Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 912

Between the lightning and flint, Zhang Qiong was dead. Without any hesitation, Zhang Yue said to her entourage, "come on!"

Four people with special weapons symbolizing Liangshanpo\'s identity came to Zhang Qiong\'s body and took turns to cut and kill the body, which finally caused obvious and unique typhoid fever on Zhang Qiong\'s body. Looking at the traces on Zhang Qiong\'s body, Zhang Yue raised her mouth slightly and said, "well done, go. Leave here immediately before these soldiers wake up."

A dozen people followed Zhang Yue and immediately got into the alley. According to Zhang Yue\'s plan, as long as the soldiers woke up and saw Zhang Qiong\'s body, they handed the body to the imperial court. From the obvious traces on Zhang Qiong\'s body, they could judge that it was Liangshan\'s hand. However, Zhang Yue didn\'t know from the beginning of his plan, Li Luoyang and Liangshanpo people have been watching the play on the roof of one side.

Looking at Zhang Yue and her people disappearing into the countryside at night, Li Luoyang smiled and said to monk Hua and Li Kui, "it\'s your turn to play, guys."

Monk Hua and Li Kui have been arranged to steal Zhang Qiong\'s body. These two guys are the strongest among them. Li Luoyang naturally handed over this important task to them.

After nodding, monk Hua and Li Kui immediately jumped down from the roof and rushed straight to Zhang Qiong\'s body. They looked down at the body. Monk Hua smiled and said, "these wounds are really like those caused by our weapons." monk Hua is naturally familiar with what scars his crescent halberd will cause on the human body. Looking at the abdominal muscles cut by the crescent halberd, Monk Hua recognized his masterpiece at a glance.

Li Kui grabbed Zhang Qiong\'s body and carried it on his shoulder: "it\'s still Luoyang brothers. I never thought that the wounds created by our weapons could be blamed on me."

Just as they were about to leave, a soldier on the wooden table behind him kneaded his head and sat up slowly. Monk Hua immediately rushed to the soldier. The newly awakened soldier saw only a dark shadow pouncing on him, and then he was unconscious again.

"Let\'s go, it\'s almost time for sweat medicine!" monk Hua took Li Kui to the alley and returned to Li Luoyang with the body. As soon as they came back, Li Luoyang and others found that dozens of soldiers began to wake up. Some were beating their confused and painful heads, and some seemed to be ignorant and could not sit still by shaking their bodies.

After the soldiers slowly woke up, they looked left and right. They were looking for Zhang Yue and Zhang Qiong, but for a long time, there was nothing except a pool of fresh blood on the ground. The soldiers immediately rushed to the government with long guns. Everyone was confused and confused. They didn\'t know what had happened just now and where Zhang Qiong had gone, Where did Zhang Yue go again.

After watching the soldiers leave, Li Luoyang smiled and said to monk Hua and Li Kui: "guys, you immediately take Zhang Qiong\'s body to the lake in Lingnan, bind stones and sink into the water. As long as the body is not found, Li Guo\'s plan can continue. As for the matter between Zhang Yue and the government soldiers, we don\'t have to worry about it."

At this time, Li Luoyang only cares about two things. First, whether Li Guo, who failed this mission, can safely transfer all the responsibility to Zhang Qiong who has "disappeared". As long as he can succeed, the punishment of Li Guo by the imperial court can be minimized. Second, he leaves Lingnan City with Liangshanpo people. As for other things in Lingnan City, he doesn\'t want to participate. For the Yang family, He knew that when he returned to Luoyang City to deal with some matters, he would naturally come back. After all, the Yang family had made it clear that they were loyal to themselves. Li Luoyang would not give up the opportunity to win over his own forces.

Monk Hua and Li Kui immediately ran to the lake with Zhang Qiong\'s body. They knew that all this was to protect Li Guo, and they knew what position Li Guo had in Li Luoyang\'s heart. Therefore, they were not careless about what Li Luoyang told them, and they would deal with it at the first time.

Watching monk Hua and Li Kui leave, Chaijin whispered, "shall we go back now?"

"Well, it\'s almost done. Go back to the blacksmith\'s house." he took the people back to the blacksmith\'s house. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Wu Xinyi sitting at the wooden table with a gloomy face. There was no figure of Li Guo in the house. Li Luoyang originally thought that Li Guo would come back here to wait for them after he returned to the government and handed the letter to his vice captain. When they came back, Li Guo could send them away, But Wu Xinyi, Shi Xiu, Huarong and old fellow Smith with luggage were sitting in the chair on the corner of Bao Zheng.

"Xinyi, didn\'t my brother come?" Li Luoyang looked at Wu Xinyi and asked seriously. He was worried about whether something had happened to Li Guo, which seemed a little worried.

"Brother Li Guo has been here. He came with his vice captain. It was his vice captain who took us away this time, not brother Li Guo."

Li Luoyang frowned and whispered, "is it reliable?"

"Since brother Li Guo can bring her here, do you think it\'s reliable? The vice captain also expressed his attitude. In the future, even if Li Guo betrays the imperial court and the military camp, she will not betray your brother."

Li Luoyang shook his head and whispered, "it\'s still untrustworthy. There\'s no basis for empty words. Besides, why does he support my brother so much? Isn\'t there any conspiracy? How long has he been the vice captain of my brother? He\'s so loyal to my brother?"

Wu Xinyi said reluctantly, "she is a woman, a woman! I like your brother."

Li Luoyang was stunned and opened his mouth: "female, female? Still like my brother? Don\'t make trouble..."

Bao Zheng came to Li Luoyang and said with a smile: "That\'s true. The woman\'s name is Ye Yu. I heard the dialogue between her and Xinyi. She has really made plans to fight side by side with Li Guo. However, Li Guo\'s brother is too naive. She doesn\'t seem to see that Ye Yu has ulterior motives at all. Ye Yu doesn\'t mind. She is willing to stay with Li Guo\'s brother all her life to protect him and help him."

After hearing Bao Zheng\'s words, Lin Chong laughed one after another: "hahaha, Luoyang brothers, your brothers are really enviable. Yuelao seems to like you very much and has arranged so many women to appear in your life."

"Yes, I really envy, envy and hate. Brother Li Guo has Miss Wu Nian and Ye Yu\'s admiration. The Luoyang brothers are even more powerful. There is Miss Xinyi here, the government has a Miss Mo Jiao, and the people sent by Miss Yang to protect the Luoyang brothers just now..." before Li Kui finished, Chaijin immediately helped Li Kui\'s mouth, but it was still late.

Wu Xinyi got up and stood in front of Li Luoyang. The familiar killing intention made Li Luoyang stand up. The corners of Wu Xinyi\'s mouth rose slightly and asked in a low voice, "why? Miss Yang\'s family specially sent someone to protect you? You\'re really lucky."

"No, no, no, you listen to me. I don\'t know that group of people are from the Yang family. The Liangshan brothers can testify to me."

Liangshan people turned their heads to one side. They didn\'t want to fight Wu Xinyi. After all, they knew the exact route of Liangshan Park, so they had to sacrifice Li Luoyang for the time being.