You Are My Gravity

Chapter 466

With that, Zhen bao'er hangs up decisively.

Gu Zhixin pulled Zhen bao'er's clothes and said, "my wife is not happy..."

Zhen bao'er nodded, "yes, just the person on the phone, let me not happy, so, you have to be good, you know?"

Gu Zhixin glared: "I'll hit him..."

He looks a little bit like he used to be.

Zhen bao'er laughs. If Gu Zhixin is good, at this time, it is estimated that he will have contracted and cleaned up Zhen Jinbao's work without her saying anything.

Zhen bao'er sighed. Sometimes Really, you can't miss a man.

She reached out to touch Gu Zhixin's hair and said, "OK, when you're ready, remember to beat him for me and let him have a good taste of your power. After hitting him, I dare not bully him any more."

Gu Zhixin nodded hard

At the moment, Zhen bao'er doesn't know. She instills a kind of violent thought into Gu Zhixin in this period. In a word, whoever bullies my wife, I'll beat him down

In the rental room, Zhen Jinbao is lying on the sofa like a dead pig.

When Tian Jinzhi finished calling, he said, "Mom She won't give the money, will she

Tian Jinzhi wiped his tears and said, "Jinbao, it's useless for mom to compare I would have taken more money if I had known Let my family Jinbao suffer so much

Now Tian Jinzhi is really regretful!

Why do you feel that after you come here, you will be able to live in your family's big villa without spending a cent?

Tian Jinzhi wants to go home now, but I don't have any money.

When she came, she didn't even take a card. She came empty handed and went straight to take advantage of Qin se.

As a result, I didn't take advantage of it now. Instead, I made a hole for myself and my son.

Seeing his son, who had been starving for two days and was obviously weak, Tian Jinzhi was so flustered that he didn't know what to do. He kept cursing Zhen bao'er and the Qin family

Suddenly, scolding Tian Jinzhi stopped.

She clapped her hand: "my head, why didn't I think of it for a long time?"

Tian Jinzhi thinks of Zhou Ping. Yes, call Zhou Ping.

How could she forget such a simple method? Zhen bao'er didn't take them there, but She went directly to Zhou Ping and begged her to take them in. Can't Zhou Ping be so stingy?

In the past, Tian Jinzhi took advantage of Zhou Ping's family every three or five times. He borrowed some small things from the Qin family. He never brought them back.

Zhou Ping is not that kind of stingy person, too lazy to care with her.

This makes Tian Jinzhi feel used to taking advantage.

What's more, she felt in her mind that the status of a single widow like Zhou Ping was lower than that of someone else, so When she comes to live with the Qin family, Zhou Ping has to agree.

Otherwise, when Zhou Ping comes back to her hometown and is in trouble, don't expect her to help.

This thought made Tian Jinzhi very happy.

Take out your mobile phone and call Zhou Ping.

When Zhou Ping received the call, Xu Mugang came home.

She saw Xu Mu stare at him coldly, picked up his mobile phone and walked to one side.


"Zhou Ping, it's me The Golden branch. "

"Oh, sister-in-law Tian, how did you remember to call me? What's the matter?"

"I've just arrived in Kyoto with my family Jinbao. Where are you now? Let's go and see you and Qin se."

Zhou Ping picks an eyebrow, "thank you, no need." , the fastest update of the webnovel!