Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 936


Zhang Yue sat down on the ground. He didn\'t expect that Yang Yanwen not only handed over the secret recipe of intoxicating intoxication, but even promised not to produce intoxication anymore. Without the support of good wine, how can the Yang restaurant persist for too long? Before long, the Yang industry will start to lose money and eventually go bankrupt, At that time, the merchant Federation and he only need to pay for the Yang family\'s industry, and they can easily seize all the assets of the Yang family.

But for Zhang Yue, he still wants more. He also wants to wait until Yang Yanwen, who has been dreaming for so many years.

Looking at Zhang Yue with an unbelievable expression on her face, aunt Hong patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I didn\'t expect that you are still an infatuated man. You are so persistent to Yang Yanwen? I advise you to give up. Yang Yanwen can offer such conditions just to let us stop helping you get Yang\'s jade pendant, which is enough to see how tired she is of you."

Huang Ying sat on the stool at Zhang Yue\'s feet, looked at Zhang Yue on the ground and said slowly, "she is a smart woman. She knows that the conditions promised to us mean losing the whole Yang family. She is willing to lose the Yang family\'s industry for so many years and is unwilling to sleep with you. You can\'t control such a woman, or you don\'t deserve her."

Hearing Huang Ying\'s words, Zhang Yue clenched her teeth: "why don\'t I deserve it? There are so many people pursuing her in Lingnan city. Who is so infatuated with me? Since I first met her, I vowed that she wouldn\'t marry in my life. Although I like to visit brothels, I\'ve never married a wife so far. I just want to get her and let her marry into our house. It\'s a main house!"

Huang Ying said slowly without expression: "A man\'s insistence on women is ridiculous. You are really a talent and a hero. Many women will take the initiative to find you. If you are as good as Li Luoyang, Yang Yanwen will not be so tired of you. Your biggest mistake is that you think how much you pay, others will give you back. If you are stubborn, you will lose your mind If you are responsible for it yourself, well, aunt Hong, tell him the rest, and I should have a rest. "

With that, Huang Ying turned and left.

Aunt Hong looked at Zhang Yue and whispered: "Why don\'t you think so? I can tell you that you can choose the two ways you are given today. If you choose the wrong way, I can\'t help you. First, accept the reality and start brewing with the secret recipe of intoxicating wine. After the wine is produced, our merchant Federation will cooperate with you to start selling intoxicating wine in Lingnan City, and soon, the industry of the Yang family will become ours It\'s a big cake. If you get these things, your business will be booming in the future. "

Zhang Yue looked at Aunt Hong expressionless: "what\'s the other choice?"

"If you are obsessed with Yang Yanwen, we have to stop cooperating with you. After all, we have promised Yang Yanwen. After stopping cooperating with you, we will find a suitable candidate in the merchant Federation to replace you."

Zhang Yue laughed, and the laughter was full of helplessness: "aunt Hong, do you think I have a choice? If I stop cooperating with you, Zhang Qiong\'s business will be doomed. If they haven\'t found the body, I can delay, but I know better than the task person what the merchant Federation will do at this time."

"Oh? Really?"

"You will find a way to provide evidence to the government soldiers that I killed Zhang Qiong. In this way, the people of the government will certainly convict me. As long as I die or get caught, you will have Fengyue building and Casino at your fingertips. Don\'t you know what I\'m saying?"

Aunt Hong shook the feather fan and smiled: "Zhang Yue, I have always said that you are a smart man. Since we have stopped cooperating with you, we are not partners, so we naturally want to seek benefits. As the mastermind of killing Zhang Qiong, many civilians have the right to report. At that time, we just need to send someone to disguise as ordinary people and report to the government with evidence. You can\'t escape the blame without you Home, Fengyue building and Casino naturally need more capable people to take over. "

Zhang Yuetan sat on the ground and shook her head helplessly: "when I promised to kill Zhang Qiong, I knew that there was no cooperation between me and you. I was just your tool. Now I have no choice but to obey your orders and become a puppet?"

Aunt Hong sat next to Zhang Yue and said with a sly smile, "you\'re wrong. We really cooperate with you. You don\'t know. Miss Huang Ying and I are going to train you to be the head of Lingnan city merchants Federation."

Zhang Yue stared at Aunt Hong with wide eyes and gaping: "you, what did you say?"

"Hahaha, you always thought we were just using you, didn\'t you? In fact, I\'ve received an order. When everything in Lingnan city is done and on the right track, I\'ll go to Luoyang City and become the head of the merchant Federation there. Here in Lingnan City, we naturally have to give it to someone we trust. Zhang Yue, to tell you the truth, we trust you because you have something in our hands And we are your only backer. We can give you everything you want, so Miss Huang Ying and I decided that in the future, you will be the head of lingnancheng merchants Federation. "

Zhang Yue still wrote on her face: "really, really?"

"Hahaha, I don\'t need to lie to you. As long as the Yang family goes bankrupt and buys their industry, the business in Lingnan city will be stable. At that time, I will leave. The position of the head of Lingnan city merchants Federation is naturally yours."

Aunt Hong stood up, spread out her hands and turned around: "take a good look. Only you are around me, and Miss Huang Ying will show up in front of you when she takes you as her own person. Otherwise, as she comes from the headquarters of the merchant Federation, there is no need to let you know."

Zhang Yue slowly stood up from the ground: "it seems that I misunderstood aunt Hong and Miss Huang Ying. I thought I fell into your trap and killed Zhang Qiong, but now it seems that everything you have done is sincere cooperation with me. Zhang Yue apologizes here."

"We\'ve known each other for so many years. There\'s no need to be so polite. So you\'ve made a choice?"

"That\'s natural. Aunt Hong and Miss Huang Ying value me so much. How can I let you down? Yang Yanwen is beautiful, but when I have money and power in the future, will I lack more beautiful confidants than him?"

"Hahaha, well said, men should have such a spirit. In that case, let\'s plan and forget about the Yang family\'s jade pendant. Make a good brew during this time. Don\'t worry about the rest. Naturally, the people of our merchant Federation will help you deal with it."

Zhang Yue nodded, hugged her fists and bowed respectfully: "everything is up to Aunt Hong."