Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 940

"Miss! What happened to the Yang family? Why did this happen overnight!" when Aunt Hong left, the workers naturally wanted to know the truth. There were no outsiders here, and the workers became more excited. Before, because there were yihualou people, they naturally endured their anger. Now they are a family behind closed doors, and they need an explanation.

Yang Yanwen said slowly with an expressionless face: "the situation in Lingnan city at this time is beyond our control. If we don\'t hand over the intoxicating secret recipe now, our Yang family will lose more. But believe me, I will never let the Yang family fall. On the contrary, I will certainly push the Yang family to a new peak."

The workers looked at each other. The foreman was the first to have doubts about Yang Yanwen\'s words: "Miss, with all due respect, when your grandfather was alive, he spent his whole life studying and surpassing the intoxicating wine, which was all for success. Master Yang also spent most of his life looking for ways to improve the taste of intoxicating wine, and all failed. You are still young and ambitious. We can understand it, but you have to see through the gap between ideal and reality."

The foreman turned to look at other companions, and then said to Yang Yanwen, "without intoxicating wine, how long can the Yang restaurant last? One year? Two years? Do you think you can do what your grandfather and father can\'t do in a year or two? How do you let us believe you? Partners... Do you believe it?"

"I don\'t believe it!"

At this time, there was a wild laugh outside the door. Yang Zhen appeared at the door of the winery with his head held high. The workers were surprised to see Yang Zhen who was still ill: "old man, sir, how are you?"

"I\'m fine at all! It\'s just for outsiders."

"Great! Since the master is all right, why did you let the young lady do such stupid things?"

Yang Zhen patted Yang Yanwen on the shoulder and then said to the workers, "I have said that now, Yang Yanwen is the owner of the Yang family. You should want to help me and my father and believe in the Yang family unconditionally."

Looking at the helpless and puzzled expression on the workers\' face, Yang Zhen raised his mouth slightly, took out a wine pot from behind, threw the wine pot to the foreman and said with a smile: "this is the wine brewed by me according to the secret recipe brought back by Yang Yanwen. Try it." This pot of wine is naturally the immortal drunk Yang Yanwen got from Li Luoyang. Yang Zhen couldn\'t wait to try it himself before. Although it was not a complete success and some raw materials were missing, even if it was a semi-finished product, Yang Zhen couldn\'t stop its taste.

"The secret recipe for new wine brought back by Miss?" the foreman opened the bottle cap of the wine pot suspiciously. At the moment when the bottle cap was opened, the winery that was originally full of intoxicating flavor seemed to be baptized again. The tip of the nose could no longer smell the intoxicating flavor, but a strong aroma of wine they had never smelled. It was spicy and violent, completely covering the intoxicating flavor.

After brewing for decades, the workers felt that intoxication might not be the first in the world for the first time. Before, they firmly believed that the intoxication they brewed was the best in the world, and there could be no existence beyond intoxication in the world. But today, they just smell a little wine, and their firm belief wavered.

Carefully pour a drop of wine on the back of your hand. The sticky wine seems to be on the back of your hand, enough to see its purity. The tip of your tongue licked it. The foreman trembled unconsciously as if the whole person had been hit by thunder. The fragrance between your lips and teeth was unprecedented. The foreman looked at Yang Yawen in amazement: "little, miss, what is this wine? Who gave it to you?"

Yang Yanwen knew that the workers in front of her were completely trustworthy. She said slowly with a smile: "have you ever heard of the good wine in Luoyang recently?"

"Immortal drunk?" Wine making workers are naturally obsessed with fine wine. They have long heard that there is a beautiful wine born in the elegant building of Wenjun in Luoyang. It is known as immortal drunkenness. Even the gods in the sky are willing to get drunk for a day. However, the workers are turned away by the high price of immortal drunkenness. A bottle is about 500 Liang. It is estimated that they can only drink one bottle with all their savings.

"The wine in your hand is drunk by the gods."

Almost, almost, the foreman was surprised to loosen his hand. If the wine pot fell to the ground and broke, it would be a waste of the gods. The foreman swallowed his saliva and looked down at the liquid in the wine pot: "this is the immortality drunk. It deserves its reputation."

Other workers can\'t wait to take turns to try. After drinking immortal drunk, the workers first expressed surprise, then showed helplessness, and finally laughed at themselves. They are laughing at how stupid they used to be. They unconditionally think that intoxication is the best wine in the world. Now think about it, it\'s really watching the sky.

Yang Zhen patted the foreman on the shoulder with a smile: "how? How does this wine compare with intoxicating wine?"

The foreman shook his head and sighed: "there\'s no way to compare, there\'s no way to compare. This wine should only be in the sky. Compared with it, it can\'t catch up with half a point. Although I know this remark may make the master angry, I\'m telling the truth."

Yang Zhen looked at the workers nodding one after another and recognized the foreman\'s evaluation. Then he smiled and said, "what can I be angry about? If I\'m not as skilled as a person, I should be convinced."

Looking at the laughing Yang Zhen, the foreman couldn\'t wait to ask, "Sir, you just said that the young lady has got the secret recipe for immortality intoxication? When shall we start brewing? Now? Tomorrow?" even if we just tried a drop of immortality intoxication, the workers can\'t stand it at this time. They know that as long as immortality is brewed, who cares about the previous intoxication, At this time, they finally understood why Yang Yanwen and Yang Zhen would give up intoxicating intoxication, because with immortal intoxication, intoxicating intoxication is nothing at all.

Yang Zhen said slowly, "I have just said that Yang Yanwen is now the owner of the Yang family. All actions should follow her command."

The workers turned their eyes to Yang Yanwen, who whispered with a smile: "Everyone, I can understand your mood, but things are a little complicated, and I won\'t give you any more explanation. I can only tell you that so far, we can\'t brew immortal drunk to sell, because the maker of immortal drunk has other cooperation with us. I need to wait until he comes to the Yang family again to decide some details before brewing immortal drunk."

The workers resisted the eagerness in their hearts and saluted Yang Yanwen one after another, "all follow the orders of the master."

Yang Yanwen smiled and said: "Don\'t worry, I won\'t ruin the Yang family\'s industry in any case. With your efforts and efforts, I will go all out. If I do something wrong in the future, I hope you can give me more advice. I regard you as my father\'s predecessors. I hope you can help Yan Wen as you helped my father and grandpa before. Yan Wen is here to thank you 。”