynamite. He yelled: "Zhou Ping, you wicked widow, you curse my son. Do you think your husband died early, and you can't stand other people's good life?"

Zhou Ping sneers.

Tian Jinzhi didn't scold and continued to scold: "you rotten heart cheap woman, you don't think you are living a good life now, your daughter is a divorced woman, which serious man will want her, hum, I'm waiting to see your family swept out, and don't think I don't know, your daughter is taken care of, this kind of shameless and shameless thing, it's just you I don't know what I can do. I don't know how to lose face. I'm proud of it. Bah... "

Zhou Ping's face was cold, and her eyes were chilly.

Tian Jinzhi is still swearing on the phone.

Zhou Ping said coldly, "Oh, I think you want your son to die tomorrow, right?"

Zhou Ping a word, let Tian Jinzhi instant shut up.

But when she thought that Zhou Ping had cursed her son for early death, she was still very angry.

"You You Don't think I'll be afraid of you, a dead widow who doesn't even have a man

Zhou Ping said faintly, "I don't need you to be afraid of me. I just need to let you know that your son really won't live long!"

At this time, Xu Mu suddenly came over and said, "honey, why hasn't the phone finished yet? Come and eat the watermelon. I just cut it."

At the other end of the phone, Tian Jinzhi was silent.


Is there a man calling Zhou Ping dear?

Zhou Ping glanced coldly at Xu Mu and said to her mobile phone, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that it's not my daughter, it's me It's a man. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!