Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 997

At the gate of the six gates in Lingnan City, there was an unprecedented excitement. The government soldiers, barracks soldiers and all the hands of the six gates hit here at this time. Chen Sheng looked up at the dark night sky and said angrily to Huang Wen: "let\'s gather a team for a whole half day!" from noon to night, At night, Chen Sheng saw that the team had assembled successfully. Such efficiency made Chen Sheng dissatisfied with Huang Wen and Huang Wu.

Huang Wen smiled in his heart and explained helplessly: "Lord Chen Sheng, the soldiers have been assigned to different places for investigation. It\'s difficult to concentrate all of them at one time. Huang Wu and I didn\'t stop for a moment. We kept telling our people everywhere in Lingnan city that the horse\'s head was dead tired. This time, we arrived and assembled now."

Hearing Huang Wen\'s explanation, Chen Sheng disagreed. He went straight to the huge team: "everyone knows that the people in Liangshanpo must still be in Lingnan city at this time. Huang Wen and Huang Wu have promised you that as long as they successfully arrest or kill them, all the silver awarded by the imperial court will belong to everyone, and the imperial court also has its own requirements for this."

Chen Sheng\'s eyebrows are frowned. Whenever he recalls the previous imperial court document, he feels uneasy: "The imperial court has ordered us to complete the action against the thieves in Liangshan Park within three days. After three days, whether the task is successful or not, the gate of Lingnan city must be opened to return the people to a normal order. Therefore, we don\'t have much time left. If you don\'t complete the task after three days, you won\'t get a reward. I\'m afraid you will face punishment 。”

Chen Sheng deliberately exaggerates. The imperial court has never punished the government soldiers, barracks soldiers, or even other people in liumen. It is only for Chen Sheng. The reason why Chen Sheng wants to stimulate these people and let them spare no effort to find the people in Liangshanpo in the last three days is also his last hope.

At this time, no one understood the pain in Chen Sheng\'s heart. He had stayed in the six gates and sat in the position of the general director of the six gates in Lingnan city. After Zhang Qiong disappeared, Huang Wen and Huang Wu were eager to make contributions and bewitched him. It was precisely because Chen Sheng wanted to get this achievement and successfully used this achievement to enter the six gates headquarters that he agreed to let six gates intervene in the Huarong incident.

Now, Li Guo\'s power is indeed in his hands. Just because Li Guo has no power, he naturally has no obligation to bear responsibility. All problems fall on him as the person in charge for a moment. If he can\'t successfully arrest the person in Liangshanpo, his position as the person in charge can\'t be retained, which is the extreme grievance.

There were bursts of comments from the crowd. The soldiers did not expect that they would face punishment. Speaking of benefits, these people naturally flocked to them. If they shared hardships together, these soldiers were not so straightforward. In their view, they were only obedient to various rights. Silver was their reward for success. As a small soldier, they didn\'t want to accept it The courage and obligation to bear punishment, so the crowd made discordant voices.

"Lord Chen Sheng, didn\'t we agree before? We followed your six doors to act together. If we succeed, we will be rewarded. If we fail, your six doors will resist. Why do we have to accept punishment together now?"

"That\'s right! It\'s unfair. We just obey your orders. We\'re not the people of your six doors. Even if you have to accept the punishment, you six doors bear it by yourself."

Chen Sheng\'s face was livid and his eyes were covered with blood. Looking at the crowd\'s voice getting louder and louder, Chen Sheng jumped in the air, took out a long sword and poured it directly from a soldier\'s head. The blade went straight through the sky cover and inserted into the soldier\'s chest. The blood gushed out of the soldier\'s mouth, and the blood poured into his lungs gave him no chance to breathe.

Looking at the fallen soldiers, the crowd suddenly fell into silence.

Chen Sheng\'s face was splashed with blood, and he stood with a murderous look on his face: "I tell you, if you want to take money, you have to pay a price. There is such a good thing in the world? Success takes money, failure has no consequences. If this mission fails, the imperial court will not punish you, and I will condemn you. Each of you has information in the six doors, and I can control you at will!"

The crowd became silent. No one dared to raise any objection, but everyone looked at Chen Sheng with hostility.

Huang Wen stood beside Chen Sheng and deliberately raised his tone and said, "Lord Chen Sheng, it\'s not good to be afraid of things. Everyone has worked very hard and almost has no rest. As a person who didn\'t cut himself before the battle, I\'m afraid it will hurt everyone\'s morale."

Huang Wen\'s move is undoubtedly to win the hearts of the people. He has begun to establish contacts between him and Huang Wu, and plans for taking the position of head of six doors in the future.

Listening to Huang Wen\'s blatant accusations against himself, Chen Sheng was furious. He grabbed Huang Wen\'s long hair and pulled Huang Wen in front of him: "I warn you, if I contradict me again, I\'ll set an example and let them see that even the people I once trusted, I\'ll leave no room to kill!"

Huang Wen nodded again and again and said slowly, "Ming, I understand. Adult Chen Sheng, I know what to do."

Chen Sheng threw Huang Wen to the ground and turned to look at the crowd: "from now on, in the next two days, cheer me up and look for me door to door. I will always patrol. If I see lazy people, don\'t blame me for being cruel and ruthless. I will reward Chen Sheng another thousand Liang Liang of gold no matter how much the imperial court rewards me!"

After listening to Chen Sheng\'s words, the people who originally complained smiled. These soldiers can\'t change what they eat. They are willing to do anything for money. Even if they bear the consequences of punishment after failure, they will put all their eggs in one basket for money.

Looking at the regrouped soldiers, Chen Sheng turned to Huang Wen and Huang Wu: "Huang Wu, you take a team of people from the east city to the west city. Huang Wen, you open the big network from the north city to the South City and check it a little. Don\'t let go of any family. The Fengyue building, Yihua building, the Yang family and the residences of other dignitaries you searched before are all checked again!"


The mighty team began to set out from the gate of the six gates and gathered the government soldiers, barracks soldiers and all the forces of the six gates. The team was very spectacular. The team began to be divided into two groups of people. One group was led by Huang Wen and went straight to the north gate, and the other group was led by Huang Wu and went directly to the east gate.

As the commander in chief, Chen Sheng rode around aimlessly. He was responsible for supervision. If anyone dared to neglect his only chance this time, he would mercilessly take his life. He didn\'t want to lose all his power at this time and become an ordinary people in Lingnan city.