Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 941

Looking at her daughter stabilizing the workers\' mood, Yang Zhen couldn\'t help laughing. Looking back on her time managing the workers, Yang Zhen saw the hope of the Yang family. Yang Yanwen\'s employment was different from him. Compared with Yang Zhen\'s domineering and majesty, Yang Yanwen spent more time communicating with the workers. Yang Zhen knew that Yang Yanwen\'s doing so would make the workers more loyal to the Yang family, More willing to pay.

The mature way of employing people also made Yang Zhenjian decide his own decision. At this time, Yang Yanwen has the ability to become the owner of the family. She can fully control both intelligence and the way of employing people.

Following Yang Zhen back to the bedroom, Yang Yanwen smiled and said to Yang Zhen, "father, daughter doesn\'t know your father\'s acting skills are so good." recalling a good play in front of aunt Hong, Yang Yanwen didn\'t expect Yang Zhen to be so in place. All kinds of details surprised Yang Yanwen, but it was the presentation of Yang Zhen\'s details that made aunt Hong not suspicious.

Yang Zhen drank tea and cleaned up the medicinal stone powder on the table for the performance: "Since you want to show it to the people of Yihua building and the merchants\' Federation, you should be fully prepared. Those guys are not fools. Some details can make them doubt, especially aunt Hong. She has been in Lingnan city for so many years. It is well known that she is famous for watching people and reading color. She pays more attention to details, and she once said that she knows everyone in Lingnan city , to be able to analyze these people\'s every move and want to deceive him, you naturally need perfect layout. "

Yang Yanwen smiled and sat in front of Yang Zhen: "Dad, I know you kicked me. I know you paid attention to details and showed it to Aunt Hong, but what happened when you vomited a mouthful of blood?" Yang Yanwen clearly remembers that when Aunt Hong talked with Yang Zhen, the atmosphere reached the peak. Yang Zhen performed a scene of being exhaled. At that time, Yang Zhen was true, especially the blood on the ground, whether from the details of her actions or the blood she vomited.

Yang Zhen smiled treacherously and whispered to Yang Yanwen, "that\'s chicken blood prepared in advance. I always keep it in my mouth and spit it up at the critical time. Isn\'t it very realistic." Yang Zhen is complacent that he can deceive people like aunt Hong. Yang Zhen does have proud capital.

Yang Yanwen saluted Yang Zhen with a fist and said with a smile: "Dad is really a real value actor. It can\'t be so meticulous for a daughter."

"Well, don\'t boast, Yan Wen, you\'re the owner of the Yang family now. What\'s your plan next?" Yang Zhen resumed his previous seriousness. Although he has decided to retire to the second line, he at least wants to know Yang Yanwen\'s future plan.

Yang Yanwen sat opposite her eyes and said in an expressionless whisper, "Dad, from today on, Yang\'s restaurant will no longer sell intoxicating wine. I believe those old customers will completely leave Yang\'s restaurant in a short time. I estimate that Yang\'s restaurant will start to suffer serious losses in a month. At this time, we need to be prepared."

"Oh? Tell me?" Yang Zhen is very satisfied with Yang Yanwen\'s current state. Being able to say this is enough to show that Yang Yanwen had considered and planned before.

"First, take out the family\'s savings to maintain the expenses of the restaurant. I think we can delay for half a year. As long as Li Luoyang can come back within half a year, we will get through the difficulties. Second, without using the family\'s savings, when the restaurant can\'t hold on, we start brewing immortal wine and directly let the restaurant sell it. I believe as long as the name of immortal wine comes out Now in the restaurants, most of the dignitaries in Lingnan city will try, and the business will naturally reverse in an instant. "

Yang Zhen frowned and said slowly, "Yan Wen, have you ever thought that if you act according to your second plan, you will offend Li Luoyang. You promised it before. In order to show our sincerity of cooperation, we will not brew immortal wine privately. According to your plan, we will go back on our word."

Yang Yanwen nodded and said with a smile: "This is my daughter\'s worst plan. According to my daughter, I think the first step is the safest. When the restaurant can\'t support it, we take out the money from our family to support it. On the one hand, aunt Hong and the merchant federation can feel that we are really sticking to it, and they will take it lightly. Once Li Luoyang comes back when our family property is exhausted and establishes cooperation, he will produce God immediately Xianzui, Hongyi and the merchant Federation will not have time to respond at all. We will snatch back many markets and guests in an instant. "

Yang Yanwen raised her mouth slightly and continued: "In this way, we can not only keep the integrity and cooperative relationship with Li Luoyang, but also surprise the merchant Federation. When we take out our family money to support the restaurant, aunt Hong will not attack us, because they just need to wait for us to buy us after we can\'t support us, so we are very safe during this period of time."

Yang Zhen nodded and agreed with Yang Yanwen\'s plan: "Yan Wen, my father also supports the first plan, but there is a key problem in this plan, that is, Li Luoyang. Can I insist if he doesn\'t return for one year or two years? Or does he have no chance to return at all?"

Yang Zhenxin is very clear that Yang Yanwen\'s seemingly perfect first plan has a serious disadvantage, that is, Li Luoyang. At this time, Yang Zhen, who has learned that Li Luoyang has a relationship with Liangshanpo and is still trapped in Lingnan City, is worried about whether this guy will return to the Yang family to continue to cooperate with the Yang family in the future. If Li Luoyang dies, Yang Yanwen\'s plan will naturally fail.

Yang Yanwen said with a smile: "if we took out all the industries to maintain the restaurant, Li Luoyang didn\'t come back in the end. At that time, we were brewing immortal wine without permission. Even if Li Luoyang blamed us, I would tell me that this was our helpless move. I hope he can understand and forgive me, and I will take the blame and go to Luoyang City to find him in person, and I am willing to accept any punishment from him."

Looking at the identification in Yang Yanwen\'s eyes, Yang Zhen laughed wildly: "hahaha, since you have all thought about it, do it according to your plan. From today on, intoxicating wine will become the history of the Yang family, and it will no longer be sold in the Yang family restaurant. To tell the truth, it\'s really reluctant to give up."

Intoxicating and intoxicating wine is the painstaking work of the ancestors of the Yang family. It would be unpleasant to give up suddenly. However, after trying immortal wine, Yang Zhen knew that it would be no good for the Yang family to indulge in intoxicating and intoxicating wine. He believed that if his parents had the opportunity to taste immortal wine, they would make the same decision as him, After all, the smell between the two is too obvious.

Yang Yanwen stood at the window and watched the sun rise a little: "I hope Li Luoyang and they have successfully left Lingnan city."

Looking at the expression on Yang Yanwen\'s face, Yang Zhen said with a wild smile: "Yan Wen, the reason why you want to act according to the first plan is because you don\'t want to disappoint Li Luoyang?"

Yang Yanwen blushed and said, "Dad!"