Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 953

"I, I cooperate, I cooperate, what do you want me to do?"

Li Kui loosened the mouth of the leader of the six doors. The guy was almost frightened just looking at the people around Li Luoyang. The flower monk stared at him with copper eyes, and the murderous Lin Chong and Wu Song. The most terrible thing was that the dark face like Zhong Kui\'s iron ox had made him lose the idea of resistance in an instant. In addition to cooperation, He really can\'t think of any other way to save his life.

Human nature was originally selfish, just as Li Luoyang helped Liang shanpo, he did it for the human feelings of Liang shanpo, so that when there might be a conflict with the Lin family in the future, more people would stand on his side, and in the face of their own lives, human selfishness was reflected incisively and vividly. In order to live, the leader of six doors naturally gave up the struggle, Choose to cooperate with Li Luoyang.

Looking at the leader of the six doors who obeyed orders honestly, Li Luoyang smiled amiably and looked like a person who kept his promise: "In fact, it\'s very simple. You six doors accepted Li Guo\'s responsibility and began to look for us everywhere in Lingnan city. I think you have worked hard, and those government soldiers have been drunk for a few days. I want you to invite them in for a seat, drink and rest."

The leader of the six doors didn\'t know Li Luoyang\'s intention. He called all those people in so that the people of Liangshanpo could suddenly appear and kill them. In this way, he could at least temporarily keep the secret of Liangshanpo hiding here: "I, I can do it, but how can you guarantee that I can live? If I let them in, you will kill them all, will you keep me alive?"

The leader of the six doors doesn\'t believe that Liang Shanbo will keep his promise. If all the soldiers outside die, no one will know the secret here for the time being. He can\'t be left alive, because he will become the only one who knows the foothold of Liang Shanbo.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile: "Now do you have the right to negotiate terms? If I were you, I would only choose to believe it. Well, if you cooperate with our requirements, I will knock you out and bind you here for the time being. When we leave Lingnan city smoothly, someone will come to save you. How about it? I know you are a smart man and you know what the results of your brothers will be. I advise you to do it quickly In conclusion, if people outside are suspicious because you have been in for too long, and they leave here to move rescue soldiers, you have to die. "

"No, no, no, I call, I call!"

After that, the leader of the six doors smiled at the door and said, "it\'s okay. Everyone comes in to drink. I\'m tired. I can\'t stand it after checking for so long. Come in and drink with me."

As soon as he said this, Shi Xiu immediately understood. With a smile, he said to the soldiers of the government: "they are all former companions. I\'m naturally happy to be a guest at my house. Those who led the team have said so. Come in."

The officers and soldiers went into the old blacksmith\'s house and sat around the wooden table without ceremony. Only the six door stood face in the grave. "Why don\'t you come in, old fellow?" asked Shi Xiu.

"I don\'t need it. I\'ll go to the hut."

"There are at home. You can use it at any time if you are in a hurry."

"No, I\'m not used to it."

Shi Xiu immediately understood that the boy seemed to see the clue. Looking at the six doors, the man wanted to turn around and leave. Shi Xiu rushed up immediately and highlighted the dagger in his hand. The people of the six doors were obviously ready. Pulling out the knife and turning around was convenient for Shi Xiu to fight. Shi Xiu knew that his home was in the rural lane and would not attract attention for the time being, but the sound of fighting would naturally attract patrols in the street after a long time Depending on the attention of the soldiers, Shi Xiu went all out and killed the six door man, so that Shi Xiu had to die together in order to kill the six door man.

For a time, the people of the six doors were out of control. He didn\'t expect Shi Xiu to be so fierce as soon as he came up. After losing several moves in a row, the people of the six doors were covered with many blood stains. Embarrassed, he bit his teeth and stared at Shi Xiu fiercely: "you, your boy, actually cooperate with the thieves of Liangshanpo."

"You\'re smart, but you can\'t go today. Even if I die, I\'ll keep you here!" Shi Xiu rushed up immediately. He won\'t leave any time for the other party.

In the face of Shi Xiu\'s attack, the people of liumen had lost the chance to resist. Shi Xiu instantly cut off his head and immediately carried the body back to his door. At this time, he had multiple knife wounds on his arm and thigh. He was still waiting at the door with bleeding. He was worried that Li Luoyang and others would act and would scare the snake if he went back rashly.

When Shi Xiu closed the door and went after the six men, Li Luoyang gently raised his hand and waved it. The people in Liangshanpo suddenly rushed out of the inner room. The unprepared government soldiers fell to the ground in an instant. Even if they were prepared, they couldn\'t hold on for ten seconds. The gap in hard power was too obvious. After a few rounds, the officials who were drinking and chatting The soldiers of the government had fallen into a pool of blood.

Li Luoyang took the lead of the six doors and came out. Looking at the bodies on the ground, he smiled and said, "carry them into the inner room, Shi Xiu, you can come in!" Li Luoyang had already noticed Shi Xiu observing through the window. After dealing with these government soldiers, Li Luoyang naturally asked Shi Xiu to enter the room quickly.

Shi Xiu pushed the door into the room and threw the body into the inner room. Then he sat down on the ground and said weakly, "this guy found a clue and wants to run."

Li Luoyang nodded and hurriedly took out herbs to let Chaijin heal his wounds. Then Li Luoyang turned to look at the leader of the six doors and said with a smile: "it seems that the people of the six doors are quite smart. Your partner noticed the abnormality before he entered the house?"

The leader of the six doors looked guilty. Sweating, he bowed his head and remained silent.

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang said slowly, "just now you let them in, your tone and tone seem to imply your companions? This is the customary code language of your six doors, isn\'t it? If you don\'t plan to speak, I\'ll cut your tongue now."

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, the leader of the six doors immediately knelt down: "I\'m wrong, I\'m wrong, he, he\'s my companion. Naturally, he knows that I never drink, so when I say to let them come in and drink with me, he should know the clues, so he\'s suspicious."

Li Kui grabbed the hair of the leader of the six doors, clenched his teeth and said fiercely: "the boy dares to play Yin. If brother Shi Xiu hadn\'t found it in time, our whereabouts would have been exposed. Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

"No, no, no, you, don\'t you Liangshanpo people all act on behalf of heaven and keep their promises? You, you promised to let me live."

At this time, Liangshanpo people were surprised to see that the dagger in Li Luoyang\'s hand deeply pierced into the heart of the leader of the six doors. Li Luoyang smiled coldly: "I forgot to tell you that I\'m not from Liangshanpo."