Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 934

In the overflow flower building, Huang Ying and aunt Hong looked at an attendant in front of them.

"You just said that Li Guo has handed over the responsibility of Lingnan city to Huang Wen?"

"Well, I can see clearly that Li Guo gave all the tokens to Huang Wen."

Aunt Hong looked puzzled and said: "It\'s so easy to hand over the overall responsibility to liumen? Do the people in the military camp intend to give up the initiative? Are they willing to become a supporting role? You know, it was Li Guo who had been staring at Huarong and Liangshanpo before. At this time, he also made the action. Now he was stopped halfway and lost the responsibility, or the person who has been closed?"

The attendant smiled, bent over and said respectfully, "aunt Hong, I don\'t think it\'s the credit of Huang Wen\'s persuasion. It\'s like Mo Jiao\'s girl. After she talked with Li for a while, Li Guo gave the token to Mo Jiao, and Mo Jiao gave the token to Huang Wen."

Huang Ying raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "if so, it\'s very possible. Mo Jiao had contact with Li Luoyang before and was familiar with Li Guo. Before Taiyuan, Li Luoyang, Li Guo and Mo Jiao cooperated, but I didn\'t expect that Mo Jiao\'s girl would help the people of the six gates of Lingnan city."

"Yes, his father and Chen Sheng are incompatible. Isn\'t she afraid that the six gates in Lingnan city will get credit for catching the thieves in Liangshan Park, so that Chen Sheng has the opportunity to enter the headquarters? If Mo Yuntian knows, she will be angry!"

"Mo Jiao is obviously helping Li Guo. She is worried that Li Guo will not be able to catch them alone in the face of Liangshanpo, and will probably die in the face-to-face fight, so she helps Huang Wen get the right to be responsible. In this way, Li Guo can avoid direct contact with the people of Liangshanpo and keep it comprehensive."

Aunt Hong asked in a low voice, "Miss? In order to protect a Li Guo and lose her father\'s future, the position of the six doors headquarters, but Mo Yuntian has peeped at the power all his life. Did you give it to Chen Sheng for nothing? What\'s the significance of Mo Jiao\'s move?"

Huang Ying looked at the entourage. The entourage immediately bent down and withdrew from the door.

"She obviously did this for Li Guo\'s younger brother Li Luoyang. Even if she didn\'t know the relationship between her father and Chen Sheng, Mo Fu and Mo Shou around her certainly knew it, but they didn\'t stop it, which means that they also support Mo Jiao\'s way of helping Li Guo and sacrificing Mo Yuntian\'s future, which is enough to show that they are trying to win over the relationship with Li Luoyang and Li Guo. Mo Yuntian\'s game It\'s really big to play chess. "

"What do you mean, miss?"

"He\'s gambling on Li Luoyang\'s future. With Li Luoyang\'s brain and talent, it\'s just around the corner. So Mo Jiao is willing to sacrifice her Lao Tzu\'s future, cooperate with the six gates of Lingnan City, and persuade Li Guo to hand over the responsibility. On the one hand, he protects Li Guo\'s life and please Li Luoyang, on the other hand, he has gradually won over the relationship with Li Luoyang and Li Guo,

They don\'t care about Chen Sheng at all. They seem to have done meritorious service. Maybe the people of the six gates of Lingnan city can\'t catch the people of Liangshanpo. In this way, Mo Jiao can make a lot of money. She has given both Li Guo and Li Luoyang human feelings and Huang Wen human feelings. The people of Liangshanpo leave smoothly. Chen Sheng naturally has punishment but no reward. On the contrary, it will reduce the court\'s favor for Chen Sheng and favor Mo Yuntian. This move It\'s really wonderful. As long as the people in Liangshanpo successfully set up the south city of Kaling, Mo Jiao\'s move is completely three carvings with one arrow. "

Aunt Hong suddenly realized: "yes, the first carving naturally attracted Li Guo and Li Luoyang. The second carving was to make Chen Sheng punished by the imperial court. Finally, due to Chen Sheng\'s failure, the imperial court will naturally pay more attention to Mo Yuntian. I didn\'t expect this girl to be crafty."

It\'s always dark for people to seek people\'s hearts. Aunt Hong and Huang Ying are good at observation and analysis. In their opinion, anyone does anything for his purpose, so they will analyze Mo Jiao\'s kindness so much, but in fact, Mo Jiao just wants to protect Li Guo so that Li Luoyang won\'t blame her. Frankly, Mo Jiao likes Li Luoyang and is worried that her lover hates herself.

For Aunt Hong and Huang Ying without such experience, it is obvious that they can\'t understand Mo Jiao\'s simple behavior.

Since she thought her analysis was very thorough, Huang Ying proudly picked up the wine cup, drank the intoxicating wine purchased from Yang\'s restaurant, and poured out the rest of the wine in the cup: "it\'s tasteless. It\'s better to be drunk by immortals and jade dew in yaochi."

Aunt Hong smiled and asked in a low voice, "Miss, now liumen has obtained the overall responsibility, what shall we do next? Is it to help the people of Liangshanpo leave Lingnan, so as to let Chen Sheng bear the black pot, or to help Chen Sheng find the people of Liangshanpo and establish the relationship between our merchant Federation and liumen?"

Huang Ying smiled, and standing at the window, she said slowly: "We don\'t have to do anything, but let them fight for life and death. No matter what the relationship between Chen Sheng and us, it will not affect the development of our merchant Federation. Send someone to help the Liangshanpo people. If Chen Sheng finds out, we\'ll get into trouble. If you send someone to help Chen Sheng, if the Liangshanpo people still run away, do you think it\'s according to the character of Chen Sheng, an old fox Said, "what would he do?"

Aunt Hong thought for a moment and then said, "he will blame our merchant Federation."

"Yes, if we send someone to help him, the people of Liangshanpo still leave smoothly. The imperial court blames him. Chen Sheng will certainly say that the people of our merchant Federation delayed their action, which led to the failure of the task. It doesn\'t mean much to us to help or not. It\'s better to ignore everything. Just act according to our own plan and wait until it comes to an end After, Lingnan city will naturally return to the past. "

Aunt Hong nodded and said with a smile, "come and see. The rest is up to them."

"Yes, we did it not because of Zhang Yue, but also because we wanted to get the secret recipe of intoxicating and intoxicating wine, so we sent someone to find the Yang family jade pendant with Zhang Yue. In order to get rid of Zhang Yue\'s suspicion, we arranged a plan to kill Zhang Qiong who framed Liang shanpo. Now the secret recipe of intoxicating and intoxicating wine is in my hands. Who cares?"

"Miss, you\'re right. We\'ve got the result we want. Why bother about the final result of Liangshanpo people, let alone the things between liumen and the barracks, let them play slowly."

Huang Ying turned and looked at Aunt Hong, then smiled and said: "It\'s almost dawn. Let Zhang Yue come. First tell him our plan and let him choose whether to accept the benefits of business and brewing intoxicating wine, or whether he insists on getting Yang Yanwen. If he is stubborn, let him reunite with Zhang Qiong. Our merchant Federation really doesn\'t lack people who can do business like him."

Aunt Hong nodded and said with a smile, "if he really knows how to do business, he naturally knows what kind of road he should take."