Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 927


Mo Jiao and Huang Wen, who happened to come, stopped Li Guo from fighting Huang Wu. At this time, Huang Wu was very grateful for Huang Wen\'s arrival. If Huang Wen came later, he would lose all his face. Looking at his people coming, Huang Wu grabbed Huang Wen\'s hand: "come on! Our brothers give this guy a lesson!"

Li Guo clenched his long gun and looked at Huang Wen and Huang Wu with a murderous face. Without fear, he held his head high and said with a wild smile, "come on! I will accompany you to the end today."

Huang Wen immediately whispered to Huang Wu, "brother, forget it. Don\'t fight. Let\'s get down to business!"

Huang Wu looked at Huang Wen in surprise. After so many years, Huang Wen refused his request for the first time: "you, what\'s the matter with you?"

Huang Wen pointed to Mo Jiao: "see?"

"Mo Jiao? Mo Yuntian\'s daughter, why is she here?"

Huang Wu, who looked surprised, pulled aside. Huang Wen whispered, "brother, how did you fight with Li Guo?"

"What are you afraid of? This guy just doesn\'t clean up and dares to disobey us. No matter what I say, this guy just doesn\'t return the responsibility to us. Will we still suffer losses in our own territory? I can\'t swallow this tone." there is a land of six doors in Lingnan city. He didn\'t expect a small camp captain to dare to talk to himself like this.

Huang Wen whispered, "brother, do you know who he is? He\'s Zhou Xiangong\'s man. If other generals were to kill him with you today, it wouldn\'t be a problem, but it\'s Zhou Xiangong. Do you really want to start?"

Hearing Huang Wen\'s words, Huang Wu was stunned and asked, "seriously?"

"It\'s true that we can\'t kill this guy. You and I all know Zhou Xiangong\'s position in the imperial court. If we kill his people, he wants people from us, and the imperial court won\'t help us. At that time, there will be a lot of trouble. Not only will our heads fall, but even Lord Chen Sheng can\'t protect himself."

Huang Wu was sweating and said, "Damn it, I didn\'t expect that the imperial court had arranged Zhou Xiangong\'s people to come to Lingnan. How could I think he was Zhou Xiangong\'s? No wonder this guy\'s martial arts are different from my Bozhong. By the way, how could Mo Jiao be in Lingnan?"

"He came to look for someone. Don\'t worry. I\'ve verified it. She didn\'t perform the task given by the imperial court. When she came to Lingnan to look for someone, she happened to meet Huarong and wanted to leave Lingnan city. The gate was blocked again, so she was trapped in the government and didn\'t leave. Mo Jiao came to help us this time."

Huang Wu frowned and stared at Mo Jiao, who was whispering with Li Guo: "she helped us? Do you think it would be good for the weasel to pay New Year\'s greetings to the chicken? How can you believe her? Besides, she just came here to look for people. What can she help us? Help us find the people in Liangshanpo?"

Huang Wen smiled and whispered, "she can help us persuade Li Guo to hand over the person in charge to us."

"What? She can do it?"

"Mo Jiao and Li Guo knew each other before. This time, when Mo Jiao entered Lingnan City, Li Guo was still the guarantee. Mo Jiao and others could only enter Lingnan with weapons, which was enough to make the relationship between them unusual. Anyway, for us, no one suffered a loss, let her try. If not, we have to go back and report to Lord Chen Sheng and let him decide what to do?"

"Do you think this girl can succeed?" Huang Wu\'s general Xin Jiang looked at Mo Jiao suspiciously. It was obviously impossible for him to believe that Mo Jiao was sincere in helping them. However, there were not many choices left for them at this time. Either he believed that Mo Jiao could successfully persuade Li Guo, or he went back to report to Chen Sheng. After all, Li Guo was Zhou Xiangong\'s man, Huang Wen and Huang Wu knew that they had no decision-making power at all, nor did they force Li Guo to hand over the capital of responsibility.

"We met Ye Yu, the vice captain of the barracks soldiers, on our way here before. Mo Jiao also advised Ye Yu. From Mo Jiao\'s words, she really wanted Li Guo to hand over the responsibility to us, which is beyond doubt."

"But what is the reason why she did it?"

"It\'s very simple. Protect Li Guo. Without Zhang Qiong, you\'ll lose half your strength in dealing with Liangshanpo. Without our participation, he can treat falinchong and others alone?"

Huang Wu frowned and stared at Mo Jiao all the time: "isn\'t Li Guo the right person for Mo Jiao?"

"I don\'t know, but Li Guo looks good, has a good figure and looks outstanding. The fight with you just now is also full of masculinity. If you can make friends, it may be useful in the future." Huang Wen said as he looked at Li Guo, his mouth was drooling.

Huang Wu raised his orchid finger and pushed Huang Wen\'s head. Then he whispered, "if Lord Chen Sheng knows you still have this heart, it\'s estimated that you will be abandoned."

"I\'m just trying to get some contacts for Lord Chen Sheng. Forget it. Wait until Mo Jiao finishes talking with him. By the way, brother, leave it to me here. You can take people to other city gates."

"Li Guo hasn\'t handed over the responsibility to us yet. Don\'t I take the team to other city gates to fight him openly?"

"Don\'t interfere with the guard of the city gate first. It\'s enough for you to send someone to watch at the city gate. Don\'t you see that most of the soldiers in the barracks are at the east city gate? If the people in Liangshanpo break out of other doors at this time, we won\'t have any credit."

Huang Wu looked left and right. As Huang Wen said, almost all the soldiers in the barracks and their six doors gathered at the east gate of Lingnan city. At this time, the guards and personnel of the other three doors were the most vulnerable. If the people in Liangshanpo took advantage of this opportunity to rush at them, those soldiers could not stop them at all.

"Well, I\'ll take people to other city gates to monitor. When I find someone in Liangshanpo, I\'ll do it immediately. At that time, regardless of whether Li Guo will hand over the responsibility."

"That\'s natural. It\'s our duty to catch and remove the important criminals of the imperial court. Be careful on the way. Remember, brother, if you really find the figure of the people of Liangshan Park, don\'t act rashly for the time being. You\'re not their opponent. Try to deal with it and send someone to inform me. I\'ll take our people and government soldiers to your city gate immediately."

Huang Wu nodded, then took Huang Wen\'s hand and said seriously, "you lead the team to find in the city and pay attention to safety. You are the most likely person to meet them. Don\'t act rashly and wait for my support."

"Don\'t worry, I know." the two brothers seem to face life and death. No wonder, after all, they both have a gentle daughter heart.

Huang Wu took people to one side. When he left, he didn\'t explain to Li at all. It\'s not necessary. Can he lead the team to the six doors and be stopped? Huang Wen stood alone not far away and looked at Mo Jiao and Li Guo. They were still negotiating. He calmly sat on the ground, cocked his legs and leisurely began to play with his nails.

Every move is as good as a woman.