Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 980

"This, how is this possible!" Huang Wen\'s voice echoed in the street. The only dozen people who were left were checked once. They didn\'t find any traces of official seals at all. Li Guo nearby laughed secretly, drank the wine in his glass and looked at the funny play in front of him.

Huang Wen grabbed the collar of a government soldier: "Damn it! Go back in and find it! You must have missed something, go!" Huang Wen couldn\'t believe the facts in front of him. He checked dozens of people and found no information related to Liangshanpo. He didn\'t believe that Huang Wu\'s information was wrong, because in his opinion, Fengyue building is indeed the most ideal hiding place for Liangshanpo, Because of Zhang Yue\'s relationship, it has become an absolutely dangerous place for Liangshanpo, but it is precisely because of this that it is also the safest place.

Therefore, after receiving the news brought by Huang Wu, Huang Wen also determined the reliability of the news. However, after careful inspection, Huang Wen didn\'t expect it. Unexpectedly, none of the people in Liangshanpo found it, which made Huang Wen doubt whether the government soldiers had missed something when searching the Fengyue building.

"Yes, yes." the leader of the government soldiers also seemed a little worried. He thought he could make great achievements and get a lot of rewards. Everyone tried their best to find it, but in the end, it was nothing. Not only Huang Wen was worried, but also he and his men were worried.

The leader of the government soldiers reorganized his personnel and rushed into the Fengyue building again with the long bridge. Almost all the Fengyue building was demolished and no one was found again. The leader of the government soldiers looked dignified and came to Huang Wen with some fear. With his head bowed, he didn\'t even dare to look at Huang Wen\'s eyes at this time: "Huang, Lord Huang Wen, Fengyue building is a place of interest. I rechecked it and found no one."

Huang Wen immediately turned and looked at Zhang Yue: "boss Zhang, is there a secret room in your Fengyue building? Tunnel?" this is Huang Wen\'s only hope.

Zhang Yue was laughing in her heart at this time. Since she couldn\'t find anyone in Liangshanpo in Fengyue building, Huang Wen and Huang Wu couldn\'t forcibly bring himself the crime of harboring criminals. At this time, his mood was much easier than that just now. Facing Huang Wen\'s question, Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Lord Huang Wen and Huang Wu, the Fengyue building was still in ruins. I rebuilt it in full view of the public. At that time, you also saw it. Did you find the secret room and passage? I can guarantee with my life that there has never been a secret room and passage in the Fengyue building."

Zhang Yue\'s words made Huang Wen frown. Huang Wu immediately came to Huang Wen: "As I said just now, will those Liangshanpo people really be here? When you first threatened to kill and no one appeared, I noticed that there was fraud. Then, in the face of our inspection one by one, these people were not flustered, but were more willing to cooperate to prove their innocence. If there were Liangshanpo people here, they would know their identity and have to help sooner or later, They have already launched a counterattack. How can we wait until we check the last person? "

"What are you talking about? You brought the news. By the way, who did you say gave you the news?"

"A blind old fellow in the blacksmith\'s house."

"You\'ve tested it. He\'s really blind. Did he hear wrong? Or did the people of Liangshanpo have an accident on their way to Fengyue building? Shit, now they\'re in trouble. Now it\'s more difficult to find the trace of Liangshanpo. Before, we led a team to surround the southwest area of Lingnan city. This must have alarmed the snake. They certainly won\'t stay there."

"What shall we do now?"

Huang Wen turned to look at the government soldiers and barracks soldiers behind him, and then reluctantly said: "What else can we do? As before, the place for fishing is the whole Lingnan city. Tell the people at the city gate to keep strict watch. Fortunately, the city gate is closed, and those guys haven\'t left Lingnan City, otherwise we will be finished. Now the soldiers in the barracks obey our orders, so it\'s more convenient to check. Lead the team to check again and try to find the clue of Liangshan park So far, that\'s all we can do. "

Huang Wen turned and looked at Zhang Yue: "boss Zhang Yue, it seems like a misunderstanding today. We will come to taste your intoxicating wine another day. Please take your people to the Fengyue building. There are still Liangshanpo people in Lingnan city. It\'s better to be careful."

There is no apology. This is a normal thing. After all, people are on business. If Zhang Yue is dissatisfied, he can only bear it. Zhang Yue nodded with a smile: "when the two adults arrive, I will accompany them in person." With that, Zhang Yue returned to the Fengyue building with the clerk standing at the door. Entering the Fengyue building, Zhang Yue scolded wildly. The Fengyue building was in a mess. The turned seats and the damaged wooden doors were in a mess. It was obviously impossible to clean up in one night.

"Shit, these guys! Really think I\'m a den of thieves? It\'s not easy to start selling intoxicating wine today. Now it\'s OK. It doesn\'t seem to be open tomorrow. These damn things!" Zhang Yue ordered the servants to empty all the places they can clean up, and the rest is only the maintenance personnel coming tomorrow morning.

When he returned to his room, he saw that even the bed had been demolished. Zhang yuehen\'s teeth itched. He knew that the soldiers responsible for the search were government soldiers. Those guys were Zhang Qiong\'s men before. He treated them with courtesy every time he came to Fengyue building. Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiong had just disappeared this time. These guys became running dogs of six doors and showed no mercy to himself.

Watching Zhang Yue take people back to the Fengyue building, Huang Wen led the team to the wine stall and looked down at Li Guo who entertained himself: "Captain Li Guo."

"Oh? Lord Huang Wen, it seems that you\'re done? Have you found the people in Liangshanpo?" Li Guo laughed at Huang Wen knowingly. After all, he witnessed what had just happened. Naturally, he knew that Huang Wen and Huang Wu brothers were in the air.

Huang Wenqiang held back his anger and said slowly, "the thieves in Liangshan are too cunning. They should have been transferred before we arrived, but they still stay in Lingnan city. Since captain Li Guo has handed over the military power to us, I will arrange my soldiers to investigate Lingnan city again."

"Well, that\'s your right. After being busy for so long just now, why don\'t you sit down and have a rest?" Li Guo took out two empty cups and filled them with good wine. Huang Wen turned his head and looked at Huang Wu, then nodded.

Huang Wu immediately turned around and shouted to all the soldiers, including the six doors: "according to the previous arrangement, conduct a comprehensive investigation again. It is necessary to find clues about the thieves in Liangshan Park and take action!"

The government soldiers, barracks soldiers and people from six doors formed a huge team and began to run in different directions of Lingnan city according to the previous plan. Next to the wine stall, there were only Li Guo and Huang Wen and Huang Wu brothers left. The lights in the Fengyue building were also turned off. The original lively casino was already empty at this time.