Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 930

"Old fellow." shut the wooden door. The old blacksmith changed into a soldier\'s uniform. Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi\'s hand and walked to the street with the Liangshan podmen. Bao Zheng had left at this time. The clothes of ordinary people soon disappeared on the streets of Ling Nan City.

At this time, it was almost dawn. Many people were selling all kinds of things and breakfast in the street. Before, because of Huarong, all families were closed. Although it was still a time of high alert in Lingnan City, many people needed to live by selling things.

Li Luoyang, Liang shanpo and others walked in the street unscrupulously. They wore soldiers\' hats, lowered their heads and carried long guns. They seemed to be patrolling the city. Hua Rong and Shi Xiu were at the back of the team. They had made many explanations with Lingnan government. Naturally, they were afraid of being recognized, especially Shi Xiu. He was originally a soldier in the government and now took refuge in Liang shanpo, Although the government soldiers have not yet known this fact, if they see Shi Xiu, they will certainly ask, and there will be trouble at that time.

So Li Luoyang arranged the two men at the back of the team and avoided them by using the tall flower monk and Li Kui to avoid being seen as much as possible.

Walking in the front of the team, Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi are the two people who are not easy to attract attention. They don\'t have the official seal of liangshanbo brothers on their bodies and faces. They look really like the soldiers in the military camp.

"My brother said that Ye Yu at the west gate was picking us up? Do you know ye Yu?" Li Luoyang asked Wu Xinyi in a low voice.

"No, Li Guo just said that there will be someone to pick us up at the Xicheng gate. That\'s Ye Yu."

Li Luoyang nodded and took the people to the west gate. Then suddenly there was a rush of footsteps behind him. Li Luoyang turned and looked. A stranger was running to the west gate with more than a dozen followers. Looking at the clothes on those people, Li Luoyang recognized that these people were people of six gates at a glance. It was Huang Wu who led the team to the west gate.

"People from six gates? They go to Xicheng gate? At this time, they should stay in the six gates and show up after Hua Rong\'s affairs are handled, but why are they doing this?"

Lin Chong behind him whispered to Li Luoyang, who suddenly stopped: "brother Luoyang, what\'s the matter? Is there anything suspicious about the people who passed just now?"

"I know their clothes. They should be from the six gates of Lingnan city."

"Six doors? As far as we know, it\'s not the people with six doors who targeted the Huarong brothers\' incident this time." Lin Chong was also surprised. They had heard about this information before. In addition, they really didn\'t find that the people with six doors were involved in Huarong\'s affair these days, so they knew the authenticity of this conditional news, but now the people with six doors suddenly appeared, They don\'t know why.

According to Li Luoyang\'s cautious character, he naturally won\'t go to the west gate blindly. He turned and looked at the people with a serious face and said, "you go back and forth along this road. I\'ll go to the west gate alone."

"You\'re alone? How do you run if you\'re recognized?"

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "what do you recognize me? Recognize me and you as companions? Don\'t forget that no one knows that I\'m walking with you except you, my brother and Ye Yu. Even if the people of six doors find out my identity? I\'m the safest of you."

As Li Luoyang said, when he was in prison, Li Luoyang was the only one who saw that Li Luoyang was with Liangshanpo. So far, few people know that Li Luoyang participated in the Liangshanpo operation, and they are all trustworthy people.

Wu Xinyi held Li Luoyang\'s hand tightly and whispered, "be careful."

"Don\'t worry, it will be fine. Remember, don\'t go anywhere else. Just pretend to be a patrol soldier along this road."

They nodded and turned around to patrol along the street. They looked no different from other soldiers, while Li Luoyang walked to the west gate alone.

As soon as he came to the west gate, Li Luoyang saw Huang Wu arguing with a woman wearing soldier clothes. Li Luoyang judged that the woman was Ye Yu, Li Guo\'s vice captain. After all, she was the only female soldier Li Luoyang saw so far.

Li Luoyang looked at the spear and walked slowly towards Ye Yu. No one noticed a soldier standing behind Ye Yu. Others thought the soldier was Ye Yu\'s entourage, so they didn\'t notice. Li Luoyang could clearly hear the dialogue between the two sides at this time.

Ye Yu frowned and asked seriously, "who are you? Why did you lead the team here?"

"This girl, we\'re from the six gates of Lingnan city. We\'re just passing by." according to Huang Wu\'s plan, we arranged our own people to secretly monitor near the gate of Xicheng, but we didn\'t expect to be found by Ye Yu just when we came here. Ye Yu is still a distance from Xicheng gate. Waiting for Li Luoyang and others, we accidentally found Huang Wu\'s existence.

"Six doors? So you\'ve got the order of our captain?" Ye Yu knows that Mo Jiao has taken Huang Wen to find Li.

Huang Wu said with a smile, "our people are negotiating with Captain Li Guo. I believe there will be results soon." at this time, he doesn\'t know that Li Guo has handed over the responsibility to them. Huang Wu knows that these soldiers are all Zhou Xiangong\'s people. Naturally, they don\'t have their previous arrogance and slowness, and their tone of voice has eased a lot.

Ye Yu saluted with a fist and said politely, "I\'m sorry to be rude. Please take a detour before Captain Li Guo\'s order."

Huang Wu nodded awkwardly and said with a smile, "yes, let\'s take a detour here." Huang Wu immediately turned and left with his people.

After watching Huang Wu go away, Ye Yu frowned and said to himself, "why hasn\'t Li Luoyang appeared? The people of the six doors have started to take action. If they don\'t leave again, maybe they won\'t have a chance."

When ye Yu was frowning, a burst of laughter came from behind: "ha ha, Luoyang thanked vice captain Ye Yu here."

Ye Yu immediately turned and looked at the soldiers in front of him. Finally, he smiled and asked, "are you Li Luoyang?"

"It\'s just under the sun. Are you Ye Yu?"

They said at the same time, "I\'ve heard a lot about you."

It\'s natural that Li Guo talked about both of them. Li Luoyang wanted to see the female soldiers who stayed with Li Guo and who Li Guo guaranteed to trust. Ye Yu naturally wanted to see Li Luoyang, a legendary figure. Although he was mentally prepared, looking at Li Luoyang\'s young face, Ye Yu still couldn\'t plot with him and lead Liangshanpo to rob the prison, Behind a series of things, such as brewing immortal drunkenness.

Just because Li Luoyang\'s tender face does look too small. Although Li Guo is not much older than Li Luoyang, Li Guo\'s experience in the military camp has already been on for a long time. Li Guo looks more mature. On the contrary, Li Luoyang\'s fine skin and tender meat give people a sense of insecurity.