Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 950

"Now, what else can you do?" Li Guo looked at Ye Yu expressionless and then continued: "don\'t worry, I\'ll show up alone and won\'t bother you. Even if the imperial court blames me, I\'ll kill only one!"

"Captain! As I said before, I will always follow you no matter you stand against the imperial court or general Zhou Xiangong, but... Is it worth it?" Ye Yu lowered her head reluctantly. She knew that Li Guo wanted to go alone to guard the city gate with relatively weak strength and strive for the best evacuation time for Li Luoyang and others. She chose to break the back, Cover the people to leave Lingnan city. He is going to sacrifice himself to make Li Luoyang.

"Worth it!" without any hesitation, Li Guo said firmly: "even if I die, I believe that with the ability of Luoyang, he can still find a way to save our mother. I know he will avenge me. I believe him unconditionally. I know that if this happens to me, he will do it for me."

Looking at Li Guo with firm eyes, Ye Yu sighed and said slowly, "I, I know, Captain, since you have made up your mind, I will study it with you." Ye Yu seriously looked at the tea cup on the wooden table and said seriously: "As I said before, before I came back, I specially went to the four gates to have a look. So far, there are four soldiers left in the east gate, ten government soldiers and eight people in the six gates. The most important thing is that there are many archers on the gate, and the same is true for other gates."

Li nodded and said slowly: "Apart from our own soldiers, the government soldiers don\'t care. Their strength is very weak. Now without Zhang Qiong, they have no need to be afraid. We just don\'t know any of the six gates. We don\'t know the strength of others except Huang Wen and Huang Wu. So far, we don\'t know which gate has weak overall strength , it\'s easier to break through. "

"Captain Li Guo, personally, if you have made a decision to sacrifice to cover Li Luoyang and them to leave, we should start with the archers on the city gate and deal with them. According to the strength of those Liangshanpo people, it is not difficult for them to guard the city gate. As long as you avoid the cold arrows on the city wall when they hit the city gate, I believe they can get away safely 。”

"Well, you\'re right. There\'s no doubt about the strength of those Liangshanpo people. Even if Huang Wen and Huang Wu are present, it\'s estimated that it\'s difficult to keep them. It\'s enough to help Luoyang get rid of the archers on the gate."

Ye Yu pointed to one of the teacups and whispered: "The east gate is the closest place to Luoyang. Once they leave, they can get into the jungle not far away. As long as they can enter the jungle, the chasing soldiers will naturally lose their way and win more opportunities for their departure. Therefore, I think captain, you just need to tell Li Luoyang to let them wait in our soldiers\' clothes at the east gate until we get rid of them After the archers on the city tower give them a signal, they will attack the city gate again. In this way, they can ensure everything is safe. "

"Yes, it\'s a good idea to break through the city gate as quickly as possible and avoid other Huang Wen and Huang Wu coming from other places with people. It will only compensate our brothers." let Li Luoyang lead the people of Liangshanpo to break through the city gate from the front, and the barracks soldiers guarding the city gate can\'t avoid death. This is the only place Li Guo thinks he has no choice.

Ye Yu smiled, full of helplessness: "ha ha, Captain, you don\'t even care about your own life and death. Why pay attention to other brothers?"

"Ye Yu, are you satirizing me? Are you calling me selfish? Do you want to tell me that I would rather sacrifice my comrades in arms for my brother?" Li lowered his head and was ashamed. He knew that even if ye Yu really meant this, he could not refute it. After all, the fact is that he had done so.

"I don\'t dare. Other brothers don\'t know the secret between you and Li Luoyang. In the military camp, no one knows your plan to save your mother except me, and they won\'t know that their death is related to you. Therefore, Captain, you don\'t have to worry. When they die, they will only know that they are loyal to their duties and died in confrontation with the important criminals of the imperial court, not you Your affair. "

"The more you say that, the more uncomfortable I feel, but I think of a way. I will secretly inform the brothers of the east city gate in advance and let them leave when I go to the city wall. As for the reason, I won\'t tell them. I just tell them it\'s an order. After they leave, I will take action to kill the archers on the city wall. In this way, they will break through Luoyang Not only will there be less resistance, but also our brothers\' casualties will be avoided. "

"But if they find a change in the east gate, they will turn back immediately."

"So, I need you to lead them. I want you to take the brothers of the east gate and go as far as possible..."

Before Li Guo finished, Ye Yu immediately refused: "no! I don\'t agree. As I said, I\'ll go wherever you go. If you want to go to the city gate to kill the archers, I\'ll go too. Besides, there are so many archers on the city gate. Even if you have high martial arts skills, you can\'t kill them all in a short time. If we act together, we can ensure everything."

Li Guo smiled and patted Ye Yu on the shoulder: "I\'m alone. I don\'t want to involve any of you. Besides, after I leave, the team needs a captain. Who else can I give the position of Captain except you?"

"Captain Li Guo, this is my own decision. Please don\'t say more."

"Ye Yu!" Li Guo suddenly gave a loud cry, and Ye Yu immediately straightened up and waited for the order.

"Forget the rules, don\'t you? Anyway, I\'m still the captain, and you have to obey my orders..." however, the next scene completely shut Li Guo up. Ye Yu took off his armor directly, his eyes red and shouted, "I\'m no longer a soldier now, and I don\'t have to obey your orders!"

Li Guo didn\'t expect Ye Yu to do so. Li Guo shook his head, picked up the armor on the table and looked at Ye Yu who bit his lips and endured tears. Li Guo slowly put on the armor for Ye Yu again. They were speechless. Li Guo knew that no one could change what ye Yu decided: "you, why bother?"

"You for your brother, I for my captain, that\'s all!"

"Well, don\'t cry. Just do what you want. I owe you in my life, and I will give it back to you in my next life."

Ye Yu wiped the corners of his eyes. Yu Guang looked at Li Guo, who lowered his head to wear armor for himself. He thought to himself: "I don\'t want you to return in the next life. I just want to meet you before you know other girls. I can\'t be together in this life. In the next life, let me follow you like now."