Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 954

"You..." the leader of the six doors slowly fell to the ground. The reason why he gave his companions a secret signal was that he was gambling. If his companions could leave smoothly and inform Huang Wen and Huang Wu of their arrival, he still had a chance to get help, but he didn\'t expect that his companions were stupid and let Shi Xiu kill them. The reason why he dared to gamble was Li Luoyang\'s commitment.

But I didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang was not from Liangshanpo at all.

Lin Chong has some doubts about Li Luoyang\'s practice. After all, Lin Chong is an upright person and has always been based on honesty. He seems to have some opinions on Li Luoyang\'s reneging: "brother Luoyang, why are you doing this? We can let him go. As you promised before, we can stun and bind him here. There\'s no need to kill him."

Li Luoyang smiled: "it seems that Li Luoyang is more heinous than you Liangshanpo people. At least you abide by integrity, but I can tell you clearly that I didn\'t intend to let him go from the beginning. The reason is very simple, because we can\'t stay here for a long time. His stay here will always become a hidden danger."

"Why can\'t we stay long? Now the soldiers who know we\'re here are dead. No one knows we\'re here, and no one knows these guys are dead."

Li Luoyang shook his head reluctantly. Sometimes he really didn\'t know why the people in Liangshanpo were all good at martial arts, but their wisdom was one end worse: "Listen to me slowly. First of all, the people who arranged the inspection were already from six doors. They accurately divided the search positions of each team. Before long, Huang Wen and Huang Wu will find that there is a missing search team. After all the teams are assembled, they will know that the team near the blacksmith house is missing."

Li Luoyang sat at the wooden table drinking wine and continued: "Now who is against them and dares to take action against a team led by six doors? It\'s just us, so Huang Wen and Huang Wu will certainly take everyone to gather around here and focus on the work scope of the missing team. Even if we want to go, we probably can\'t go, so I have to cut down the roots to avoid future trouble."

Wu Song stood behind Li Luoyang, looked at Lin Chong and said slowly: "Luoyang brothers are right. Compared with the previous investigation, the leader of the team this time is the person of six doors. We must be careful in everything. As you saw just now, it was that guy who played Yin. If it weren\'t for brother Shi Xiu, the person of six doors who escaped would have come with support. There\'s no waiting for orders at that time. What\'s more honesty."


Li Luoyang stood up, looked at Lin Chong and said solemnly: "I don\'t object to your banner of Liangshanpo, acting on behalf of heaven, but you should recognize the fact that even in heaven, there are times when you don\'t open your eyes and blindly treat people with integrity. Have you ever thought about whether others really treat you with integrity? You need to go your own way in the future. If you only pursue someone\'s footsteps with your own will, you will eventually die miserably. This is what I give you Caution. "

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, Chaijin frowned and asked in a low voice, "dare you ask brother Luoyang, do you mean to tell us that if we continue to follow brother Song Jiang\'s footsteps and recapture the tragic death, are you going to provoke the feelings between us?"

Li Luoyang laughed wildly. For him who knew the end of Liangshanpo, these righteous men in front of him were sad. They all killed a group of people because of one person\'s decision: "I don\'t mean that. Your love for Song Jiang is yours. I just want to remind you that even if you worship your brother, respected brother and respected brother, he is just a mortal. He will make wrong decisions. I just hope you can keep yourself, recognize the facts and don\'t follow his wrong decisions."

"Do you expect brother Song Jiang to make the wrong decision?"

"It\'s not expected, it\'s certain. Everyone will make mistakes. Today it\'s just gossip and has no other intention. I just want to tell you that following the morality in your heart is the right way."

All the people lowered their heads and seemed to be thinking about something. Only Li Kui stared at Li Luoyang with a fierce face. Angrily, he went straight to Li Luoyang: "I respect you before. I can\'t understand what you just said, but I\'m not stupid. You\'re talking ill of my brother song Jiang!"

At this time, Li Luoyang remembered that Li Kui was Song Jiang\'s brain powder. No one could stain Song Jiang\'s Wood: "brother Li Kui, there is no saint or perfect person. Even Song Jiang will make mistakes."

"It\'s impossible! My brother Song Jiang won\'t be wrong, and I won\'t be wrong." Li Kui grabbed Li Luoyang\'s collar. Wu Xinyi was about to pull out her sword and was stopped by Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang stared at Li Kui with a murderous face and said mercilessly:

"You\'re right? Li Kui, if I remember correctly, there are countless innocent souls who died in their hands. You lived with your mother since childhood, didn\'t receive education, didn\'t understand human nature, and brutally killed. You killed four-year-old children, dozens of old people, ate human flesh and hurt the old. Now you tell me you didn\'t miss it? In your understanding, killing is normal. Yes, it\'s not wrong. I ask you, that\'s not wrong A little wrong child, why should she die in your hands! "

Li Kui stared at me with big eyes and yelled, "I\'ll kill anyone who let her stop me and bully me! Brother Song Jiang is good to me and is my benefactor. To speak ill of him is to speak ill of me!"

"Stubborn, in your heart, Song Jiang is your day. You never thought about what would happen if it collapsed day by day." Li Luoyang clearly remembered the final result of Li Kui in front of him, and he didn\'t intend to continue persuasion. Throughout Liangshan, Li Kui was loyal to Song Jiang as always, even when he died.

Li Luoyang doesn\'t want to stir up the relationship between them, nor does he want to deliberately win over these people in front of him. He just wants these people to live longer, so he persuades them that when Song Jiang makes the decision to change their fate, they need to follow their own heart, rather than blindly follow Song Jiang\'s footsteps, which will only destroy themselves.

Standing next to Li Luoyang, Hua Rongyi was expressionless: "Li Kui, let go of your hand. Don\'t forget who saved me. Are you going to kill my benefactor in front of me?"

Looking at the tension between the two sides, Chaijin rushed over from Shi Xiu: "Li Kui, you are fooling around! Don\'t forget that Luoyang brother took us all the way to this step. If he had a bad heart, we would have died countless times!"

Lin Chong grabbed Li Kui\'s hand and said, "loose." Li Kui gradually loosened Li Luoyang\'s collar. Lin Chong looked at Li Luoyang and said slowly, "brother Luoyang, we appreciate your leadership this time. I will naturally remember your words. No matter what, we\'d better focus on the overall situation."