Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 999

Mo Jiao rushed out of the door. Ye Yu asked, "Captain Li Guo, where is she going?"

Li Guo shook his head and said with a smile, "go find Huang Wen. I think she wants Huang Wen to return her favor. It is because of Mo Jiao that I handed over the responsibility to Huang Wen. She wants Huang Wen to send her away from Lingnan city."

Ye Yu frowned and whispered, "is this possible? Although the situation is not as chaotic as before, it is more tense than before. Chen Sheng personally led a team to search day and night. The gate has never been opened since it was closed. I believe Chen Sheng will not allow any mistakes. Huang Wen will not be allowed to open the gate without authorization to release anyone."

Li Guo took Ye Yu to the stone table in the back yard, sat down and said slowly, "there is no doubt about the identity of Mo Jiao and Mo Fu and Mo Shou. Chen Sheng can release these three people. After all, they have nothing to do with Liangshanpo, but is Chen Sheng really willing to let Mo Jiao go? After all, the whole court knows the contradiction between him and Mo Yuntian."

Ye Yu nodded and said seriously: "At this time, Chen Sheng must be in a hurry. If he can\'t successfully arrest the people in Liangshanpo, he will be punished by the imperial court. At that time, Chen Sheng will lose his qualification to compete with Mo Yuntian to enter the six door headquarters. Such a result is unacceptable to Chen Sheng. Watching Mo Yuntian enter the headquarters, his efforts for so many years are in vain, At this time, how could he let his enemy\'s daughter leave so easily? "

Li Guo nodded while drinking tea: "you\'re right. Chen Sheng will not let Mo Jiao go so easily. After all, the relationship between him and Mo Yuntian is not so good. I\'m just worried that the Mo family won\'t have a good result in looking for Huang Wen this time."

Ye Yu was worried: "Captain Li Guo, anyway, Mo Jiao\'s feelings for your brother seem to be true. Is there really no way to let her return to Luoyang ahead of time?" Ye Yu also sympathizes with Mo Jiao. She thinks that Mo Jiao is very similar to herself. She has a man in her heart, but the man doesn\'t have them in his heart. This may be the compassion between women.

Li Guo shook his head helplessly: "For Chen Sheng, the most important thing at this time is how to find the people in Liangshanpo. Unless Mo Jiao can come up with the same amount of exchange to Chen Sheng\'s satisfaction, Chen Sheng will not release it. But since Mo Jiao came to Lingnan City, she deliberately kept a distance from the local six doors and avoided any connection with the Huarong incident. Naturally, there can\'t be what Chen Sheng wants in her hands."

Ye Yu said tentatively, "don\'t we have it in our hands?"

Li Guo immediately understood Ye Yu\'s meaning: "do you mean the forged communication of Liangshanpo?" the letter that blamed Zhang Qiong for the cooperative relationship between Liangshanpo was the life talisman created by Li Luoyang for Li Guo and the last trump card for fear that the court would give Li the crime.

Ye Yu nodded and whispered: "Now the person in charge of Huarong incident is liumen, and the imperial court will know that liumen robbed your power, rather than you voluntarily give up the responsibility. In addition, we have completed the secret task of the imperial court, maybe the imperial court will not punish you and ask Mo Jiao to give this thing to Chen Sheng. Chen Sheng may reduce the punishment imposed by the imperial court because of this thing. That\'s right In this way, won\'t he be able to open the door and let Mo Jiao leave? "

"It\'s OK, but what\'s the use of Mo Jiao\'s going back so early? Luoyang is still in Lingnan city. She returned to Luoyang ahead of time, and she still can\'t see Luoyang. Isn\'t she more anxious? She doesn\'t know where to look for Luoyang. Instead of letting her despair, let her wait. After they leave Luoyang and return to Luoyang City safely, Mo Jiao will return. Look See safe Luoyang appear in Wenjun\'s elegant building, isn\'t it better? "

After listening to Li Guo\'s words, Ye Yu silently nodded: "well, you\'re right. Mo Jiao can only feel desperate when she goes back in advance. After all, Li Luoyang hasn\'t returned yet. It\'s better to wait for Li Luoyang to return."

"Now that Chen Sheng has personally launched the campaign, it means that the imperial court may have given an ultimatum to the six gates. Chen Sheng was forced to lead a team to find the people of Liangshanpo in Lingnan city. As soon as the deadline came and Chen Sheng had not completed the task, the Lingnan city gate will naturally open, but we don\'t know the specific time. When Mo Jiao comes back, you\'d better advise her to take it easy , wait patiently. It\'s also for her good. "

"I see." Ye Yu looked around, then whispered to Li Guo, "Captain Li Guo, I received the news. According to the reaction of the soldiers we inspected, the water transport point is about to open. Do you need to go to see Li Luoyang at last?" from Li Guo, Ye Yu learned all Li Luoyang\'s plans and that the people in Liangshanpo will choose to leave from the water transport point.

Li Guo shook his hand and said slowly: "No, I don\'t need to meet so much with Luoyang. The tacit understanding between him and me is enough to let each other know what they should do and where the water transportation point will be arranged in Luoyang. From now on, you and I will wait here leisurely. Look at the end of the last six doors. I didn\'t expect that the six doors would lose the most in this flower blossom incident."

Ye Yu smiled: "Captain Li Guo, the biggest loss should be Zhang Qiong. He even lost his life."

"Hahaha, that\'s right, that\'s right. In Luoyang, the situation often becomes complex and changeable."

Before long, Mo Jiao came back with a feeling of loss. As Li Guo and Ye Yu expected, Huang Wen had no right to let anyone leave at this time, even his colleagues without doubt.

"What\'s the matter? Don\'t worry, wait." Ye Yu comforted the lost Mo Jiao.

"That damned Chen Sheng, before I put forward my request, he drove me away and said that I disturbed their action to hunt down the important criminals of the imperial court. It was obviously aimed at me."

"You\'re stupid. You know that the relationship between him and your father is like ice and fire. How can he let you go easily?"

"But they owe me a favor. If I hadn\'t begged brother Li, could they get the command of Lingnan city?"

Li Guo smiled and patted Mo Jiao on the shoulder. Then he whispered, "I guess Chen Sheng regretted taking over the power in my hands at this time. Monopolizing power means bearing the consequences of failure alone. Without you, maybe they would still be leisurely sitting in the six doors to watch the tiger fight. At that time, I would be in a panic."

Mo Jiao was a wise man. He knew what Li Guo meant by these words: "hum, you were still angry at that time and said that I took your power with the enemy. Now you know?"

"Yes, I\'m wrong, OK? Mo Jiao is the best. You\'d better have a rest with Ye Yu. Don\'t think about how to leave Lingnan city. The gate will open naturally."

Mo Jiao reluctantly follows Ye Yu to the boudoir, with disappointment and grievances written on her face.