Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 952

As the sun gradually set in the west, Lingnan city seemed to be covered with a layer of golden gauze. The green bricks and tiles changed their colors. People came and went in the street, children were fighting, and vendors were shouting. It looked almost the same as in the peaceful and prosperous times, but the undercurrent was surging in the crowd, which was difficult for ordinary people to notice. The closed city gates were still not opened, and they had been closed for several days, It also caused a lot of trouble to the people in Lingnan city.

Many people who can\'t provide for themselves usually buy meat and vegetables as their home food. Businessmen outside Lingnan city can\'t sell in the city, and the people don\'t have much food at home. If this goes on, they don\'t know how long they can support, but the people dare to be angry and dare not speak. Looking at the soldiers coming and going on the street, they are all in readiness, Ordinary people know that the event has not subsided. At this time, no one dares to make a mistake for fear of having something to do with the people in Liangshanpo.

Everything in good order and well arranged in old Huang Wen\'s and the Yellow Emperor\'s work. Now a new group of soldiers has arrived near the old blacksmith\'s house. The people in Liangshan have already entered the inner room again. They are different from last time. The last time they came here was the old fellow Smith\'s son, old fellow. At this time, the man outside the door is the soldier led by liumen.

When the wooden door rang, Shi Xiu opened the door. Two people with six doors looked at Shi Xiu seriously: "routine inspection, please get out of the way."

Before Shi Xiu could speak, the soldier behind the six doors smiled and said, "leader Shi Xiu, why are you still at home? Where have you been this day? The government is in a mess. We are all looking for you everywhere!"

The leader of the six doors asked suspiciously, "are you the group leader under Shi Xiu and Zhang Qiong?"

"It\'s me. I don\'t know what this six door master is doing here?"

"Your captain Zhang Qiong is missing. As the group leader, you should stand up and lead everyone to continue to investigate the key criminals of Liangshanpo. Why do you hide in your own house and stay closed? Are you a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" according to liumen, since Shi Xiu is the group leader appointed by Zhang Qiong, she has the obligation to stay in the period when Zhang Qiong is missing, He took the responsibility of organizing the government soldiers to continue the investigation, but Shi Xiu hid himself at home, which really bored the people of six doors.

Shi Xiu knew that Zhang Qiong was already dead, so she put all the responsibility on Zhang Qiong: "Brothers, you don\'t know. The reason why I stayed at home and didn\'t go to the government was captain Zhang Qiong. He said he wanted to change the team leader, so he quit me and asked me to go home to farm. When he left, he gave me ten Liang silver. I had to learn to forge iron at home with my father, but lingnancheng government specially stressed that I couldn\'t make cast iron, so I had to sit in the room with my father Wait inside. "

Shi Xiu\'s words had been dead to the proof, and the officers and soldiers were naturally convinced. The leader of the six door looked at the stone behind him. The old fellow was sitting at the wooden table at nothing and drinking. He seemed to be drunk and ignorant: "are you staying at home these days?"

"Well, of course, I\'m tired. Where\'s captain Zhang Qiong? Have the thieves in Liangshanpo been found?"

The leader of the six doors snorted and stared at Shi Xiu mockingly: "in your mind, no wonder Zhang Qiong wants to quit you. If we find those people who beat Liangshanpo, we still need to investigate? It\'s fucking stupid. As for your captain Zhang Qiong, we don\'t know whether you are dead or alive. Our six doors are only responsible for this action against the thieves of Liangshanpo, not looking for Zhang Qiong for you."

After that, the leader of the six doors pushed open Shi Xiu and walked into the blacksmith\'s house. Shi Xiu smiled and said, "Sir, my family is so big that I can see all over my eyes. Besides, as an official soldier, how can I hide the imperial court? It\'s a capital crime to lose my head."

The leader of the six doors smiled: "I don\'t know anything else, but it\'s hard to say whether there are scum among your government soldiers. I only know that there will be no people harboring important criminals in the six doors in Lingnan. You, ha ha, maybe."

Shi Xiu frowned and said seriously, "what do you mean?"

"The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. What kind of person is your captain Zhang Qiong? You don\'t know in your heart? Greed and fraud. If you follow such a person, you will naturally learn these problems from him. Since you used to be a team leader, you have also benefited a lot? Maybe you can do more absurd things."

When Shi Xiu was ready to continue his explanation, the leader of the six doors pointed to the wooden door of the inner room and said, "didn\'t you say that your family can see it at a glance? What\'s behind this door?"

"Behind the door is my father\'s iron making place. It\'s a mess inside. Be careful to dirty your feet." Shi Xiu is sweating. He knows that the people of six doors are different from those government soldiers. He was the team leader before and can cope with it. Now the people who lead the team are six doors. Naturally, they won\'t let go of any corner.

At this time, the people hiding in the inner room were ready and hid in the corner behind the door. Lin Chong whispered to Li Luoyang: "brother Luoyang, what should I do now?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "there\'s only one way. Wait until he comes in and kill him."

"But there are government soldiers outside. If they are asked to send a signal, Huang Wen and Huang Wu will come."

"Kill them all!" Li Luoyang knew very well that he could only be cruel and cruel at this time. If a soldier escaped, the blacksmith house would become their burial place.

Standing in the room, Shi Xiu began to beat drums in his heart. He watched the leader of the six doors push open the door of the inner room, and then walked in. Shi Xiu knew that this matter must be cut off, so he smiled and said to the government soldiers outside the door and another person from the six doors: "it\'s cold outside. It\'s better to enter the room to be warm. My father is just hot wine. It\'s better to have a taste."

Some soldiers slobber the old fellow\'s hand, and they look at the six door.

The man at the six doors looked serious and whispered, "no, we\'ll wait here. If it\'s all right, we\'ll continue to investigate other places!"

Before he could make any noise, the man who had just entered the six doors of the inner room was held in his arms by Li Kui and his mouth was blocked by a heavy hand. Li Luoyang held a dagger against his throat and said with a smile: "Shh, don\'t struggle. I haven\'t seen anyone successfully struggle to leave from the iron bull. Now, you just need to cooperate with us, and I promise to let you live."

Looking at the leader of the six doors with wide eyes and fear in his eyes, Li Luoyang continued with a smile: "first of all, you have to promise me not to make any sound after loosening your mouth, or you can forget that the knife in my hand is not obedient."

The leader of the six doors dared not move, because the dagger in Li Luoyang\'s hand had been aimed at the lower body.