Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 979

Zhang Yue walked to the crowd step by step. First, she came to her clerk and stripped the clerk\'s clothes. The naked casino clerk opened her hands and turned in a circle. Zhang Yue motioned to Huang Wen behind her that there was no trace of official seal on him. Huang Wen waved his hand and agreed.

With the passage of time, Zhang Yue has checked the people he knows at this time. At this time, only a dozen gamblers are left standing in place, and others are flustered in their clothes and trousers. Zhang Yue\'s mood is more nervous. The fewer people, the greater the chance to meet Liangshanpo people. He still retreats when he looks at the remaining dozen people.

At this time, Huang Wen turned to Huang Wu and whispered, "brother, let your people pay attention. There are probably people from Liangshanpo among these dozen people."

Huang Wu looked carefully at more than a dozen people. Like the people who had been inspected by Zhang Yue before, these guys were already taking off their clothes. Looking at the other party\'s appearance of not afraid of inspection, Huang Wu frowned and felt that things seemed a little bad: "Huang Wen, do you think there are really people from Liangshanpo here? Don\'t forget, we haven\'t seen other people, but we have seen Hua Rong. No one here looks the same as Hua Rong. Since Hua Rong is not here, other people from Liangshanpo will be here?"

Huang Wen said with a smile, "you brought the intelligence back. After all, Fengyue building is really the best hiding place. Don\'t forget that those people in Liangshanpo are good at camouflage. It\'s a piece of cake for them to cover up their appearance. Because of this, the imperial court will print official seals on the important criminals to prove their identity. Wait. It won\'t be long before there will be results."

At this time, Zhang Yue stopped checking the last dozen people and turned to Huang Wen. Huang Wen looked at Zhang Yue with a puzzled face: "what\'s the matter, boss Zhang? All the checks are finished?"

Zhang Yue smiled awkwardly: "not yet, there are more than a dozen people left. Lord Huang Wen, you see, I\'m a scholar. I can\'t lift my hands and shoulders. I really believe in the news of adults Huang Wen and Huang Wu. If I check it again, I\'m afraid I\'ll lose my life, so I\'ll bother the brothers of six doors."

Zhang Yue is afraid. He is really afraid to find out the people of Liangshanpo. If the people of Liangshanpo catch him and threaten him, Zhang Yue knows the means of six doors. When she meets the gangsters holding hostages, the handling method of six doors is simple and practical, that is, killing hostages and killing thieves first. In order to avoid such a situation, Zhang Yue knows that she needs to stay away from here, otherwise she may be involved 。

"Fear of death! Believe it or not, I\'ll kill you now!" Huang Wu looked at Zhang Yue contemptuously and raised his hand to stab the thin sword into Zhang Yue\'s body.

Fortunately, Huang Wen stopped in time. He put his mouth close to Huang Wu\'s ear and whispered, "don\'t kill him for the time being. Zhang Qiong disappeared at this time and Zhang Yue didn\'t rely on him. We can get a lot of benefits from him in the future. Don\'t forget that he is the only casino in Lingnan city. Give him a face today and we can make a lot of money when we get back face in the future."

Huang Wen has even figured out how to make use of Zhang Yue in the future. After all, in his opinion, Zhang Yue\'s backer has disappeared at this time. Zhang Yue who has no dependence is like a baby holding Jin Yuanbao. In the future, there are opportunities for Huang Wen and Huang Wu to get a steady source of funds. Therefore, Huang Wen does not want Zhang Yue\'s life, but he will pray that Zhang Yue will live a long life.

After Huang Wen\'s persuasion, Huang Wu smiled. Who doesn\'t love money? Like Huang Wen and Huang Wu brothers, they love money more, because they not only have hobbies as men, but also women\'s hobbies. All kinds of rouge, gouache and expensive clothes are a lot of expenses. Although these two people are red people around Chen Sheng, the income of six doors is low, and the two brothers have long planned to look for money Means,

Before, they envied Zhang Qiong very much, because there was Zhang Yue who could provide Zhang Qiong with financial resources. At this time, Zhang Qiong disappeared. Zhang Yue went to the backer, which gave Huang Wen and Huang Wu the opportunity to become Zhang Yue\'s umbrella in the future and earn a lot of money. However, at this time, they simply did not expect that Zhang Yue had already had a partner, and it was Zhang Qiong who made Zhang Qiong disappear Month.

Put away the thin sword in his hand. Huang Wu\'s expression is different from his previous killing intention: "if boss Zhang Yue is afraid, it\'s natural for our two brothers to share your worries. Please wait aside, so as not to hurt you later."

Looking at the expression on Huang Wu\'s face and this face, Zhang Yuexin was bored because he had seen a similar face for half his life. Zhang Qiong\'s greed for his property was like this before. Zhang Yue had guessed what the two brothers wanted to do.

Zhang Yue smiled and said, "Lord Huang Wu is very grateful for my consideration. Since those who have determined their identity, I don\'t know whether the two adults are willing to let them go?" Zhang Yue decided to follow Huang Wen and Huang Wu\'s plan for the time being. The primary purpose is to protect her customers. As for whether Huang Wen and Huang Wu want to make plans for her Fengyue building in the future, it\'s the Business Federation and liumen. Now that there are backers and someone wants to move their own industry, it\'s natural to ask the people behind her if they are willing.

Before Huang Wu answered, Huang Wen smiled: "naturally, but I\'m worried that boss Zhang Yue is teased by the people of Liangshanpo, so check it again. Boss Zhang, don\'t get me wrong. It\'s not that we don\'t believe you. It\'s that the people of Liangshanpo are too cunning. Some official seals may have been disguised by them. If you don\'t check carefully, you really can\'t see the clue."

With that, Huang Wen went straight to the people who had just put on their clothes and trousers. The people who had heard Huang Wen talking to Zhang Yue took off their clothes and trousers again. Huang Wen took a thin sword and scratched on everyone\'s skin. He was worried that the people in Liangshanpo would cover the official seal, so he carefully checked another one. After confirming that there was no problem, Huang Wen smiled and said to the people: "Everyone is a guest of boss Zhang. Today\'s matter is a misunderstanding. You can go first."

In an instant, the crowd dispersed and ran away in the direction of their own home. At this time, Huang Wen looked at the remaining dozen people with a sly smile: "your concentration is really good. You don\'t want to admit it when we check like this? You really don\'t see the coffin and cry. Come on! Surround them and strip off their clothes."

The government soldiers rushed up. At this time, they also recognized that there must be people in Liangshanpo among the dozen people. As long as they were caught, the reward of the imperial court would be theirs. Therefore, the government soldiers were particularly active at this time and immediately stripped the dozens of people.

More than a dozen people who had planned to actively cooperate were also deeply helpless at this time. They had planned to actively cooperate, but now they were regarded as key criminals. After the government soldiers mercilessly started, more than a dozen people curled up on the ground and looked at Huang Wen and Zhang Yue not far away.