Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 943

He openly unloaded the intoxicating wine from the carriage at the gate of Yihua building. Before Yihua building opened the door, many guests had asked and rushed to Yihua building. Some of them were old customers of Yihua building for many years. They came to congratulate Yihua building immediately after hearing the intoxicating news.

Over the years, some lecherous people like to enjoy in the Yihua building, but at the same time, they want to hold the girl in the Yihua building and drink the intoxicating wine of the Yang restaurant, but the two families are incompatible. Every time those who want to drink can only give up the enjoyment of the brothel. Those who want to go to the brothel for entertainment can only endure the entanglement of wine insects, and now it\'s good, Yihualou will be able to sell intoxicating wine from now on, which is a happy event for many dignitaries in Lingnan city.

"Aunt Hong, congratulations." a fat man in gold and silver came out of the crowd, followed by many followers.

Aunt Hong greeted him with a smile: "it turned out to be Lord Zhou, the water transport supervisor. I didn\'t expect Lord Zhou to come so early?"

The water transport supervisor in Lingnan city is responsible for all the water transport goods in Lingnan area. Zhou Ren is the water transport supervisor. Sitting in this oil-rich position, his figure and consumption are enough to show the benefits of his official position. Usually, he is the biggest customer of Yihua building. Due to the nature of his official position, aunt Hong needs to win over, After all, the merchant Federation also needs to rely on water transport for the transfer of goods. It is the best use to make Zhou Ren raise his hand.

"Early? It\'s getting late. I used to sleep in Yihua building. I\'m really tired of Liangshanpo these days. It stipulates that officials are not allowed to go out. Now Huarong has been rescued. What\'s left is not our water transportation. I have the chance to come out."

"It seems that Lord Zhou can\'t wait."

"Of course! I hurried early today. I didn\'t expect to hear the good news that Yihua building will sell intoxicating wine in the future. I immediately came to congratulate you as the head of the family and naturally want to ask..." Zhou Ren moved his steps and hugged aunt Hong\'s thin waist: "I just want to ask, when can you accompany me, you head of the family?"

Aunt Hong\'s face was red and covered with a feather fan. She gently tapped Zhou Ren on the shoulder: "Lord Zhou, didn\'t Aunt Hong have said it long ago? I\'m in charge of the house. It\'s bad to accompany guests. Once the rules are bad, how can I manage so many people under my hand?"

"Then don\'t manage it. I bought Yihua building and you married me as a concubine. I still let you be the landlady here. It\'s not killing two birds with one stone?" Zhou Ren put his mouth on Aunt Hong\'s face. It\'s sunny in broad daylight and Zhou Ren is unscrupulous in front of so many visitors.

Aunt Hong turned around lightly and successfully broke away from Zhou Ren\'s arms: "Lord Zhou, who doesn\'t know your concubine eight rooms in Lingnan city? I went to Xiaojiu, but there are many beautiful wives at home. It\'s not easy for me to go to your house as a brothel leader. Lord Zhou, don\'t laugh. I specially arranged two girls you are satisfied with today to ensure you get angry?"

Zhou Ren rubbed his hands and drooled: "seriously?"

"Aunt Hong, when did I cheat you? You must be satisfied today. There are not only girls, but also wine."

"OK! Ha ha ha."

Aunt Hong opened the door of Yihua building, and the guests rushed in one after another. This was the biggest scene since the establishment of Yihua building. Many of them were brewing for intoxicating fans. In a moment, the Yihua building was full of guests. Many girls who had just got up didn\'t know what had happened. When they opened the door, they saw a sea of people, and they were dragged to the In the crowd, people began to entertain.

Aunt Hong stood at the door with a smile and looked at the endless stream of guests, so she had to apologize. After all, there was no room for guests in the Yihua building. However, aunt Hong had to immediately arrange an entourage to pull a car of intoxicating wine to the Fengyue building.

At this time, as soon as the bartender of the storm building opened the door, he saw a carriage pulling several large cylinders of things at the door, and many guests were eager to try after the carriage.

"Hello! Let Zhang Yue come out."

The bartender immediately informed Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue came to the door with a puzzled look on her face. Looking at the familiar attendants, she immediately smiled: "what\'s aunt Hong\'s explanation?"

"Boss Zhang, the overflow flower building is full today, but many guests want to taste the intoxicating wine of seven Liang silver. Just now aunt Hong has informed the people in Lingnan city. In the future, in addition to the overflow flower building, your Fengyue building can also sell intoxicating wine in Lingnan city. These guests are already in a hurry. Open the door."

Zhang Yue looked at the guests behind the carriage in surprise. He pulled his entourage aside: "brother, aunt Hong succeeded so soon?"

"Don\'t you know what aunt Hong does? By the way, did you quite understand what I said just now?"

Zhang Yue raised her mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "I understand. Didn\'t you say it very clearly just now, brother? It\'s intoxicating to brew 721 bottles." Zhang Yue has heard the meaning of his entourage\'s words. He knows that price reduction sales is aunt Hong\'s sales means, and he will naturally cooperate.

The entourage laughed: "boss Zhang is really smart."

Zhang Yue took out the silver and stuffed it into the follower\'s hand. Then she asked in a low voice, "does aunt Hong have anything else to explain? Should I go to the overflow flower building to congratulate?"

The entourage smiled brightly and quietly put the silver into his pocket: "boss Zhang is polite. Aunt Hong hasn\'t explained anything. These cylinders of intoxicating wine will be given to boss Zhang for free. Before long, aunt Hong will give you the secret recipe of intoxicating wine. Boss Zhang will work hard at that time, and you will be responsible for brewing intoxicating wine."

Zhang Yue smiled and nodded again and again: "that\'s what you should do. This brother, why don\'t you wait here? I\'ll go back with you after I change my clothes. I\'ll congratulate aunt Hong by the way."

The attendant raised his hand and stopped Zhang Yue: "boss Zhang, I\'m afraid it\'s inconvenient today. First, the Yihua building is full, I\'m afraid it can\'t be taken care of properly. Second, the attendant looked around, then lowered his voice and said to Zhang Yue: "Second, Zhou Ren is here today. You know that Zhou Ren is of great value to Aunt Hong and the merchant Federation. For the sake of insurance, let aunt Hong deal with Zhou Ren today."

Zhang Yue raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "thank you for reminding me. I\'ll visit you another day."

"Aunt Hong has a word for me to tell boss Zhang."


"Remember the agreement between you and us. From now on, aunt Hong hopes you will be loyal to her, and remember, Yang Yanwen of the Yang family, you can\'t pester, otherwise aunt Hong won\'t be polite to you."

Zhang Yue smiled, saluted with fists, watched her entourage leave and said to herself, "I will naturally cooperate with you and be loyal, ha ha."