Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 996

Leaving the backyard of liumen, Huang Wen grabbed Huang Wu: "what did you mean? Why did you stop me from thinking of other ways to reduce the punishment of the imperial court for Lord Chen Sheng!" Huang Wen was planning how to help Chen Sheng through this difficulty, but Huang Wu suddenly interrupted, which surprised him, so he had to cooperate with Huang Wu secretly to block Chen Sheng\'s back road.

Huang Wu raised his head slightly at the corner of his mouth and whispered, "my brother, aren\'t you so smart at ordinary times? How can you be stupid this time?" Huang Wu smiled proudly. Huang Wen asked, "what do you mean?"

Huang Wu pulled Huang Wen closer to the arsenal, looked left and right, and whispered, "it seems that you are also flustered after reading the imperial court documents! Don\'t you notice what is missing in the letter?"

Huang Wen frowned and recalled the content of the letter just now: "what is missing?"

"Signature seal!"

"Yes!" Huang Wen responded: "what\'s going on?"

Huang Wu smiled and whispered, "I found this letter first. When I returned to the six doors, I just saw the carrier pigeon parked in the courtyard, so I took the letter and read it privately."

"You\'re brave. If you\'re found, it\'s a crime of digging eyes!"

"Fortunately, I saw it, or we\'ll die."

"What do you mean?"

Huang Wu took out a piece of paper from his arms: "this is the second half of the letter. Have a good look yourself."

Huang Wen looked down and said, "Chen Sheng\'s position as the head of the six doors in Lingnan city has been taken away. Huang Wen and Huang Wu will be the head of the six doors in Lingnan city. I hope you two will do your best to revive the grandeur of the six doors and sign the seal!" Huang Wen said with a wild smile: "ha ha ha, I didn\'t expect that the imperial court had such an arrangement!"

"Nonsense, our performance in liumen has been obvious to all in the imperial court over the years. Chen Sheng\'s credit is not a good task for our brothers? It\'s natural for the imperial court to promote us! Huang Wen, have you ever thought about the consequences for us if Chen Sheng sees the second half of the letter?"

Huang Wen raised his mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "he will certainly kill us. He blames us for robbing his position and never hates us. Although he is old, he has good strength. Even if he fights with my brothers, he is sure to win us."

"So I immediately hid the second half of the letter and kept him in the dark. When he was deprived of the position of the person in charge, he wanted to weigh the new person in charge, that is, us. Does he think he can face all the six doors of Lingnan City alone?"

Huang Wen patted Huang Wu on the shoulder and smiled: "this is the best thing you have done in so many years. No wonder you didn\'t let me find a way to reduce the punishment of the imperial court for Chen Sheng. Originally, you knew that it would be our benefit after the punishment!"

"Nonsense, if you find a scapegoat for him, the court will just deprive him of the right to enter the headquarters. At that time, he will still be the person in charge here. If he can\'t enter the headquarters all his life, it means that he will stay in the position of the person in charge of the six doors in Lingnan all his life. Our two brothers can\'t sit in his position until the world is old. It\'s better to let him bear the punishment of the court. At that time Didn\'t this position come to us in advance? "

"That\'s right! Anyway, we proposed to intervene in the Huarong incident this time in order to let Chen Sheng enter the headquarters after his meritorious service, and our two brothers can ascend the vacant position of the person in charge of the six doors in Lingnan. Now it seems that it makes no difference for us whether we can successfully arrest the person in Liangshanpo. If Chen Sheng can catch him, he will certainly enter the headquarters after his meritorious service. The position here is still ours , if you can\'t catch it, accept the punishment of the imperial court. According to the requirements of the imperial court, this position is still ours. "

Huang Wu nodded, then said solemnly: "I think we\'ll be more secure in this position after the imperial court punishes us. Think about it. If Chen Sheng leads the team to look for the person in Liangshanpo personally, what if he finds it? It will be a fight. You and I know the strength of the other party. Even Chen Sheng can\'t meet Lin Chong and others. At that time, there will be a war between the two sides. Can we ignore it? We must stand in Chen\'s position If we win the battle, we will lose our lives. "

After listening to Huang Wu\'s words, Huang Wen silently nodded his head: "yes, since this position is ours anyway, why take the risk? If we can\'t find the person in Liangshanpo, we will climb to the position of the person in charge of the six doors safely. If we find it, we will face a fierce battle."

"So, I think we have to turn a blind eye to the people who followed Chen Sheng to search Liangshanpo this time. As long as Chen Sheng didn\'t find out, it has nothing to do with us where they go. Now I hope they really left Lingnan City long ago."

"Do you mean that even if I find the people in Liangshanpo, I will secretly release them?"

"That\'s right. Anyway, no one knows why not? What we want is the result, just the result of being in charge!"

Huang Wen laughed wildly: "hahaha, brother, for the first time in so many years, I think you have finally used your mind. Unexpectedly, you think about it very thoroughly." Huang Wen didn\'t expect Huang Wu to think of these methods, and he didn\'t expect Huang Wu to be so bold. He secretly hid ordinary imperial court documents, which is a matter of losing his head. However, Huang Wen thought Huang Wu\'s method was extremely correct. If Chen Sheng saw the second half of the imperial court documents, they would be targeted by Chen Sheng. Maybe Chen Sheng would take advantage of it when he was in the backyard just now Killed them.

"The two of us know this. Now pretend it\'s all right. Tell them to gather at the six doors and do it according to Chen Sheng\'s wishes."

Huang Wen nodded and said with a smile, "we didn\'t do anything. Did you forget? The imperial court only gave him three days. From now on, all we need to do is find a way to delay the time. In this way, we will deliberately delay the assembly time later and inform Chen Sheng that because the soldiers are scattered all over Lingnan City, we can\'t notify them all at once. This can also delay half a day."

Huang Wu raised his mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "my brain is at its limit today. The rest of the details are naturally up to you. I\'ll do whatever you say. Anyway, it\'s enough as long as we achieve our ultimate goal."

The two brothers clapped their hands to celebrate. Then they left the Arsenal together. After walking out of the six doors, they rode a horse to different directions. The two brothers didn\'t mean to worry. They shuttled around Lingnan city slowly delaying the gathering time. What they wanted was to consume Chen Sheng\'s only three days.

In this regard, Chen Sheng has nothing to rely on. Sitting alone in the backyard, he has been restless. He walks back and forth in the backyard and drinks a few pots of intoxicating wine. He looks like an ant on an oil pot.