Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 925

On the dark streets of Lingnan, military soldiers shuttling back and forth in the alley with lanterns can be seen everywhere. Mo Jiao called a small group of soldiers and asked Li Guo\'s whereabouts: "where is your captain Li Guo at this time?"

A soldier was wary of holding a long gun and was ready to fight at any time: "who are you?"

"Mo Jiao of the six gates in Luoyang city is a friend of the captain Li Guo." Mo Jiao said slowly with a smile.

The soldier still looked serious and cold: "sorry, Captain Li Guo is very busy now and has no time to meet his friends. Come back after the things here are handled."

"I have something important to find him." Mo Jiao was a little angry. She didn\'t expect a soldier to talk to herself like this.

At this time, a figure came not far away. Ye Yu appeared in front of the public. Before, because she needed to complete the investigation of Zhang Qiong secretly, she needed to hide her existence, so that she could use Zhang Qiong\'s carelessness to steal the evidence of Zhang Qiong\'s usual evil deeds. Now the evidence has been obtained, and she knows that Zhang Qiong is dead, So there was no need for her to continue to hide. She returned to the ranks of soldiers and continued her work as vice captain.

Not far behind Ye Yu is the west gate of Lingnan city. This is also the place where ye Yu meets Li Luoyang and others. However, Ye Yu didn\'t expect that she was waiting for Mo Jiao and Huang Wen instead of Li Luoyang and Liangshanpo. She didn\'t expect Mo Jiao to appear here at this time.

"Mo Jiao? Why did you come out?" Ye Yu asked with a smile.

The soldier immediately came to Ye Yu: "Captain, the girl said she was a friend of Captain Li Guo and met captain Li Guo."

Ye Yu waved his hand and said with a smile, "you continue to search. I\'ll deal with the things here."

The soldiers continued their work with long guns and watched the soldiers leave. Mo Jiao smiled and took Ye Yu\'s hand: "sister Ye Yu, I have something to do with brother Li. Where is he now?"

"What can I do for you? You can tell me, captain. He\'s very busy now."

"I\'m here to share for brother Li Guo." Mo Jiao winked at Huang Wen. Huang Wen immediately stepped forward and saluted Ye Yu with his fist: "Huang Wen at the six doors of Xialing Nancheng."

Ye Yu frowned and asked, "six doors? Why did you appear? Don\'t you know the imperial court\'s order?" Ye Yu was not welcome to the six doors. Mo Jiao was an exception. According to the imperial court\'s regulations, Lingnan city had specially sent military barracks, and six doors should not intervene in this matter. At this time, they should stay at six doors and wait until the Huarong incident is over, To appear again.

Huang Wen smiled calmly and said, "Zhang Qiong is missing and Hua Rong absconded. There are still many thieves in liangshanbo in Lingnan city. As the organization dealing with the key criminals in Lingnan City, our six doors naturally want to take over the power in Zhang Qiong\'s hand and fight side by side with Captain Li Guo."

Ye Yu immediately understood Huang Wen\'s intention. Liumen was ready to take charge of Zhang Qiong: "we all know the relationship between liumen and the barracks. The imperial court ordered you to stay at liumen just to avoid us being responsible for one thing at the same time. Now you are going to disobey the imperial court\'s order?"

"We always followed orders to stay in the six gates before, but now it\'s different. The official Zhang Qiong has disappeared. If we wait to die, we\'ll be absent without permission. Lingnan city is a imperial court unit at this time. If we don\'t do it again, the imperial court may punish us for not protecting the safety of Lingnan city and not assisting you to complete the Huarong incident together."

Ye Yu snorted softly and said with a smile, "most of the time, you are undoubtedly worried that the responsibility of Lingnan city at that time is in the hands of our barracks? Or are you worried that the credit will be enjoyed by us?"

Huang Wen\'s face remained unchanged and said with his orchid finger cocked in a strange manner: "Vice captain Ye Yu? What you said doesn\'t make sense. We\'re helping you now. You must also know that Liangshanpo sent several experts with great martial arts. If captain Li Guo found them, he would be the opponent of those Liangshanpo thieves? Even with you, can you keep the Liangshanpo people? Your soldiers have experienced the battlefield for a long time, but the strength of the other party is not good Strong is terrible. Our six door experts are like clouds. With our participation, this event can be flattened. Without us, even if you find the people of Liangshanpo, it won\'t help, let alone meritorious service. "

Ye Yu was about to say something when Mo Jiao suddenly put her mouth to Ye Yu\'s ear: "Sister Ye Yu, what he said is right. Although brother Li Guo is not weak, he has you and many loyal soldiers around him, but if you really find them, you have no strength to fight them. Anyway, you have completed the secret task given to you by the imperial court. Why care about the credit for arresting Hua Rong? Leave everything to the people of six doors until they catch Liangshan Thief, brother Li Guo\'s trip to Lingnan can also be completed perfectly. The credit is not as big as your life. "

Mo Jiao was worried that there would be a direct conflict between Li Guo and Ye Yu and the thieves in Liangshan, which would endanger their lives. Therefore, she took the initiative to bring Huang Wen and Li Guo to ask Li Guo to hand over the responsibility to liumen, so as to protect the lives of Li Guo and Ye Yu to the greatest extent.

Ye Yu frowned and looked at Mo Jiao with an iron blue face: "you are still a man of six doors. I didn\'t expect you to help them speak. It seems that the relationship between you six doors is good."

Looking at the killing intention on Ye Yu\'s face, Mo Jiao quickly explained: "Sister Ye Yu, I\'m really worried about you and brother Li Guo. It\'s not because he and I are six doors people that I helped him. This is the end of the matter. You don\'t have to risk your life to find Liangshan thieves alone in Lingnan city. If you don\'t have the help of six doors, you won\'t have the strength to keep them. The final task will fail. With the help of six doors With Huang Wen\'s assistance, the mission can be successful to the greatest extent. In this way, you don\'t have to worry that the imperial court will punish brother Li Guo. "

Ye Yu looks at Mo Jiao helplessly. He knows that they must fail this mission. Their success means the death of Li Luoyang. Listening to Mo Jiao\'s words, Ye Yu realizes that Mo Jiao doesn\'t know that Li Luoyang exists in Liangshanpo camp, so he wants six doors to master the responsibility, so as to complete the task of Huarong incident and protect Li Guo and himself from the punishment of the imperial court. Right Yu Mojiao\'s kindness can only be accepted by Ye Yu.

Ye Yu knew that he could not decide, let alone insist on refusing, which would arouse others\' doubts. Who doesn\'t want to complete the Huarong incident? Disagreeing with the cooperation is obviously a plan for failure. Such a flaw is easy to be caught, so Ye Yu decided to let Li come and deal with the matter. He still took Li Luoyang and others to leave as soon as possible, as long as they left Lingnan City safely, Even six doors won\'t help.