Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 932

As soon as Wu Xinyi led the team, there was a sound of footsteps behind her. The people turned their heads and looked. A man with rouge on his face and a strange look was riding a horse with a large team of people to Wu Xinyi and others, and Wu Xinyi immediately noticed Mo Jiao, another horse beside the man.

The party stopped at the gate of the government house not far away. The shady man was naturally Huang Wen. Huang Wen got off the horse and talked with Mo Jiao, and then watched Mo Jiao enter the government house.

Chaijin whispered to the crowd: "The guy\'s name is Huang Wen. He and his brother Huang Wu are both popular people around Chen Sheng. They are crafty, have good martial arts, and have a good relationship with Chen Sheng, so Chen Sheng is very kind to them. Almost all the large and small tasks in Lingnan city are handled by them. Since six doors sent Huang Wen, it seems that their task will not be simple, but..."

Looking at Chaijin who was about to stop talking, Wu Xinyi asked in a low voice, "what\'s the matter?"

"But why is mo Jiao with Huang Wen? Mo Yuntian and Chen Sheng are old enemies for many years. They both fight openly and secretly in order to enter the headquarters of six doors. The forces of both sides have always been incompatible. Huang Wen is actually with Mo Jiao. What are they cooperating with? Even if Mo Jiao is willing to cooperate with them, Huang Wen should not have any contact with Mo Yuntian\'s people, but it depends on what they have just done Huang Wenming showed great respect for Mo Jiao. What happened? "

Wu Xinyi said slowly with a heavy face, "that\'s their business. We should seize the time to meet Luoyang now. Let\'s go."

Wu Xinyi turned around again and took the people of Liangshanpo to the west gate. However, just a few steps away, Huang Wen rushed to Wu Xinyi on horseback, pulled the reins, turned the horse\'s head, and stopped Wu Xinyi and others directly. Wu Xinyi immediately lowered her head to prevent her daughter from being seen by the other party.

"You, go to other places to inspect!" Huang Wen sat on horseback with his clothes high above him. At this time, except Wu Xinyi had the conditions to communicate with him, other people in Liangshanpo really didn\'t dare to look up and look at Huang Wen, especially Lin Chong. Although the obvious official seal on his face was simply disguised, it was still easy to be recognized by the people of the six doors.

Shi Xiu in the middle of the team kept his head down. In addition to several followers of six doors, there were many government soldiers behind Huang Wen. These people were his former companions. Naturally, they could easily recognize Shi Xiu and Hua Rong. That face had been remembered by the soldiers, so Hua Rong also avoided the soldiers\' sight.

Wu Xinyi looked up at Huang Wen: "we are the soldiers of Captain Li Guo. Naturally, we only listen to his orders!" You can\'t reveal flaws. If you obediently obey Huang Wen\'s orders, you will immediately reveal flaws. How can real barracks soldiers obey other people\'s orders? Besides, Wu Xinyi doesn\'t want to leave the patrol route of the street. After all, after leaving the street, how will Li Luoyang find them when he comes back.

Huang Wen smiled, raised his orchid finger and said slowly, "now the command of Lingnan city is in the hands of our six doors. Your barracks soldiers just help us and do things according to the requirements of our six doors. As for your captain Li Guo, you have gone back to rest."

"There is no proof. The task we received is to patrol the street from dongchengmen to xichengmen. Without other orders from captain Li Guo, we will not leave without permission."

Huang Wen laughed wildly, then turned around and looked at the six doors behind him. His men and the government soldiers shouted, "take a good look and learn. That\'s the attitude of others. You can learn from me in the future. If you don\'t have any orders from your boss, you can stay in your position!" Huang Wen\'s remarks were naturally meant for those government soldiers. After all, the people of liumen are very strict in this regard. Like the soldiers in the military camp, the people of liumen will only listen to the arrangement of their superiors, and other officials can\'t arrange their tasks and actions.

Huang Wen took out the token obtained from Li Guo and shook it in front of Wu Xinyi: "see? Am I groundless? From now on, our six doors will take over the Huarong event, and your barracks soldiers will be deployed by us."

Huang Wen rode on his horse. At this time, he found a very interesting feature. In front of these soldiers, except Wu Xinyi, others lowered their heads and dared not look at him. This naturally attracted his attention. Huang Wen pointed to Chaijin beside Wu Xinyi and said with a smile: "you, raise your head for me."

Chai Jin doesn\'t have any characteristics on his face. Although he used to deal with the imperial court, the people at the six gates of Lingnan city don\'t know him. Chai Jin slowly raised his head and his unwilling acting is really in place. Looking at Chai Jin\'s strange face, Huang Wen didn\'t investigate. After all, he is a soldier with external support. He can\'t know him one by one.

Wu Xinyi and Chai Jin have been confirmed before the team. Behind them are Wu Song, Lin Chong, flower monks, Li Kui, Huarong, Shi Xiu, and old fellow Smith. Seven people are all in a low head. They know clearly that if they raise their heads, they will be seen through the fact. Although the flowers, monks, Wu Song and Li Kui have no obvious features on their faces, the three men are too outstanding. Li Kui, in particular, has a fierce face. At a glance, it is easy to suspect that he is a mountain thief.

"You all start with him!"

Hearing what Huang Wen said, Lin Chong clenched his long gun and whispered to Chaijin: "it seems that there is only a hard break."

Chai Jin said slowly, "no, we are currently in the center of Lingnan city. If we fight with them here, soldiers from all directions will come at the first time. After encircling us at that time, we will certainly not retreat. The other party is a man of six doors. It is unfathomable. Unlike the previous government soldiers, it is no threat to us."

"Are we going to catch them like this?" Lin Chong bit his teeth and held back his anger. As soon as he looked up, his identity would be exposed. Huang Wen would not let them go without looking up.

Behind him, Li Kui clenched his teeth and whispered, "what are you afraid of? It\'s a big deal. We\'ll die together with them. Even if I die, I have to pull the empress on my horse\'s back." there were no weapons around. Li Kui had to hold his long gun tightly with both hands and was ready to rush to Huang Wen at any time.

At this time, in addition to Lin Chong still using long guns, other people in Liangshanpo have no weapons at their disposal, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced. Chaijin\'s worry is not unreasonable. The other party is people from six doors. At present, they are in the center of the city. Fighting here is a near death for them.

But do they have a choice? Even if he doesn\'t look up, Huang Wen will personally check. At that time, his identity will also be exposed. Thinking of this, Chaijin reluctantly said to the people behind him: "prepare, and evacuate after killing them as quickly as possible. The longer the delay, the more support they will come."
