Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 939

In the huge factory in the backyard of the Yang family, this is the place for brewing intoxicating wine. At this time, the workers of the winery gathered at the door and seemed to be discussing something. When Yang Yanwen appeared with aunt Hong, the workers surrounded Yang Yanwen. The leading workers looked at Yang Yanwen with a puzzled face: "Miss, what happened? Why did you stop brewing intoxicating wine?"

Looking at the troublemakers, aunt Hong smiled. She watched Yang Yanwen quietly.

Yang Yanwen bowed her head and said helplessly, "everybody, I blame you for this. I discussed it with you before I had nothing to do. The Yang family has decided to hand over the brewing right of intoxicating wine to the merchant Federation. From now on, the Yang family will no longer brew a drop of intoxicating wine, and all of it will be handed over to the merchant Federation, including the inventory in the winery."


The leading worker first stood up. At the age of 60, he was already in tears: "Miss, what happened? If the Yang family has any difficulties, you can tell us that we will live or die together with the Yang family even if we don\'t need money. I have been brewing intoxicating wine here with your grandfather since I was a child. Every drop is like my child. I have brewed wine all my life. Today you suddenly told us that we can\'t brew..."

The foreman lowered his head and wiped his tears. His face was full of confusion and reluctance.

Yang Yanwen tried to bear the pain in her heart and explained to the workers: "The current situation has been settled and there is no room for recovery. Don\'t worry. Even if we can\'t brew intoxicating wine, we still need your support. Before the Yang family has completely disappeared, we still have a chance. As long as we can find wine comparable to intoxicating wine, we still need you to brew. Therefore, the Yang family won\'t let you leave. Don\'t worry, i We are sure to live and die with you. "

Aunt Hong stood beside Yang Yanwen with a smile: "Miss Yang Yanwen, I didn\'t expect that there are so many loyal workers in the Yang family, which is enviable." Aunt Hong knows that the workers here are over 50 years old. They have always brewed intoxicating wine in the Yang family. The secret recipe of intoxicating wine has been kept secret for so many years, which is also the credit of these workers. More than a dozen workers have been accepting bribes and utilization from others for decades, but they are tight lipped about intoxicating wine and never disclose the brewing details to the public Anyone, protect the secret recipe of intoxication.

The Yang family has never had any doubt about the loyalty of these workers. Aunt Hong also wants such workers. She can bow down to herself and be loyal at the same time. After all, such people are rare in this era. Just because she can\'t find such men, the merchant Federation will try every means to control her men. Zhang Yue is a typical example.

Under the calculation of aunt Hong and Huang Ying, Zhang Yue killed her brother Zhang Qiong, who was still an official of the imperial court at that time. If outsiders know this, Zhang Yue is destined to bear a lifetime of curse and will become a wanted target of the imperial court. It is precisely because she has mastered these handles of Zhang Yue that Aunt Hong can completely control Zhang Yue.

In the merchant Federation, countless people have the same experience as Zhang Yue. They are all used by the merchant Federation and can\'t extricate themselves after calculation. In addition, the merchant Federation will indeed give them some sweets, so many people who join the merchant Federation don\'t intend to betray at all. First, they know that leaving the merchant Federation is tantamount to losing their backers and their own The crime will be publicized. Second, the benefits given by the merchant federation can at least satisfy them.

The workers turned their attention to Aunt Hong. Of course, the boss of Yihua building knew that the workers immediately judged that the interruption of brewing was intoxicating, which was likely to have a direct relationship with aunt Hong. However, because Yang Yanwen was right in front of them, the workers had to bear their anger.

The mood of the workers broke out when they saw several attendants of Yihua building pulling the scooter to the door of the winery. More than a dozen workers stopped at the door of the winery and blocked the way of the scooter. They knew that these people were going to take away the intoxicating wine inventory in the winery. Those were their efforts. As a last souvenir, they naturally didn\'t want to give it to the people of Yihua building.

Yang Yanwen\'s eyes were wet. She didn\'t expect that these workers had such deep feelings for intoxication.

At this time, uncle Yang, who has been silent on one side, stood up. He came to the foreman. They have been in the Yang family since childhood. They have known each other for decades since childhood. Their feelings have long made them brothers: "forget it, don\'t embarrass miss. Maybe we will have a chance to brew better wine than intoxicating people in the future."

"Brother Yang, have you really compromised? Are you going to see the remaining intoxicating wine taken away?"

In tears, the foreman grabbed the cart and wouldn\'t let it go.

Yang Yanwen turned and looked at Aunt Hong. After saluting, she said slowly, "aunt Hong, I have an unkind request."

"It doesn\'t hurt if Miss Yang speaks frankly. As long as I can do it, I will naturally try my best to help."

"I won\'t embarrass aunt Hong. Since I\'ve promised to give you all the inventory, I won\'t go back. It\'s just... Can aunt Hong leave a jar? I want these old guys to taste the intoxicating wine at last."

Aunt Hong laughed wildly: "this requirement?"

"Well, I hope aunt Hong can make it."

"No problem. This jar is intoxicating. I invited you to drink to celebrate the success of our first cooperation in so many years."

Yang Yanwen turned and looked at the workers. After wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she said seriously, "I order you to get out of the way as the owner of the Yang family!"


Uncle Yang whispered, "forget it, there\'s no choice at this point. The master has given the master\'s position to the young lady. We\'d better cooperate."

More than a dozen workers reluctantly gave way, watched the board car push into the winery, and pulled out a car of intoxicating wine. A dozen full cylinders of intoxicating wine suddenly became the of the overflow flower building. An attendant came to Aunt Hong and said with a smile: "the head of the family, according to your instructions, all moved out, leaving one cylinder in the winery."

Aunt Hong waved her hand, and the attendants happily pushed the scooter out of the Yang\'s backyard. Aunt Hong also rushed to leave and returned to the overflow flower building.

Yang Yanwen led the workers into the winery. The noisy scene had disappeared. There was only a jar of intoxicating wine left in the empty corner where the finished products were stacked. The workers were helpless to sit on the ground. Yang Yanwen frowned and whispered to herself:

"Li Luoyang, I hope you can come back before we really fall. If the Yang restaurant really can\'t hold on, I will start brewing your immortal wine. At that time, I will certainly apologize."

Yang Yanwen promised Li Luoyang that she would not make immortals drunk without his permission, but if things really came to a dead end, Yang Yanwen had to break her promise.