Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 998

One day and one night, Chen Sheng was already physically and mentally exhausted. Although he looked at the soldiers trying their best to find the people in Liangshanpo, he could not find any clues. The Yang family and Huang Wen led the team to visit again, but at this time, he didn\'t step into the Yang family at all.

Before Yang Yanwen\'s perfume, and at this time he did not want to find people in Liangshan, so Yang\'s search for the second time was not at all a bit of a motive. Just after chatting with Uncle Yang at the door, Huang Wen led the team to leave.

At this time, in the Yang family\'s secret room, Yang Zhen brought good news. The water transport points will be opened today, and the cargo ships everywhere have almost arrived at the Lingnan wharf, which also means that the evacuation plan of Liangshan boar and Li Luoyang is about to begin.

At this time, Lingnan city has become clear from the previous chaos. Zhang Qiong, who had been involved in the Huarong incident, is still at the bottom of the lake in Lingnan city. Zhang Yue stopped looking for the jade pendant handed down by Yang\'s ancestors because of the requirements of the merchants\' Federation, and honestly stayed in the Fengyue building to plan how to occupy the Yang\'s industry a little bit after the Huarong incident is over. This is also the plan of the merchants\' Federation.

Because Yihua building got intoxicating wine, it also attracted Zhang Yue as a puppet. At this time, the most important thing for them is to send the fake goods to Luoyang City safely. They will not intervene in the matter of Liangshanpo.

As for Li Guo, he was sitting in the backyard of the government without responsibility and military power. Li Guo was happy and relaxed. He didn\'t know the letter from the imperial court to liumen. He didn\'t know that the imperial court didn\'t intend to deal with him at all. After all, liumen was responsible for the Huarong incident at this time. In addition, Li Guo successfully completed the confidential task assigned by the imperial court, So it won\'t be implicated.

Ye Yu is having a duel with Mo Jiao. Since she was deprived of her responsibility by the six doors, Ye Yu has been worried that Li Guo will sacrifice herself according to the previous plan and submit it to Li Luoyang and others to leave. Li Guo informed Ye Yu of Li Luoyang\'s plan. Ye Yu\'s hanging heart was relieved. She was very relaxed and had the leisure to compete with Mo Jiao.

Instead, Mo Jiao seems a little flustered. She has been trapped in Lingnan city for so long. She has been thinking about looking for Li Luoyang. At this time, she doesn\'t know whether Li Luoyang has returned to Luoyang City. The gate doesn\'t open. She can\'t leave Lingnan city. She can only sit in the government every day and wait for the gate to open.

"Ah." a scream came. Mo Jiao was kicked to the ground by Ye Yu. Ye Yu hurried to Mo Jiao, helped her up and asked suspiciously, "sister Mo Jiao, what\'s the matter with you today? You\'re absent-minded."

Mo Jiao lowered her head and looked a little lost: "sister Ye Yu, how long do you think the city gate can be opened? Is it difficult to find the people in Liangshanpo and keep them closed? What should the people in the city do, and how can I find Luoyang."

Ye Yu knew that Mo Jiao was concerned about whether the establishment of the people was false and worried that Li Luoyang was true. However, she was not sure how long it would take to open the city gate: "I don\'t know. Now the responsibility is in the hands of six gates. Our people just cooperate with them and can\'t decide the time to open the city gate."

Li Guo heard Mo Jiao\'s cry and rushed over: "what\'s the matter?"

Ye Yu smiled and said, "it\'s all right. Mo Jiao is worried about how long the gate will open. She\'s anxious to find your brother."

Li Guo smiled: "don\'t worry, I believe it won\'t be long before the city gate will open."

Mo Jiao looked at Li Guo in surprise: "seriously? How do you know?"

"The imperial court has been paying attention to the flower blossom of Lingnan city. I believe they already know that Zhang Qiong is missing and the six gates dominate the power. In addition, the people in the city complain a lot after the gate is closed for several days. Naturally, the imperial court will not squeeze the people\'s anger, so it will certainly limit the date of opening the gate. It is estimated that the people of the six gates should also receive the imperial court\'s documents at this time. Even if you don\'t see it, it\'s OK Has Chen Shengdu, the general leader of the six sects, come out in person? If it weren\'t for the time limit imposed by the imperial court, would he be so anxious to lead the team in person? "

Mo Jiao nodded and said helplessly, "but how long is the specific time? Luoyang has been missing for so long. I, I don\'t know whether he is alive or dead." Mo Jiao seemed a little worried. Wasting time in the government every day was like a year. She wished the city gate would open now. She could rush back to Luoyang for the first time to see if Li Luoyang had come back safely.

Li Guo and Ye Yu just smiled but didn\'t answer. They could see Mo Jiao\'s concern and concern about Li Luoyang, but even so, Li Guo and Ye Yu still wouldn\'t tell Mo Jiao that Li Luoyang was actually in Lingnan city. After all, Li Luoyang had told Li Guo many times and kept his whereabouts secret no matter who he was.

Looking at Li Guo, who was still smiling without saying a word, Mo Jiao said angrily: "Brother Li Guo, how do I think you don\'t worry about your brother at all? Based on my understanding of your brothers, you should be the most worried at this time. These days, you seem to care about the whereabouts of Luoyang and the life and death of your only brother."

Mo Jiao was very puzzled about Li Guo\'s attitude. It is reasonable to say that Li Guo should be the most worried and anxious now. Now it seems that she is more anxious and uneasy than this elder brother.

Li Guo said reluctantly, "I\'m worried, but I understand what\'s the use of worrying? Can I just worry and let Luoyang come back? Besides, I believe Luoyang should not be in danger with his ability, so you don\'t have to worry too much. You\'ve learned his intelligence. Don\'t you have confidence in him?"

Mo Jiao lowered her head and said slowly: "before, it\'s hard to say now. I\'m afraid he met unreasonable people. He couldn\'t fight, and finally angered each other, resulting in... I don\'t dare to think about it."

"Don\'t think about it if you don\'t dare. You haven\'t slept much these days. I suggest you take a rest. When the city gate opens, you also have the energy to return to Luoyang. Maybe Luoyang has been sitting in Wenjun\'s elegant building, drinking wine and chatting."

Mo Jiao took a deep breath and said, "that\'s true. I can be at ease. I\'m afraid I can\'t see his figure after I go back. Where should I go to find him then?"

Looking at Mo Jiao who really cares about Li Luoyang, Li Guo can\'t bear it. But compared with Li Luoyang\'s safety, Li Guo can only continue to hide: "well, let Ye Yu take you to have a rest. Don\'t think about it. When the city gate opens, I will send someone to tell you at the first time."

Li Guo winked at Ye Yu. Ye Yu helped Mo Jiao to the bedroom. However, just two steps later, Mo Jiao turned and came to Li Guo: "brother Li Guo, is there any other way to leave Lingnan city? I really can\'t wait. I want to go back to Luoyang to see if he has come back."

"Mo Jiao, at this time, the responsibility of Lingnan city is in the hands of liumen. Where can I let you leave?"

"Six doors, by the way! Huang Wen!" Mo Jiao cried out in surprise, and then immediately ran to the door.