Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 937

"He\'s gone?"

Huang Ying looked at the red aunt standing by the bed and asked expressionless after she came to her room.

"Well, let\'s go."

"Since you can let him go, it shows that he has made the right choice." Huang Ying turned over and sat by the bed.

"Well, he has decided to give up his affair."

Huang Ying went to the wooden table, poured tea and said slowly, "ha ha, I guess you told him the truth and let him know that he is likely to become the head of Lingnan city merchants Federation. Did you promise to continue to cooperate with us?"

"Miss, it\'s amazing. Zhang Yue blamed us before. He said that our cooperation with him was using him to seize his killing of Zhang Qiong and make him our puppet. But when I said our expectations and future for him, his attitude immediately changed."

Huang Ying drank tea and raised her mouth slightly: "this guy is not simple. Don\'t think he is willing to agree. It is because the conditions we offered are higher than his expectations that we chose to continue to stand on our side. It just depends on whether the boy can swallow such a big cake."

The corner of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose slightly and said in a low voice: "Miss, even if he took over the merchant Federation in lingnancheng in the future, he will still be our puppet. The handle is always there. At that time, he will be more inseparable from us. How can he mix in the future without the help of the merchant Federation? The higher the position, the more he will rely on us."

Huang Ying stretched out and pushed open the window. The sunlight on the horizon came: "go, let people go to Yang\'s house. Remember, let them see Yang Zhen\'s reaction."

"Yes, I\'ll do it now. Miss, why don\'t I go to Yang\'s house myself?"

Huang Ying smiled: "yes, in this way, at least show the Yang family our attitude, so as not to say that we bullied them. You find a chance to talk to Yang Zhen. I believe you can see the truth with your ability."


After pushing out the door, aunt Hong ordered someone to prepare a carriage, and then went to Yang\'s house with several attendants.

As soon as she came to the door of Yang\'s house, aunt Hong saw Yang Yanwen waiting at the door of Yang\'s house early. Aunt Hong welcomed her and said with a smile: "Miss Yang, I don\'t know who she\'s waiting for so early?"

Yang Yanwen said slowly with a smile: "the little woman is naturally waiting for Aunt Hong to come to the door."

"Hahaha, it seems that Miss Yang really cooperates with us sincerely." aunt Hong looked at Xiaoqing behind Yang Yanwen and said with a smile; "Little girl, you behave a lot better today. Even if this is your Yang family residence, you should look like a servant girl."

Xiao Qing\'s face was red, and she stood behind Yang Yanwen, biting her teeth. Yang Yanwen smiled and said, "aunt Hong, this morning doesn\'t want to educate my servant girl. Please take your people with me to the intoxicating wine in stock."

"I\'m not busy for the time being. After I came to Lingnan City, I never visited old man Yang Zhen. This is also my mistake as a younger generation. Today, I specially spent thousands of years of ginseng for old man Yang as a thank-you gift to thank him for his care for us."

Yang Yanwen knows that Aunt Hong\'s words are polite. Yang Zhen has never been to Yihua building or had contact with aunt Hong. Where can we take care of her? Yang Yanwen knows very well that Aunt Hong wants to see Yang Zhen\'s reaction. After all, she gave the intoxicating secret recipe to others and may involve the Yang family industry. Aunt Hong naturally wants to see the reaction of the Yang family owner, So as to verify whether Yang Yanwen\'s cooperation is true and reliable.

Yang Yanwen handed the Millennium ginseng to Xiaoqing behind her, and then said with a smile: "I thank you for my father\'s heart, but my father is ill these days and doesn\'t want to see customers. I hope aunt Hong will be considerate."

Aunt Hong said slowly with a smile: "old man Yang is ill, so I should go and have a look. Miss Yang doesn\'t know. I\'ve been a doctor since primary school. I\'m here to treat the girls in the brothel who usually have colds and injuries."

After listening to Aunt Hong\'s words, uncle Yang on one side refused: "Miss Hong, how can my master compare with your brothel woman?"

"I lost my word." aunt Hong turned to look at Yang Yanwen: "Miss Yang, we have talked with Zhang Yue. He has promised to give up looking for the Yang family jade pendant, and promised to return both hands even if he gets the Yang family jade pendant in the future. He won\'t pester you again. I don\'t think I can tell the old man about this and make him happy."

"In that case, please come here, aunt Hong." Yang Yanwen knew that the woman would not stop until she saw Yang Zhen, so she simply took aunt Hong to Yang Zhen\'s bedroom.

Knocking on Yang Zhen\'s door, a pungent smell of medicine stone came. Aunt Hong was surprised to see that the medicine stone powder on the table had piled up into mountains, and some had dried and solidified. It seemed that it had been put for some time.

"Who?" a weak voice came, and Yang Yanwen immediately said, "Dad, it\'s me. Aunt Hong of yihualou specially came to visit you."

"Cough... Visit? Don\'t dare. Come on, my Yang family\'s secret recipe. It\'s to see my joke, rebellious girl. I said I don\'t want to see you again in the future. Get out of here immediately! Cough."

"Dad, it\'s the child\'s unfilial."

Aunt Hong said at this time: "Mr. Yang, Miss Yang Yanwen did this for her own happiness. If you hadn\'t announced to the people in lingnancheng that you had passed on the jade pendant from the Yang family\'s ancestors, you would have become the Yang family\'s son-in-law. Yang Yanwen wouldn\'t have come to this step."

"I want you to teach me a lesson! Cough."

At this time, Yang Zhen came out of the inner room and saw Yang Zhen\'s face. Aunt Hong was stunned. Yang Zhen, who was still fresh before, was gray, his eyes were red, and his purple lips were even black. He was powerless. He supported the wooden table and stared at Aunt Hong fiercely. He looked like a person who was terminally ill and was about to return to the West.

"Mr. Yang, the younger generation is wrong. It\'s just... Why are you so seriously ill?"

Yang Zhen raised her trembling hand and pointed to Yang Yanwen, with tears in her eyes: "well, it\'s not because of this villain! He gave it away because of the painstaking efforts of my Yang family\'s ancestors! Just to draw a line with that month, my father and I have been pursuing the perfection of intoxicating wine all my life. She gave it to you, cough."

Yang Yanwen wept and knelt before Yang Zhen: "Dad, Dad, I\'m wrong. Do you have the heart to see me marry Zhang Yue? Do you want to give him the future of the Yang family?"

Yang Zhen kicked off Yang Yanwen: "go away, I don\'t want to see you. Even if Zhang Yue got the jade pendant and became our son-in-law, he lost his industry, it\'s also our Yang family\'s business, and you gave away all the Yang family\'s secrets. Compared with Zhang Yue, you are more hateful."

Looking at Yang Yanwen who fell to the ground, aunt Hong was really shocked, but she thought carefully. This is also a normal situation. Yang Yanwen selfishly gave the secret recipe and foundation of Yang\'s ancestors to the merchant Federation in order to refuse a man. Instead, she was Yang Zhen. It is estimated that she also wanted to kill Yang Yanwen.