Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 981

"Have you ever thought that the people of Liangshanpo may have left Lingnan city?" Li Guo held his glass and looked at Huang Wen and Huang Wu with a smile. At this time, he wanted Huang Wen and Huang Wu to mistakenly think that the people of Liangshanpo had left Lingnan successfully. If this step could be done, it would be a great help for the evacuation of Li Luoyang and others.

If Huang Wen and Huang Wu decided that the people of Liangshanpo had left, they would not carry out the investigation of the whole city with such high intensity, but would try to reduce the punishment imposed by the imperial court to the lightest. This is the result Li Guo wanted. However, Li Guo knew that this matter could not be easy to do. After all, Huang Wen and Huang Wu had to rely on this credit to increase their achievements.

"Oh? I don\'t know why captain Li Guo thinks so? Do you know they have gone?" Huang Wen whispered with a sly smile and a glass.

Li Guo shook his hand and said bluntly, "Lord Huang, don\'t doubt everywhere. Before, I was the chief person in charge. I was more anxious than anyone to arrest them, because if I failed, I might lose my head. Who knew that you two would jump out so boldly, seize my power and take the responsibility in your hands. This is an abnormal gamble."

Li Guo laughed and continued: "If you win the bet, you can catch the people of Liangshanpo successfully, and I can follow Zhanguang to avoid the punishment of the imperial court. But if you lose the bet, the imperial court will only blame you for the six gates in Lingnan. It can be said that you have solved the siege for me. The reason why I say that the people of Liangshanpo may have left is that we have investigated the whole city several times during this period and still haven\'t found them The clues you finally found are still false, so I guess they may not be in Lingnan city. "

Huang Wen asked in a low voice with a smile, "Captain Li Guo, your words are in your ears. It seems that you want to fight side by side with us? Analyze together?"

"If I can help you perform meritorious deeds, I, Li Guo, can also avoid the punishment of the imperial court. Why not?"

"Then I\'d like to hear from captain Li Guo. As you said just now, after several investigations, we all found that the people in Liangshanpo exist, but there is a fact that can prove that they are still in Lingnan city. Don\'t forget, we are missing a small team of people. Who else can attack us in Lingnan city at this time?"

"I\'m not sure. Maybe it\'s themselves?"

"What do you mean?"

"You can ask Zhang Yue about this. He is the most experienced. Before, he had more than a dozen followers, of whom the leader was called one eyed dragon."

"Well, we know him."

"Not long ago, Zhang Yue arranged for the one eyed dragon to lead the team to kill. The one eyed dragon was worried that he was not the opponent of the other party, so he left Lingnan with his people and finally became a bandit on a nearby mountain."

Huang Wen frowned and whispered, "Captain Li Guo, do you want to remind me that my team is likely to have such a mentality?"

"Yes, people are separated from each other. They know what they are facing. That\'s Lin Chong and Wu Song of Liangshanpo. With their strength, if they happen to find the people of Liangshanpo, they naturally know what their fate will be. Instead of dying, why don\'t they want to do something to save their lives? If I were them, I would choose when faced with absolute force suppression Choose to leave, forge a battle scene, then hide in Lingnan city and pretend to disappear in the world. Can\'t you escape this crisis? "

Huang Wu slapped on the table: "they dare not! Those government soldiers may be as timid as you said, but each team has people from our six doors. They are definitely not such people!"

Facing Huang Wu\'s determination, Li Guo just smiled: "are you really so sure?"

Huang Wen interrupted Huang Wu\'s words and looked at Li Guo with a smile: "Captain Li Guo, if it\'s really the same as you said, what else do you think they can do to leave Lingnan city?"

Li Guo drank the wine and said helplessly: "If I were from Lingnan City, I might know, but I\'m not familiar with here at all. Naturally, I don\'t know what other ways to leave Lingnan city. However, don\'t forget that although there are many ambushes and manpower arranged at the gate, the guards of the gate haven\'t changed shifts for a long time because of your excessive use of personnel for investigation, and the archers on the wall have fallen asleep , you know what the consequences will be when you meet the people of Liangshanpo who may hit the city gate. "

At this time, Huang Wencai remembered that the people he arranged had not been rested for a day and a night, and even didn\'t enter the food. If he faced the impact of Liangshanpo in such a state, the city gate would be lost, so he immediately said to Huang Wu, "brother, take several teams of people and horses immediately to replace the city gate guard. Be sure to hurry!"

From Huang Wen\'s serious expression, Huang Wu knew that things were difficult, so he immediately got up and ran to his horse, turned over and got on the horse and looked for a suitable candidate.

After Huang Wu left, Huang Wen took up his wine glass and said to Li Guo with a smile, "Captain Li Guo is still thoughtful. He is too busy in this short time. He forgot the most basic shift change. Fortunately, you remind him."

Li Guo laughed, drank the wine in the glass and said with a smile: "As I said just now, if you can succeed, I will be free from punishment. For myself and my soldiers, I naturally hope you can catch the people of Liangshanpo. I am also worried that they have escaped, so I remind you. Lord Huang Wen doesn\'t have to worry about it. It\'s a small matter."

"Since captain Li Guo has a flexible mind and careful mind, it\'s better to join us and take care of each other."

Li Guo immediately shook his head: "that\'s no good. People don\'t talk secretly. I\'m also protecting myself. If you fail, I can push all the responsibilities on you. I participate in your actions, which means I have responsibilities."

Listening to Li Guo\'s direct answer, Huang Wen laughed wildly: "Captain Li Guo is just talking fast. He doesn\'t hide any of his plans."

"It\'s no use hiding in front of smart people. It\'s better to be direct."

Huang Wenqi hugged Li Guo behind him and saluted: "in that case, I won\'t disturb captain Li Guo. You have a rest. I\'m going to look for the people in Liangshanpo. I\'ll also figure out how to deal with the imperial court after they leave Lingnan City, otherwise our six doors will lose a lot."

Li smiled after returning the salute: "If you can\'t find the people in Liangshanpo, I advise you to give up, accept the result that they have left and deal with the punishment of the imperial court. This is the means to protect your life. You blindly think they are still in the city, but you can\'t find evidence. If you go on like this, the imperial court will only be more angry."

"Thank captain Li Guo for reminding me. I know."