Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 951

"Brother Li Guo, are you there?"

Outside the door came Mo Jiao\'s cry. Ye Yu quickly wiped away her tears and opened the wooden door. Mo Jiao smiled at Ye Yu with red eyes: "sister Ye Yu? What\'s the matter with you? Are you crying?"

"No, no, the sand is in my eyes."

Mo Jiao looked around: "there\'s no wind."

"You come in first. You have something to do with Captain Li Guo?" Ye Yu quickly shifted the topic. She knew that if it went on like this, Mo Jiao\'s character would certainly break the casserole. She couldn\'t tell Mo Jiao that Li Guo was wearing armor for herself. After all, things between men and women were uncertain. Mo Jiao\'s mouth could not be said.

As soon as Mo Jiao entered the door, she said to Ye Yu, "I just heard brother Li Guo yelling at you. Is it because of me?" as soon as Mo Jiao got outside the door, she heard Li Guo\'s roar. In Mo Jiao\'s opinion, Li Guo was blaming Ye Yu for telling her where Li Guo was. Mo Jiao found Li Guo and helped Huang Wen get the responsibility of Lingnan city.

Ye Yu shook his head desperately: "no, that\'s not the case. Captain Li Guo didn\'t blame me."

"So he\'s blaming me?"

Sitting aside, Li Guo said helplessly, "if you have anything to say, there is no need to beat around the bush."

Mo Jiao came to Li Guo with her mouth and said with a smile: "brother Li Guo, are you angry with me? I know it\'s a shame for you to lose your responsibility, and it still fell into the hands of six doors. If it\'s spread, it\'s bad for the reputation of the military camp."

"Hum, since you know, you still help Huang Wen to persuade me?" Li Guo is really not angry with Mo Jiao. First, he knows that Mo Jiao is for his good, and then he understands that Mo Jiao doesn\'t know that Li Luoyang is on another street not far from her at this time, and he is also the person in charge of Liangshanpo\'s operation, but Li Guo also wants to teach Mo Jiao a lesson, Lest the girl do anything that makes him helpless in the future.

If Li Luoyang had a frontal battle with liumen this time, maybe Li Guo would not forgive Mo Jiao\'s ignorance. After all, Li Luoyang is Li Guo\'s inverse scale.

"Brother Li Guo, I\'m also for your own good. I\'ve explained it many times. Don\'t you know what the winning rate of those people who face Liangshanpo alone is? If it weren\'t for the face of Li Luoyang, I wouldn\'t help Huang Wen. My father and their person in charge have always been in opposition. If my father knew that I helped Huang Wen and got your responsibility, he would kill him It\'s my fault. I\'m risking my life to help you. "

"I have to thank you, don\'t I?"

"That\'s not necessary. I just don\'t want you to be angry. Look, I helped. I\'ll be scolded by my father when I go back. You don\'t appreciate it for your good. Don\'t I find something for myself? I can\'t get any benefits if I help. Who am I going to reason with?"

Mo Jiao\'s acting skills are still the most skilled. However, compared with acting Master Li Luoyang, she is still a little worse. At this time, Mo Jiao has tears in her eyes and grievances on her face. She looks pitiful. Her big eyes are covered with a layer of water mist, which is more moving.

Ye Yu reluctantly said to Mo Jiao, "sister Mo Jiao, Captain Li Guo didn\'t blame you, but we were originally friends. You and Li Guo are more familiar. When this happens, you should send someone to discuss with Captain Li Guo first and wait for captain Li Guo to make preparations."

If Mo Jiao asked Mo Fu and Mo Shou to tell Li Guo about it in advance, Li Guo would naturally find a way to delay enough time. Li Luoyang would not hand over the responsibility until he successfully left with the people of Liangshanpo. In this way, the court would only blame the six doors who took sole responsibility for letting the people of Liangshanpo go, which would be safer for Li Guo, But when Mo Jiao appeared in front of Li Guo with Huang Wen, Li Guo didn\'t know it.

Hearing Ye Yu\'s words, Mo Jiao nodded her head and said wrongfully, "I\'m just a little girl. How can my mind be so flexible? I\'m careful. I just want to let brother Li Guo leave the dangerous position earlier, so I didn\'t give notice in advance. Next time I must pay attention. No matter what happens, I should send someone to inform first, so as to give the party some psychological preparation."

Mo Jiao walked up to Li Guo, took the tea on the table and put it in front of Li Guo: "brother Li Guo, don\'t be angry. For my sake of worrying about your safety, forgive me."

Looking at Mo Jiao\'s pitiful appearance, Li Guo reluctantly took the tea in Mo Jiao\'s hand and drank it up: "there\'s no next time. I tell you, if there\'s another time, I\'ll never give you face. This time, if it\'s not for your sake, how can I hand over the responsibility to the people of six doors!"

"Yes, brother Li Guo is the best to me." Mo Jiao jumped up, then hugged Ye Yu and said with a smile: "sister Ye Yu, practice sword with me."

"Sister Mo Jiao, go yourself. I have something to discuss with Captain Li Guo."

Mo Jiao looked at Ye Yu with a puzzled look on her face: "there\'s something else to discuss? What else? The responsibility has been handed over to six doors, and those Liangshan thieves have been handed over to them. Haven\'t you completed the secret task of the imperial court?" in Mo Jiao\'s opinion, Li Guoye Yu came to Lingnan for two things. The first is naturally the case against Hua Rong. At this time, the responsibility has been given to others, It\'s no use worrying about Li Guo.

The other is the imperial court\'s secret order to let Li Guo find the criminal evidence of Zhang Qiong. Now these evidences have reached Ye Yu\'s hand, and Zhang Qiong has disappeared. Therefore, Mo Jiao believes that Li Guo and Ye Yu have nothing to deal with now.

Li Guo said reluctantly, "we have to discuss the barracks. Although we don\'t have to deal with Lingnan now, we have our own affairs after all."

Mo Jiao took Ye Yu\'s hand and said, "sister Ye Yu, just practice with me for a while. I\'m bored to death. The gate of Lingnan city hasn\'t been opened. I can\'t go anywhere. I\'m suffocating."

Ye Yu took a look at Li Guo, and then reluctantly said, "just for a while."

"Well, I promise it\'ll be a while."

Li Guo deliberately asks Ye Yu to agree to Mo Jiao\'s request. He knows that if ye Yu doesn\'t agree, Mo Jiao will certainly pester. At that time, he is afraid to affect Li Guo\'s action. He still needs to go to the blacksmith\'s house to find Li Luoyang after dark. If Mo Jiao\'s entanglement is strong, she will pester Ye Yu day and night, so it\'s better to let Ye Yu deal with it, At least let Mo Jiao be honest tonight.

At this time, Li Guo finally understood that the most uncertain factor in Lingnan city was mo Jiao. If it weren\'t for her appearance, there would be so many things there. Find her and let Li Luoyang and Liangshanpo people out of the city smoothly. It won\'t be long before Li Luoyang can return to Luoyang City at this time. Where do you need to make such a great determination to pay for Li Luoyang.

Standing at the door, looking at Ye Yu and Mo Jiao competing in the courtyard, Li Guo whispered to himself, "Luoyang, it seems that the future will be up to you. Don\'t live up to my kindness."