Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 938

Yang Zhen was lying indoors. Yang Yanwen was lying on the ground, crying helplessly. The foot did not cause any harm to Yang Yanwen just now. After all, the acting should be realistic. At this time, Yang Zhen demonstrated a terminally ill patient. If according to his strength of health, this foot would probably kick and bleed Yang Yanwen, who has no ability to bind chickens.

Just because her body collapsed at this time, she had no previous strength and strength. Even these details were taken into account by Yang Zhen. Although Yang Yanwen lying on the ground was crying, she was praising Yang Zhen all the time.

The red aunt on one side was originally a person who paid great attention to details. When she saw that Yang Yanwen was just crying and didn\'t get hurt because of that foot, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she thought to herself: "it seems that the old man Yang Zhen is really unwell. As we all know, Yang Yanwen doesn\'t have any martial arts. If Yang Zhen is healthy, this feeling will almost abolish Yang Yanwen."

With a smile, aunt Hong helped Yang Yanwen on the ground: "Mr. Yang, why do you need it? Miss Yang, it\'s also for the good of your Yang family. That intoxicating fan has been brewed into the hands of our merchant Federation and can still be carried forward. You also know our strength. Our merchant Federation exists in all places."

Aunt Hong helped Yang Yanwen to a stool and then continued: "I know that Mr. Yang has been taking Miss Yang Yanwen out to look for materials to improve the taste of intoxicating wine a few years ago. We won\'t be so troublesome compared with you. As long as the headquarters says, the merchant Federation in each city will immediately go out to look for suitable materials. Compared with your father and daughter looking for a needle in a haystack, our merchant Federation will have a much greater chance of success."

"Hum!" Yang Zhen turned his head to one side.

"Your Yang family has made so much effort to make intoxicating wine, but it still failed in the end. Only when intoxicating wine is made into our hands can it glow into the second spring. I believe master Yang knows this. You have always been fighting alone, and we are a huge organization with countless contacts and channels. As long as we are willing, we can even make intoxicating wine Niang is pushed back to the imperial court. It must be the result that your ancestors of the Yang family want to see. "

Yang Zhen raised her trembling hand, pointed to Aunt Hong and said fiercely, "that\'s the glory of our Yang family, not your merchant Federation. You, you take our efforts, even if you successfully improve the intoxicating taste and let it return to the court, it\'s just you, not my Yang family!"

"Mr. Yang, I\'m not sure what you\'ve said. You\'ve been trying to return to the imperial court for so many years. Do you care about who made it famous again? If you care so much about who made it brilliant again, can I understand that you\'ve paid so much for it, but you just want to use it to gain fame? Let the Yang family become famous A family respected by thousands of people? "

Before Yang Zhen and Yang Yanwen spoke, aunt Hong said directly: "I thought your Yang family was for good wine. I didn\'t expect that in the end, it was for fame and wealth. For good wine, you would only hope that the future of intoxicating wine would be better. It would be accepted by more people, even more powerful people, and become the best wine in the world. If you were for fame and wealth, you naturally want it to enter the imperial court under your Yang family\'s name, so that you can become famous all over the world."

Yang Zhen clenched his teeth and said slowly, "bah, am I the same as you? At the beginning, you persuaded our Yang family to enter the merchant Federation. After I refused, you made a lot of efforts secretly? The business of the Yang family has declined greatly these years. It\'s not because you suppressed it secretly, otherwise my Yang family would not come to this stage. Now you say fame and wealth in front of me? Do you deserve it?"

"Don\'t be angry, Mr. Yang. In fact, it\'s very simple. Think about it. Hold on to the intoxicating wine. What will you lose? You will lose your beloved daughter. Finally, the secret recipe of intoxicating wine and even your Yang family\'s industry will fall into Zhang Yue\'s hands. At that time, these things will all be open?"

Aunt Hong raised her mouth slightly and said slowly: "If you accept Miss Yang Yanwen\'s decision, although the secret recipe for intoxicating wine has come to us, it will happen sooner or later. At least you have retained your daughter. As for your restaurant and industry, you have also been struggling for a period of time. To tell you the truth, how long can you hold on if you don\'t produce intoxicating wine? When you can\'t hold on, we will unite with businessmen We will naturally buy you. At that time, we will completely take over all of the Yang family, which is only two different from Zhang Yue\'s finding a jade pendant. "

Aunt Hong stretched out two fingers and said with a smile: "First, your daughter will never be entangled by Zhang Yue. At least she can stay with you until she finds the right person. Second, at least you get a certain breathing time. Without intoxicating wine, the Yang restaurant will start to lose money. You will take out the Yang family\'s savings to maintain it. Soon, the savings will run out, and the Yang family will naturally be poor At the end of the road, but maybe you can find a substitute for intoxicating wine during this time? "

Yang Zhen vomited old blood on the ground, and then said to Aunt Hong weakly, "old, even if I die, I won\'t give you the foundation of the Yang family."

Yang Yanwen hurried to Yang Zhen\'s side and was gently afraid of hitting Yang Zhen\'s back. Yang Zhenli immediately turned and pushed Yang Yanwen away, with an angry face.

Aunt Hong smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, I think Miss Yang Yanwen\'s behavior is the practice of smart people. If you insist, I can return the secret recipe of intoxicating intoxication to you now, and I promise that the merchant Federation will never brew intoxicating intoxication. At that time, we will still act according to the previous plan to help Zhang Yue find the Yang family jade pendant and become your son-in-law. We have really come to this step , the merchants\' Federation will certainly send a congratulatory gift to congratulate the Yang family and Zhang Yue on their wedding. "

Yang Zhen clenched his teeth and stared at Aunt Hong, then turned to look at Yang Yanwen with tears on his face: "go away, you all go away! From now on, you are the owner of the Yang family. You can give intoxicating wine to whoever you want. I won\'t pay attention to it. I want to see how you will face the ancestors of the Yang family in the future!"

Yang Yanwen reluctantly nodded and then went to Aunt Hong: "aunt Hong, let\'s leave temporarily and wait for my father to have a good rest. For so many years, his character has been very stubborn. I will take good care of him. You don\'t have to worry."

Aunt Hong saluted Yang Zhen, and then followed Yang Yanwen to leave Yang Zhen\'s bedroom: "Miss Yang Yanwen, you are the owner of the Yang family now. You should take care of it more in the future."

"That\'s dad\'s angry words. You can\'t take it seriously. Let\'s go, aunt Hong. I\'ll take you to get the inventory of intoxicating wine."