Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 926

Lingnan city is at the east gate. Li Guozheng takes his soldiers to look for them in the nearby houses. He deliberately sends most of the soldiers to the east gate, just to reduce the troops on the west gate and ensure that there is little resistance when ye Yu takes Li Luoyang and others to leave.

However, as soon as Li Guo led the team to the east gate, he was surprised to find that his soldiers met with a group of strangers\' blades. Both sides were holding weapons. It seemed that the two sides were about to fight. Li Guo also noticed the man headed by the other side. The man was smiling with a strange look of yin and Yang, as if he was scolding his soldiers. Li Guo rushed up, Stopped in front of the man.

"Who are you?" Li asked, frowning.

The man was Huang Wu, who led the team to strengthen the guard of the city gate. Huang Wu looked up and down at Li Guo, then smiled and said, "who are you? Dare to stop in front of me."

"Li Guo, the person in charge of this Huarong incident, you gathered at the gate of the key city to make trouble. Are you not afraid of thieves taking the opportunity to escape? Show your identity, or I will treat you as an enemy accomplice!" before you know the identity of the other party, Li Guo really doesn\'t know what the other party\'s intention is. At this time, almost some people with power in Lingnan city are in danger of themselves, For fear of having something to do with Huarong, these people not only have no scruples, but blatantly conflict with the soldiers guarding the city gate, which is beyond everyone\'s expectation.

Huang Wu laughed, full of sarcasm: "Li Guo? You are the captain of the military camp sent by the imperial court. I\'m Huang Wu, the head of the six doors of Lingnan city."

"People from the six gates? Why did they appear here and interfere with the guard of our gate soldiers? Do you know that the enemy may take advantage of it if you are careless?" Li Guo frowned and looked murderous.

"Captain Li Guo is such a powerful official. This is the gate of Lingnan city. Don\'t bother your soldiers. It seems that Huang Wen hasn\'t finished you yet. Since he hasn\'t told me, I\'ll officially inform you. From now on, the six gates of Lingnan city will take the responsibility. We not only want Zhang Qiong\'s previous power, but also inform you that you are only ordered by the imperial court , this assistance is not for you to decide here. "

"Give back the power to you? Hahaha, show me the letter of appointment of the imperial court, otherwise it will be difficult to obey!" Li Guo will not hand over the power to liumen. If liumen takes over the power, Li Luoyang and others have not left Lingnan city. No one knows what will develop the city next.

"Captain Li Guo must be more familiar with this sentence than I am. Now the situation in Lingnan city is sudden and Zhang Qiong is suddenly missing. There must be a representative in Lingnan city to stand up with you against the important criminals. The government has lost its strength. At this time, only six of our doors stand up to resist this important task. Captain Li Guo, you\'d better not refuse. You have no choice 。”

He has the final say, "Huang Jun, smiling at Li\'s side," "captain of the camp? Tell you the truth, I don\'t think you have any strength. No matter what general you belong to, you can\'t tolerate the people in your camp in south of the Five Ridges."

Li Guo immediately opened his posture and prepared like a cheetah: "it seems that you are going to forcibly rob me of the right to be responsible? Before the court documents come down, I can\'t give you the right to be responsible and insult the people in the army. Today I must ask you to pay a price!"

Huang Wen raised his mouth slightly, took out a thin sword from his waist, pointed to Li Guo and said slowly, "are you deliberately provoking the contradiction between the six gates and the barracks? Everyone can see that he provoked the incident. The imperial court blamed you, but you are all my witnesses."

The six men behind Huang Wu laughed one after another: "we can prove that he was the one who picked the trouble!"

"Lord Huang Wu, kill him, kill him!"

Looking at Huang Wu with a smiling face, Li Guo snorted and said, "Whoever interferes with my mission will be killed. I will explain to the imperial court that you led someone to interfere with the plan. The imperial court will punish me for resisting alone."

"Hahaha, you have backbone, just because you want to fight me? I want to see what you can do!" Huang Wu rushed to Li Guo and stabbed Li Guo in the throat with a thin sword.

Li Guo turned and grabbed a soldier\'s long gun. He picked a grid on the tip of the gun to block Huang Wu\'s thin sword. Then he kicked at Huang Wu\'s abdomen. Huang Wu jumped up with a smile all his life. After turning in the air, the thin sword stabbed again. Li Guo took no time to avoid sideways. Instead, the long gun stabbed Huang Wu who had just landed. The target pointed directly at Huang Wu\'s feet and blocked Huang Wu\'s action.

Huang Wu, who had just landed, was surprised to find that Li Guo\'s actual combat ability and judgment ability were not weak at all. He felt more and more that the other party didn\'t seem to come from the camp of unknown generals.

He managed to avoid Li Guo\'s attack. Huang Wu just stabilized himself. The head of the long gun flashed silver light and stabbed Huang Wu\'s heart. The thin sword was too fragile to stop. In the face of a long gun that was inch long and inch strong, Huang Wu was always looking for close opportunities. However, Li Guo kept his position with Huang Wu all the time. After all, Li Guo used an iron bar as a weapon all the year round, He was already familiar with the situation of fighting with swords. With these experiences, Li Guo had already mastered the body method of walking and keeping a distance, so that Huang Wu didn\'t get close to him.

As long as the thin sword is not close, Huang Wu\'s attack will not cause any damage to Li Guo. Huang Wu knows this better than anyone. Huang Wu is also taking it lightly. He didn\'t expect that Li Guo used a long gun and didn\'t occupy the initiative of body distance at the first time of the fight, so he was pulled away by Li Guo at the beginning of the fight, Cause yourself to be in a dilemma now.

If Huang Wu had been ready long ago, Li Guo would not have been so relaxed. At the beginning, Huang Wu went all out to rush to Li Guo, close up and attack continuously. Li Guo\'s long gun naturally could not give play to any advantage. Unfortunately, the war is like this. One careless and one mistake can often determine a person\'s fate. The experience of killing enemies on the battlefield reminds Li Guo all the time, When dealing with any enemy, we should show the highest vigilance and go all out, otherwise it will be ourselves.

He was defeated day by day. His clothes were pierced in many places by the gun head. Huang Wu\'s martial arts were not low. He successfully avoided Li Guo\'s killing moves every time. Li Guo didn\'t expect that the other party could fight with him for so many rounds, and the battle between them became more and more intense.

The soldiers shouted Li Guo\'s name and cheered for him. Obviously, the people of liumen looked wrong. Originally, they thought that with Huang Wu\'s ability, they would make Li Guo kneel down and beg for mercy within a few rounds, but now it seems that Huang Wu is even in danger of defeat.

Both sides come and go, but people with a clear eye can see that Huang Wu is only struggling to support. Before long, Li Guo\'s long gun will pierce Huang Wu\'s body. Huang Wu is difficult to ride a tiger at this time. What he wants to give to Li Guo has become a pit he has dug for himself.