Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 955

Outside the gate of the government, Huang Wen returned with the pair and checked along the route he was responsible for. He never found any Liangshanpo people. The soldiers and the attendants of liumen were busy all day. They were hungry and needed to be repaired. Only then did they return to the government.

The soldiers sat in the courtyard. They had never been in contact with such search intensity before. After all, Zhang Qiong was lazy. He always arranged a small team to patrol and enjoyed himself in the government. Only they knew whether those who went to patrol checked or not.

This time, Huang Wen led the team facing the six gates. These government soldiers did not dare to neglect. They followed all the way for a whole day. They didn\'t eat anything and their physical strength was seriously overdrawn. Even if they met the people in Liangshanpo, they had to surrender.

"You look like trash. You\'ve been tired after a day\'s inspection. How does Zhang Qiong train you? Does she just keep you as a dog?" Huang Wen angrily pointed his orchid finger at the government soldiers on the ground and yelled. With no progress in the whole day\'s investigation, Huang Wen\'s temper became unbearable, He was worried that the people of Liangshanpo had left Lingnan city successfully at this time, so it would be a great sin to come to six doors.

After all, at this time, liumen has mastered all the responsibility of Lingnan city. If the people in Liangshanpo escape smoothly when they are in charge, Li Guo just tells the court that liumen forcibly robbed power and threw all their mistakes to them. They have to bear heavy punishment silently, so Huang Wen seems a little worried at this time, When you get emotional, you can\'t control your temper.

The government soldiers who sat on the ground to recover their strength bowed their heads. They were not surprised to see Huang Wen cursing. They were used to Huang Wen cursing all the way. Even if they were not used to it, they didn\'t dare to say anything. Zhang Qiong didn\'t dare to confront Huang Wen and Huang Wu of six doors. Now Zhang Qiong\'s people are gone, How dare some small soldiers do this? In addition, the magistrate killed by Zhang Qiong is still lying inside, and no one makes decisions for them.

"Get up!" Huang Wen pointed to several six door attendants standing beside him. Although these people were panting, at least they looked much better than the government soldiers. After all, the amount of training they usually received was different: "take a good look. This is our six door attendants, which is much better than you waste!"

The government soldiers were still silent.

"I told you all to get up!" Huang Wen pulled out his sword and pointed to the soldier nearest to him. The soldier quickly grabbed the long gun and forced his trembling feet to stand up. Even if he stood straight, his feet were still shaking.

"Group leaders, count the number of people for me!" when arranging the search, Huang Wen regrouped these government soldiers and appointed a group leader, which is more systematic and professional than Zhang Qiong\'s aimless search before.

After a while, several team leaders came to Huang Wen one after another. Panting, they replied in unison: "Lord Huang Wen, everyone is together."

"Get out, get out and eat. I\'ll give you a time to burn incense. If anyone fucking times out, I\'ll put him in the right place!"

The government soldiers quickly turned around and ran to the canteen. Some soldiers who were physically overdrawn simply chose not to eat. They lay on the ground waiting for a incense stick. The time for a incense stick was far from enough. They didn\'t want to be brought to justice. As for the soldiers who went to the canteen, they really couldn\'t stand it. They didn\'t eat all day and consumed a lot of physical strength, How can they persist without training.

At the gate of the government, another group of people came slowly. Huang Wu rode on his horse, followed by a dense crowd behind him. Like the team led by Huang Wen, the government soldiers just entered the gate and fell into the courtyard. Each face was full of helplessness and fatigue. Huang Wu came to Huang Wen and looked at the soldiers with contempt: "Shit, these guys are rubbish. I don\'t know what Zhang Qiong is doing with so many fools. I\'m so tired after only one day."

"Brother, stop talking. The soldiers I took are the same. Look at their appearance. Now if you meet the people in Liangshanpo, these guys are of no use at all, let alone expect the crowd tactics to deal with them."

"What\'s the matter with you?" Huang Wu asked Huang Wen, who was standing beside him, sitting on the steps.

"No, and you?"

Huang Wu shook his head and then whispered, "did you say those guys ran away?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. If they do run away, we will be unlucky this time. We can\'t do meritorious service to Lord Chen Sheng, but will harm him. Think about it, now the responsibility is all ours. They ran away in our management, and the court won\'t kill us?"

"Did you say that Li Guo knew that the people in Liangshanpo were afraid, so he deliberately handed over the responsibility to us? He just wanted to see our six doors punished by the imperial court."

"You think too much. I don\'t think so. Besides, his task is also aimed at Liangshan thieves. If he knows they have run away, he will guard against them? He doesn\'t know that we will suddenly appear and rob him of his power. How can he use these to calculate us."

Huang Wu nodded: "that\'s right. I don\'t think that guy has such a brain, but where have those Liangshan thieves gone? Considering our investigation, this is the third time to investigate the whole Lingnan city since Hua Rong was rescued."

"Well, the first time was organized by Li Guo. At that time, he conducted a screening and investigation on Lingnan city and found no abnormalities. The second time was led by Zhang Qiong, and he didn\'t find any clues. This is indeed the third time, but I didn\'t expect that there was no discovery in the three investigations, but the city gate has been closed all the time. After all, no one has left, including me Our people, do they really have wings and fly away? "

"If that\'s true, I\'ll go to Liangshan Park and learn the art of flying."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. If others hear this, we\'ll wait for our heads to be beheaded."

"I\'m just playing."

"If you have time to play, count your team."

Huang Wu looked at the government soldiers with a disgusted face: "do you think it\'s necessary? It\'s normal to be a deserter for these useless things." Huang wucai didn\'t bother to care whether some government soldiers escaped halfway. After all, these garbage are not the people of his six doors. If they are less, they will be less. Moreover, he doesn\'t want his men to be like this at all.

"It\'s useless, but we\'d better act according to the rules. If Lord Chen Sheng knew that we were so perfunctory, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"I know." Huang Wu stood up helplessly and ordered the team leader to count the team.