Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 933

"What are you still doing here!"

Just as the Liangshanpo people were about to do it, Li Luoyang suddenly ran over from one side and pointed to the Liangshanpo people and yelled: "shit, Captain Li Guo ordered our team to go back to the government immediately and said that I had been looking for you for a long time! I was actually chatting with strangers here? I don\'t want to live, do I?"

After Li Luoyang finished, he turned and pointed to Huang Wen: "who are you? You\'d better take your people away immediately. Don\'t delay our business!"

When Li Luoyang returned, he happened to see Wu Xinyi and others who met Huang Wen, so he hid aside and observed secretly. If Wu Xinyi and the people of Liangshanpo could leave safely, Li Luoyang would not have to appear. But when Huang Wen asked the people of Liangshanpo to look up, Li Luoyang knew that there would be no room for recovery if he didn\'t appear again, So Li Luoyang put on a show.

Huang Wen sat on his horse\'s back and looked up at Li Luoyang: "you let me go? What are you? I\'m Huang Wen of six doors. Now I\'ve taken over the token of Captain Li Guo. At this time, I\'m the general person in charge of Lingnan city. No matter who you are, even the soldiers in the barracks, I\'ll transfer you!"

Looking at the token in Huang Wen\'s hand, Li Luoyang laughed recklessly: "When I came, Li Guo told me that the responsibility was handed over to you six doors. At that time, I didn\'t want to believe it. I didn\'t expect it to be true? But so what? I got the oral instruction from captain Li Guo. Even if I saw the token, I don\'t care, because captain Li Guo has more important tasks to give us. Let\'s ask Li Luoyang to smile and take it easy anyway Said: "do you think general Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks will be trained in this question? If you have questions, you can think of the imperial court\'s response and let general Zhou Xiangong give you an answer."

"Don\'t take Zhou Xiangong to oppress me. This is Lingnan city!"

"I don\'t mean that, but I want to ask, doesn\'t Lingnan belong to the royal land? General Zhou Xiangong guards the miles of rivers and mountains, and you Lingnan is naturally under the protection of general Zhou Xiangong. To him, you should respect him, not mention that he is oppressive to you. Besides, you and Huang Wu brothers are also the people who are courted by Lord Chen Sheng?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly, looked at Huang Wen with a red face and continued, "I\'d like to ask you, the imperial court and Lord Chen Sheng, which side do you two brothers prefer to stand on?"

"Bold! Lord Chen Sheng is the person in charge of the six doors. Naturally, he is also the person of the imperial court. You actually talk wildly to sow discord and separate the imperial court from Lord Chen Sheng. This behavior is suspected of treason. Come on! Take it for me!"

The government soldiers stood still. They didn\'t dare to fight the soldiers in Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks. Naturally, several people in liumen were obedient to Huang Wen\'s words. They surrounded Li Luoyang. Wu Xinyi and the people in Liangshanpo immediately raised their long guns with their heads directly facing the people in liumen. Wu Xinyi said, "who dares to move our team leader!"

Wu Xinyi was very smart and gave Li Luoyang a reasonable title, that is, the leader of their team. After all, Li Luoyang\'s previous words had implied that they were the first group around Li Guo, and Li Luoyang was naturally the leader of the team.

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang beckoned to Wu Xinyi and others behind him to lay down their weapons. Then he looked up at Huang Wen and said with a smile: "Lord Huang Wen, even if you want to punish me, you need to follow the formal procedures. You should first think about captain Li Guo\'s request to punish me, or directly think of the court\'s response. We don\'t belong to your six doors. You have no right to punish us."

Li Luoyang continued with his hands on his back: "don\'t forget that you don\'t follow the process and directly attack the people in the barracks, but you are suspected of friction and contradiction. The imperial court has been nervous about the contradiction between us. Now you punish me. At that time, you naturally need to explain to the imperial court and general Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks. I hope you can shoulder this responsibility."

"You!" Yu Guangguang from the corner of Huang Wen\'s eye looked at the government soldiers behind him. Some soldiers had covered their mouths and snickered. After all, they had never seen Huang Wen suffer such a loss: "the people of the six doors! Pull out all the government soldiers who snickered and fight again. How can you smile during the task!"

Huang Wen spills his anger on the government soldiers. He can\'t move the soldiers in Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks. He doesn\'t have any concerns about the soldiers in lingnancheng government. Even if Zhang Qiong is alive, Huang Wen wants the lives of several government soldiers, Zhang Qiong can only nod and bow.

Several soldiers who sniggered were dragged to the side of the street. After being severely punished, they could only lie on the ground motionless. Their backs and hips had been split. They were not in a coma. Their physical quality was good.

Li Luoyang smiled and saluted Huang Wen: "since Lord Huang Wen has nothing to do, we are going to the government to find captain Li Guo. Goodbye."

"Hum!" Huang Wen pulled the reins and took the men and horses to the west gate.

Li Luoyang was relieved when Huang Wen took people away. Before Wu Xinyi asked what had happened, Li Luoyang looked at the people with a serious face: "things have changed. Go back to the blacksmith house first."