Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 942

The carts were transported out from the gate of the Yang family, tied to the flattery of the carts, and dragged the heavy intoxicating wine to the Yihua building. Along the way, aunt Hong deliberately opened a jar of intoxicating wine. The people who passed by early in the morning were attracted by the fragrance. Many people gathered around like watching the excitement and talked about it all over.

"Isn\'t it the intoxicating wine of the Yang family?"

"Yes, I also saw them come out of the Yang family. Did the Yang family start to cooperate with Yihua building?"

"It\'s impossible. With Yang Zhen\'s character, even if he cooperates with Fengyue building, he won\'t cooperate with brothels. Isn\'t it bad for the Yang family\'s own reputation?"

Just as everyone was talking, an attendant stood on the scooter and shouted at the crowd with his hands on his hips, "everyone, please say a few words." the crowd began to quiet down gradually.

The entourage smiled and saluted the crowd with a fist: "everyone saw that the carriage is the intoxicating wine of the Yang family in Lingnan city. These are all the stocks of the Yang family. Moreover, the secret recipe of intoxicating wine is already owned by our Yihua building. From now on, the Yang restaurant will no longer sell intoxicating wine. If you want to drink, please visit Yihua building."

As soon as this remark was made, the crowd talked again. Many people don\'t want to go to the brothel for consumption. Is it just for intoxication?

The attendant raised his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet: "Be quiet, everyone. We know that many of you are upright and don\'t like to taste intoxicating wine in Fengyue place, so we specially cooperated with boss Zhang Yue\'s Fengyue building. From now on, if you don\'t want to taste intoxicating wine in Yihua building, you can also go to Fengyue building to taste it. We promise that the sales price of intoxicating wine will start from today, starting from the original eight Two have been reduced to seven Liang. Although it is only a gap of one or two silver, this is also our feedback from Yihua building and Fengyue building! "

The crowd began to cheer. Many patrons of Yang\'s Restaurant went for intoxication. Whether they were in Yang\'s restaurant or Fengyue building, in short, intoxication and intoxication are one or two cheaper than before, and ordinary people are naturally much happier.

At this time, Huang Wu came to the crowd with soldiers and people from six doors. It was early morning. Huang Wu, who was searching the people of Liangshanpo nearby, naturally noticed the suddenly gathered crowd, so he came to check, but he didn\'t expect that the intoxicating wine had become the of the overflow flower building.

Huang Wu came to the carriage. Aunt Hong smiled at Huang Wu on her horse: "isn\'t this Lord Huang Wu? She came out on business so early?" aunt Hong knew that liumen had been responsible for Lingnan City, but she naturally wouldn\'t tell in front of Huang Wu.

"Yi Hua Lou Hong aunt? Hahaha, unexpectedly, Lingnan city is not peaceful these days. You Yi Hua Lou can get the intoxicating wine of the Yang family in such a situation. It seems that it took a lot of effort?" Huang Wu was very curious about why aunt Hong got the secret recipe of intoxicating wine, and the Yang family also stopped selling intoxicating wine for nearly a hundred years. The reason naturally attracted Huang Wu\'s attention.

With a smile, aunt Hong sat on the carriage and said to Huang Wu: "Lord Huang Wu, the business between the merchants is confidential? We have never committed violence against the Yang family, nor have we ever threatened the Yang family. We don\'t have the courage and strength. What we have today is reasonable. If you think we have violated the law and got these, you can go to the Yang family and ask them if they are willing to give us the secret recipe and sales right."

Huang Wu raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "Oh? So the Yang family began to cooperate with you Yihua building? But I think according to Yang Zhen\'s temper, he won\'t brew intoxicating wine to your brothel. The tribute wine of the imperial court has become a good wine in the Fengyue place today. Can Yang Zhen accept such a fall?"

Facing Huang Wu\'s sarcasm, aunt Hong smiled and said: "Lord Huang Wu, you don\'t know. The owner of the Yang family is Yang Yanwen at this time, but it\'s not Yang Zhen. We have reached a cooperative relationship with Miss Yang Yanwen. As for the details of our cooperation, we must have no obligation to tell you. If you want to check the six doors, you can take action. The wise people don\'t do anything wrong. Naturally, they won\'t knock at the door."

"Really? The owner of the Yang family is Yang Yanwen? I really don\'t know. It seems that I\'ll come to the door to congratulate him another day. Since Yihua building has got intoxicating wine, business will be booming in the future, but I can remind you that you\'d better not play any means in Lingnan city. If we catch it, we have to bear the consequences."

Aunt Hong shook the feather fan and said slowly: "Whether it\'s Yihua building or the merchant Federation, it must be the object of the six Gates\' supervision. You send people to Yihua building every once in a while to investigate. I know all this. I really want to ask you what you found? I guess there\'s nothing. If I really have any illegal acts between Yihua building and the merchant Federation, according to your integrity of the six gates in Lingnan city Ge said, "I\'ve already brought up my overflow flower building."

Huang Wu\'s face is black and blue, and secretly investigating the mission of the overflow house is the secret of the six doors. At this time, the red aunt can accurately say the task of six doors. Huang Wu\'s heart naturally has a judgement. He firmly believes that even if he has more skills, he will not be able to buy six people. Aunt Hong found out.

"Now that Aunt Hong knows everything, do you want to tell me that you have prepared all the things our spies investigate in advance? Do you use spies to cover up your crimes?"

"Lord Huang Wu\'s remark is a false accusation. We open the door of Yihua building to welcome guests and do business. How can we know who is the person of your six doors and who is the person of the government? We are just good people who abide by the law and do what we should do. We are not afraid of your investigation. Don\'t want to slander me because we haven\'t found anything. The people present can give us As a witness, you, Lord Huang Wu, seem to want to put a hat on our Yihua building. "

The crowd began to talk in a low voice. Huang Wu was speechless by Aunt Hong. In addition, the crowd began to be restless. Huang Wu had to turn his horse\'s head and say to Aunt Hong seriously: "since you are a legitimate citizen, cooperate with our work and take your goods back immediately. Don\'t hinder my people from searching."

"That\'s nature."

Huang Wu pointed to the crowd and shouted, "you are scattered. If anyone dares to gather in the crowd, don\'t blame the people of our six doors for being cruel! I\'ll treat all those who don\'t listen to the warning as Liangshanpo associates!" Huang Wu vented his anger on the road of the onlookers.

The crowd dispersed in an instant. Aunt Hong also took her team back to Yihua building. Huang Wu with an iron face had to take her people to other places to continue the search.