Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 931

"What happened just now?" Li Luoyang directly asked Ye Yu. He knew that he didn\'t have much time left for him. At this time, he didn\'t have time to chat with Ye Yu. Although he wanted to know the story between the woman and his brother in front of him, now is not the time. Huang Wu\'s move just now obviously planned to leave surveillance personnel nearby with people. What can they monitor at this time?

Ye Yu answered in a low voice: "The disappearance of Zhang Qiong made the people of the six gates in Lingnan City unable to sit still. The relationship between the six gates and our barracks was very good. They didn\'t want the responsibility of Lingnan city to fall into the hands of our barracks, so they planned to ask captain Li Guo to hand over the responsibility of this operation. If so, you have to leave quickly. Once the person in charge fell into their hands, the guard at the gate of Lingnan city will be in charge There will be people with six doors. "

Ye Yu looked in the direction of the city gate and then continued: "At that time, your chances of breaking through the city gate will become very small, and captain Li Guo and I can\'t help you openly. Maybe we will fight you head-on. Once the people of six doors find out that we have cooperation with you, they even let them know that Captain Li Guo and the action planner of Liangshanpo are brothers, six doors will hold this handle Don\'t let it go and report it to the imperial court. Then we\'ll be finished. "

Li Luoyang frowned. He didn\'t realize that things would develop like this. The six gates of Lingnan city actually intervened in this event at this time: "Don\'t worry, my brother certainly won\'t easily hand over the responsibility to the person of six doors. If he really handed over the responsibility to the person of six doors, the person just now won\'t leave. He will give orders directly to you instead of turning around and leaving with people."

At least Li Luoyang knows that so far, liumen hasn\'t been responsible, otherwise there won\'t be the scene that Huang Wu led the team to leave just now.

Ye Yu said in a low voice with a heavy face: "according to my understanding of Captain Li Guo, unless you have safely left the city, he will never hand over the responsibility to the people of liumen, because that will only harm you, but now it\'s different. Mo Jiao and them will persuade captain Li Guo to hand over the responsibility together with liumen."

"What!" Li Luoyang looked at Ye Yu in surprise: "how could she help the people of the six gates of Lingnan city? Mind your own business!" Li Luoyang knew that if Mo Jiao tried to persuade Li Guo to hand over the responsibility, Li Guo might not be able to refuse. After all, if Li Guo persisted, it might attract Mo Jiao\'s attention.

"That\'s what I\'m worried about."

Li Luoyang frowned and said slowly; "Judging from the current situation of Lingnan City, the addition of six doors is undoubtedly the best thing for the military camp, because only in this way can you complete the task given by the imperial court to capture or kill the people of Liangshanpo. Zhang Qiong is dead, and the camp against Liangshanpo has lost half of its combat power. At this time, you should be in greatest need of support, so If Mo Jiao uses this as an excuse to persuade Li Guo, Li Guo is bound to agree. If he doesn\'t agree, it will certainly arouse the suspicion of others. "

Ye Yu nodded and whispered: "That\'s what Mo Jiao told me before. The joining of liumen will enable us to better complete the task of the imperial court and arrest you. It\'s her kindness. But if we refuse again and again, it will certainly arouse doubt. Therefore, Captain Li Guo is likely to agree to cooperate with liumen and will not leave you too much time. You\'d better take it before they get the command Let the people of Liangshanpo leave. "

Li Luoyang nodded without hesitation: "wait a moment, I\'ll bring them here." With the communication with Ye Yu, Li Luoyang knows that time has become more urgent. If the people of six doors get the responsibility, they will send people to Xicheng gate again. At that time, there will be people of six doors. Even if ye Yu has Li Guo\'s token, it is impossible to take a team of soldiers out of the city at this time.

Whether it\'s the military camp or liumen, the primary task in front of them is to catch the people of Liangshanpo. It\'s nonsense to go out of the city at this time. It will certainly make the people of liumen suspicious. Once the matter is exposed, liumen will know about the collusion between Li Guo\'s team and Liangshanpo. Therefore, Li Luoyang\'s top priority at this time is to take them away immediately.

"Luoyang, hurry up. Huang Wu, who led the team just now, is the red man around Chen Sheng, the general director of the six doors in Lingnan city. If they get the responsibility, Huang Wu will certainly return with others. At that time, you won\'t have a chance to leave smoothly."

After nodding, Li Luoyang immediately turned and walked along the street looking for the people in Liangshanpo. At this time, they were patrolling the street between the east gate and the west gate, just like other barracks soldiers.

Wu Xinyi walked in the front, and Chaijin asked behind her: "what happened to the Luoyang brothers after they have been there for so long?"

Lin Chong said slowly, "with the talent of Luoyang brothers, there must be no big deal."

Wu Xinyi frowned and said to the two people behind her: "go to the west gate and see if Luoyang has found Ye Yu, the contact arranged by brother Li Guo. If he is communicating with Ye Yu, it means that they are discussing leaving the city. If they don\'t see each other, it means that they probably haven\'t met yet."

Wu Xinyi was also worried, because she found that the government soldiers who should be headless in Lingnan city began to search in an organized way, including many people wearing six doors. She was worried that things would change, so she took Liangshanpo people to patrol in the direction of the west gate and wanted to get close to the west gate to observe the situation.

Chai Jin and Lin Chong also noticed the changes in the street. Lin Chong whispered, "what\'s the matter with those government soldiers? Why can they still organize a decent team to patrol and search in the city now? It looks more organized and disciplined than when Zhang Qiong led the team before."

Chai Jin said in a low voice with an iron face: "have you noticed that not only those soldiers organized the action, but also many people wearing six doors clothes. These guys are probably Chen Sheng\'s men of six doors in Lingnan city."

Wu Xinyi turned and looked at Chai Jin: "you mean that the people of six doors may also have participated in this incident? But they clearly didn\'t have any action task before."

Lin Chong made his own guess: "maybe the imperial court knew that Hua Rong was left by us and issued an order to the six gates of Lingnan city to help the barracks and the government participate in our arrest or killing. If so, we would be in trouble."

Chaijin nodded and whispered, "before, only brother Li Guo was responsible. We must be able to leave quietly, but if there were the intervention of six doors, the military camp would not cooperate with us blatantly to send us away from Lingnan city."

Wu Xinyi turned and walked to the west gate: "find Luoyang first."